Righteous Fire

For people who enjoyed pure righteous fire builds, I wish they would allow us to use righteous fire with chaos inoculation now that the burn accounts for energy shield as well. There's no possibility for pain attunement synergy that way like low-life, and that would make the required regen relatively attainable with a 70% burn rate instead of 90%.

It seems like that would be pretty balanced for other reasons as well. To start with, it's a bit of a trek from CI to zealot's oath and elemental adaptation. Similarly, the life regen nodes you'll want to accumulate aren't close to most of the ES nodes excluding Body and Soul. Finally, using Rise of the Phoenix would be a significant downside from the loss of potential ES from a shield, and if you used Shavronne's Revelation, you'd have pretty much no means of mana regeneration besides mana leech or potions with no real alternative to mana like blood magic. All in all, it strikes a good balance to me, but there is one area that may need a closer look (cast when stunned).

Anyway, I'd love to see that change made, and I'm hoping someone from GGG might at least say whether it's a possibility now that RF burns ES as well!
Last edited by Geriatrics on Oct 29, 2013, 12:10:05 PM
Geriatrics wrote:
For people who enjoyed pure righteous fire builds, I wish they would allow us to use righteous fire with chaos inoculation now that the burn accounts for energy shield as well. There's no possibility for pain attunement synergy that way like low-life, and that would make the required regen relatively attainable with a 70% burn rate instead of 90%.

It seems like that would be pretty balanced for other reasons as well. To start with, it's a bit of a trek from CI to zealot's oath and elemental adaptation. Similarly, the life regen nodes you'll want to accumulate aren't close to most of the ES nodes excluding Body and Soul. Finally, using Rise of the Phoenix would be a significant downside from the loss of potential ES from a shield, and if you used Shavronne's Revelation, you'd have pretty much no means of mana regeneration besides mana leech or potions with no real alternative to mana like blood magic. All in all, it strikes a good balance to me, but there is one area that may need a closer look (cast when stunned).

Anyway, I'd love to see that change made, and I'm hoping someone from GGG might at least say whether it's a possibility now that RF burns ES as well!

I hope not, it would pidgeonhole you to go CI for Righteous Fire. Since it already favors low life/ES builds (only 70% damage from ES compared to the 90% you get from Life). They should simply buff it or stuff that counteracts RF so you can hold it up easier.

On another note, I really think RF should be deactivateable. It's really annoying to "let it run out" over and over again, since it can be quite timeconsuming to run away from combat and then wait and then run back...
Frozen_Beans wrote:

On another note, I really think RF should be deactivateable. It's really annoying to "let it run out" over and over again, since it can be quite timeconsuming to run away from combat and then wait and then run back...

Well you can use a flask with "dispells Burning" to deactivate it ;)
I do like what JIIX suggested for righteous fire. Compare righteous fire with the pain attunement passive, both give boost to spell damage but pain attunement is much easier to maintain without all the negative shortcomings of righteous fire.
What do amplify and blast radius do to RF? do they increase the self burn as well ore only the offensive part? thx in advance.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Currently, they affect only the AoE. Increased Damage does not apply to Damage over Time.
Thx vipermagi :D, another question will EE -resis function on the degen? like frost/shock and then flamability?

And how about mind over matter? does it absorb damage ore not?
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Last edited by Boem on Nov 1, 2013, 11:20:55 PM
Both Elemental Equilibrium and Mind over Matter only work on Hits, ie. flat damage. Damage over Time does not trigger their effects.

RF does benefit from Resistance penalties caused by EE (and Flammability), though.
You rock viper, thx a bunch! :)
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
If they decide to literally destroy RF builds like that they should at least go all the way.

Its obvious that GGG wants the skill to be used as a short burst that you deactivate quickly but then they have to at least make it goddamn instant and remove that retarded casting animation because those 0.5 seconds literally make it impossible to properly build around it.

By the time I have activated RF the pack already is at 30%, let alone that standing around activating a buff isnt the safest thing to do.
Last edited by nynyny on Nov 2, 2013, 5:37:02 PM

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