Game Balance in Path of Exile: Ultimatum

SuperDrop wrote:
finished reading this.

im in 3 months on deli frac mapping and i love it. i got myself new pc bcs of that. but reading those maps gets whacked hard and we need to create those maps one by one and just fracture fossil them just once and they get so called randomly rolled and eventualy bricked if so so reflect or other hard mod comes up.
i get it. sextants. in what cost =?

i would rather accept lowered quant and rarity and more optainable fractured fossil.

but this that makes me really sad.

Buying a new pc just to farm deli-frac maps just tell us how godly broke it is as a mechanic KEKW
I'm so happy they're killing profits for these spammers who were drowning in mirrors past several leagues because they were exploiting how splitting items and using fractured fossils works.

Good job GGG, keep these 0.1% market controllers out of this game!
[b][u]Zana[/u][/b]: Still sane, Exile?
[b][u]Exile[/u][/b]: Ye.
[b][u]Zana[/u][/b]: Hold my Flask.
Bad Seed
UKlimanco wrote:
it is evident that people do not know what POG means, when a company only makes Nerfs in its patches it shows how badly it manages its development stages, this is a shit of balance, goodbye harvest, deep delve, fracture maps, someone In this company expect that the players spend 3 months running red maps and killing the same bosses that we have already killed 2000 times, SAD!

from manifesto
"(as you are not your own Enemy). "

Pretty sure I am after six years of play and having never killed Shaper.
I stumble into one-shots like a lemming in a Cage Fight.
Cry more exploiting spammers, let me drink your tears! :3
[b][u]Zana[/u][/b]: Still sane, Exile?
[b][u]Exile[/u][/b]: Ye.
[b][u]Zana[/u][/b]: Hold my Flask.
I love every change, zero complaints.

As for the one's raging....few things...

1) You have no idea what values were changed and by how much. Even if it's a 10% nerf to a skill gems like on carrion golems, it's still fine. Summoners are still good.

2) You also have no idea how big or small the reworks are other then general announcements made. So Endgame grinding can flip to be great at other activities.

3) If you are claiming they aren't in touch, all of these changes were justified by how powerful each of these were. I even knew within a couple of weeks harvest was going to get hit and get hit hard. When I spent 80% of my league play time CRACKED OUT on harvest, it's too good, too easy, too accessible with ZERO RISK and other activities were too poor, which is why the rework is hitting. You weren't spending currency for these harvest crafts, you only kill a couple of monsters for FREE stuff with a 10% chance in haewark and what 11% in proxima for a harvest. Harvest is still going to be powerful you just haven't seen it yet unless they nerfed/removed more things, but it's definitely not dead as of now and be a reliable way to still make some pretty good gear. Deterministic crafts for influence cant be done but doesn't mean you can't do it with other methods. Or craft powerful gear deterministically (aka non influenced or....Synthesized Gear which to my knowledge isn't an influence.)

Also with harvest as far I know, you could still awakener orb double suffix or prefix influence modifiers and hope to miss the 3rd filler slot and just block craft the 3rd spot, then roll suffix or prefix while retaining the other to get some strong rolls. There are plenty of opportunities out there.

So I encourage everyone to just wait until patch notes, plan on what you think will be viable, and have a goal on how to achieve it. Stop saying the sky is falling when it's clearly not. Pick a skill (even if it's nerfed) and figure out the best way you think you can scale it, if you struggle, research it abit. I was extremely profitable without fracture mapping or deep delving. (over 1500-2000 exalts worth of gear + flat currency) Which is more then enough for whatever I want by about 6x. I know I'll be fine this league. If you want to leave cause you can't adjust....well....that's on you. I enjoy and love a good challenge/change. The only thing is performance and as long as any new details/graphical changes doesnt impede my performance, I'm happy. Which Ritual had quite a few for the first few weeks.
Last edited by xRev703 on Apr 12, 2021, 7:21:44 PM
Ravyx wrote:
UKlimanco wrote:
it is evident that people do not know what POG means, when a company only makes Nerfs in its patches it shows how badly it manages its development stages, this is a shit of balance, goodbye harvest, deep delve, fracture maps, someone In this company expect that the players spend 3 months running red maps and killing the same bosses that we have already killed 2000 times, SAD!



And please add that you can only mirror an item once.
Last edited by IamtheAxeMan on Apr 12, 2021, 7:20:28 PM
In regards to the bonus master missions atlas bonus, I was very surprised by this. I normally play very reserved with master missions because I'm dumb. I'll save them for a better, more juiced map, I say in my head, and then I would just keep saving them, not using them much.

Last league I ran masters on nearly every map. I understand you maybe don't want this most likely, but having so many really pushed me to use them instead of saving them like megalixirs from Final Fantasy and then never actually using them.
So you are saying I need to shoot a second puncture arrow? #MechanicalGod

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