Youtube sucks the biggest balls

The_Impeacher wrote:
If you don't like the rules, don't use the service. Simple.

Break their monopoly wide open and I'd be happy to do so. Free market defences ring hollow for industries that are FAR from the free market ideal. They make sense in a state of perfect or near perfect competition, not in such cases. Network effects mean these sectors will always consolidate.

Also I doubt you believe that rhetoric yourself. Not truly. You're only happy with it as long as it serves your agenda, and will likely forget all about such reasoning when they do something you don't like.

Remember that all anti-discrimination laws are also interferences on the sovereignty of private companies. As are employment rules and labor laws. Companies can't even choose their customers anymore, thanks to the very same people who support corporate censorship in the name of "free" enterprise rights. And much much else besides. The people who're cheering this censorship only care about private business freedom when it serves agendas they identify with.
Last edited by Exile009 on Nov 22, 2021, 11:50:16 PM
Are you discriminated against somehow?
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Nov 23, 2021, 1:15:10 AM
You have a real gift for saying something while actually saying nothing. No real engagement, just repetitive disagreement along with a liberal use of distraction

But I get it - you're not really here to argue, which explains your brief replies. You're just here to state your position and then keep stating it over and over rather than making the case for it. That's also why you toss out baseless accusations, like your pretense that what's being suppressed is only 'conspiracy theories'. None of it is in good faith. It was never meant to be.

You just want to make it clear that you like/dislike something and don't feel the need to justify that - but do feel the need to keep stating it since some people, like me, actually try to engage with you on it. So be it, my mistake.

The majority of people in this thread dislike what YT is doing. You don't. At least in this thread you're outnumbered. Since intellectual engagement is fruitless, the iron fist of majority rule shall dictate that we are right.

YT's practices suck, and you can continue to be the disingenuous conscientious objector that you seem to revel in being. This isn't how discussions ought to be, but if you insist on treating them as you do, then that's all that's left.

Last edited by Exile009 on Nov 23, 2021, 10:03:03 PM
The iron fist of several people?
According to Exile009, disinformation propagandists are allowed to bombard civilized society with dangerous lies, but no one should have a right to be protected from the lies? What about young, impressionable people? No protection? What about if those dangerous lies inspire people to sicken, hurt or kill others? Then what?

The bottom line: There is a MASSIVE operation afoot to blur lines and remove reality. To remove right and wrong all together. Still okay?

No. Not on my watch.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Last edited by The_Impeacher on Nov 24, 2021, 3:33:03 PM
It is not even about blurring, disinformation straight up creates a separate reality. Suppose you don't know me but you hear from the group you associate with that I am a dangerous person who loves hurting a subset of people you are part of or you care about (usually children). You don't bother checking whether this is true. Instead, the image that I am a monster stays with you. Eventually, you might want to take action either because you believe I'd be a threat to you or because you feel righteous. Now apply this to a whole group of people. This might be disinformation at its most extreme but it is also a very real threat.

What is also dangerous is working under the assumption that we all have the necessary levels of functional literacy, digital skills, emotional intelligence, etc. needed to protect ourselves from propaganda and misinformation spread online. We don't. We need this propaganda and misinformation controlled and reduced.
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Nov 24, 2021, 4:14:41 PM
All 100% accurate.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
The_Impeacher wrote:
According to Exile009, disinformation propagandists are allowed to bombard civilized society with dangerous lies, but no one should have a right to be protected from the lies? What about young, impressionable people? No protection? What about if those dangerous lies inspire people to sicken, hurt or kill others? Then what?

The bottom line: There is a MASSIVE operation afoot to blur lines and remove reality. To remove right and wrong all together. Still okay?

No. Not on my watch.

LMAO! According to you linking to a GGG post about the new Project mtxes is disinformation propaganda. L-O-L! xD

This is why I said you're no different from those conspiracy theorists.

Lol "Not on my watch". XDDD There's no great heroic battle you're fighting here bruh, as much as you seem to want to believe that.

You aren't saving the "young, impressionable people" of "civilized society" (talk about condescending!) dude, you're just pissing off ordinary people. This is sounding like a take straight out of Don Quixote...
Last edited by Exile009 on Nov 25, 2021, 3:23:02 PM
Johny_Snow wrote:
It is not even about blurring, disinformation straight up creates a separate reality.

Ironically the biggest separate reality in this thread are from you guys, who seem to want to imagine it being about some titanic struggle between good and evil, being waged on your behalf by a giant corporation lol! Yeah, those Project mtxes were a real threat to world peace lmao.

Johny_Snow wrote:
You don't bother checking whether this is true. Instead, the image that I am a monster stays with you.

Perfect encapsulation of precisely what you both are doing here.

Johny_Snow wrote:
What is also dangerous is working under the assumption that we all have the necessary levels of functional literacy, digital skills, emotional intelligence, etc. needed to protect ourselves from propaganda and misinformation spread online. We don't. We need this propaganda and misinformation controlled and reduced.

What's hilarious, but also sad, about this is how you don't even realize how elitist and condescending you're being. You're literally infantilizing billions of people, children and adults both, in favor of thinking you know better. Not to mention granting a megacorporation your full trust and allegiance.
Last edited by Exile009 on Nov 25, 2021, 3:19:59 PM
Ironically the biggest separate reality in this thread are from you guys, who seem to want to imagine it being about some titanic struggle between good and evil, being waged on your behalf by a giant corporation lol! Yeah, those Project mtxes were a real threat to world peace lmao.

Apparently, you are unaware of how much misinformation is being spread through social networks and media like YouTube. If you are not aware of the problem why are you trying to pretend you understand it?

What's hilarious, but also sad, about this is how you don't even realize how elitist and condescending you're being. You're literally infantilizing billions of people, children and adults both, in favor of thinking you know better. Not to mention granting a megacorporation your full trust and allegiance.

The truth is not something you choose to believe in. The truth are the facts. I don't consider myself condescending in saying that millions of people do not have the necessary skills to sift through information online and find the facts. This conclusion comes from numerous researches done by people smarter than me. You are not disagreeing with me, you are disagreeing with every single one of them.

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