Shockwave Totem

That's the only damage-granting aura that will work, anyway... Haste and the defensive auras should work on it.
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UristMcDwarfy wrote:
That's the only damage-granting aura that will work, anyway... Haste and the defensive auras should work on it.
the regen, armor, es, and eva auras didn't work on totem. didn't test haste but if so, then my shockwave build has gotten that much more spark of hope in its current state.
Possible bug, maye have been posted before.

I know there is 50% Damage Effectiveness, but the damage displayed on the character sheet is the same as the one on the skill bar popup right?

If you pair the totem with an Iron Will support gem, then the character sheet Offense tab, and the skill bar popup display different Spell Physical Damage values.
The totem effectiveness is afftected by wat; spell damage and casting?
So, if I use faster casting and Iron Will, it will deal more damage?
Plus, it is usable at merciless-maps, or it just gets 1shotted before dealing any damage whatsoever?
kadrek91 wrote:
The totem effectiveness is afftected by wat; spell damage and casting?
So, if I use faster casting and Iron Will, it will deal more damage?
Plus, it is usable at merciless-maps, or it just gets 1shotted before dealing any damage whatsoever?
totems have half your hp, so judge based off that. also note that all totems have a brief startup and can take damage between cast and attack start.
soul4hdwn wrote:
totems have half your hp
This is not true. Each totem has it's own stats, based on the gem which created it and that gem's level.
DeF46 wrote:
Possible bug, maye have been posted before.

I know there is 50% Damage Effectiveness, but the damage displayed on the character sheet is the same as the one on the skill bar popup right?

If you pair the totem with an Iron Will support gem, then the character sheet Offense tab, and the skill bar popup display different Spell Physical Damage values.
The character panel is incorrect - Shockwave totem does not deal spell damage, and thus does not actually get the benefit of Iron Will. The character panel can't currently handle that.
How come hatred works on this and not anger or wrath?

As for uses, the only use I see for this is perpetually knocking stuff back to benefit puncture.
Because anger and wrath specifically only ever add damage to attacks. Hatred works with anything that deals physical damage.
So that makes shockwave:
- not a spell
- not an attack

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