Righteous Fire

Vipermagi wrote:
Both Elemental Equilibrium and Mind over Matter only work on Hits, ie. flat damage. Damage over Time does not trigger their effects.

RF does benefit from Resistance penalties caused by EE (and Flammability), though.

Does "increased burning damage" support affect the damage you and monsters take? anything else I can do to increase the damage other than more HP/ES?

also just to confirm this burning damage is ocmpatible with ignite/burn from regular fire crits.
Asmosis wrote:
Vipermagi wrote:
Both Elemental Equilibrium and Mind over Matter only work on Hits, ie. flat damage. Damage over Time does not trigger their effects.

RF does benefit from Resistance penalties caused by EE (and Flammability), though.

Does "increased burning damage" support affect the damage you and monsters take? anything else I can do to increase the damage other than more HP/ES?

also just to confirm this burning damage is ocmpatible with ignite/burn from regular fire crits.
increased burning damage affects both self burn(s) and foe burn(s). this skill's burning is separate from ignite based burning, it also stacks with fire trap and searing bond.
Some questions:

Does RF work both with life and ES now? i.e it burns Life+ES together or life is burned only after ES is consumed? How the damage over time to enemies is calculated, it is half the sum of life+ES? What happen when my ES reach 0?

Roma timezone (Italy)
Last edited by HellGauss on Nov 6, 2013, 3:31:33 AM
Pretty sure they knew they would catch a ton of hate from the update, and they had to have tested it before releasing it in the patch. So, for them to even talk on the forums here would kinda be useless...

A patch this heavy to the skill means that they found ways to exploit it, but didn't want to remove it like other skills they've removed in the past like Phase Run. Not sure why the gem is still accessible since nobody will even use it anymore.

They got what they wanted...complaints and absence of use.
HellGauss wrote:
Some questions:

Does RF work both with life and ES now? i.e it burns Life+ES together or life is burned only after ES is consumed? How the damage over time to enemies is calculated, it is half the sum of life+ES? What happen when my ES reach 0?

you still still take damage from es before life, taking from life when es is gone. foes take damage based on half of es AND half of hp.
Stacking all aura effect + buff effectiveness passives and using Alpha Howl (+2 auras) with Empower (+2 all gems) - Purity(22-24 = 3%) - Vitality (24 = 1.85%) results in what I'm calculating out to be +5.82% maximum resistance / 3.589% per second for yourself if they stack additively. If multiplicative (aura is boosted by 70% first, then that is boosted by 24%), then it becomes 6.3% maximum resistance / 3.899% health per second. Since the former is the worse case, that's what I'll use.

Even if the resistance were rounded down, that would result in being able to maintain 100% fire resistance with: Rise of the Phoenix,(+8%) Elemental Adaptation (+2%), and Ruby Flask (+10%). When the flask is down, it's only 90-90.82% maximum.

Obviously, negating 100% of fire damage means any regen will be healing, and 90% resistance results in taking 9% of maximum health + 7% of maximum ES per second. With the fully boosted Vitality and absolutely no ES, one can negate this skill at all times with about 5.5% health generated per second. This can be nearly achieved with just the templar(+1)/marauder(1.9)/scion(2.2) passives, and they're all relatively near each other for an aura-boosting build, and using items to cover the rest/actually regen at all times is still quite possible since this would only require two slots.

This skill build also maximizes the more spell damage effect from Righteous Fire, though it currently would suffer from lacking survivability nodes without investing more than 80 or so.

Perhaps EB or something could be used to guarantee one takes minimal damage, but that's somewhat out of the way.

Alternatively, does anyone know if the early Witch passives known as Flask Effect increase the maximum fire resistance effect of Ruby Flasks? It may be possible to circumvent the damage indefinitely with enough buff duration and Flask Effect in conjunction with more than one Ruby and the right kind of flask mods + belt. It would add an extra 3% to maximum fire, meaning one doesn't need the Purity aura at full strength; 2% max would reach the desired 100% fire resistance while the flask is up.

The build I'm thinking of would be something akin to this:http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgAABS0MfQ48EH8RlhcvGYUZihpVGmwajxzcJKoksCcLJ9Uo-i2oL281kjboNuk6UkCgQYdCo0ZxSshYr2BLYSFko2h0bqpvnnC7dO14DXrvf8aApILHguSDCYTvhtGI8YqvkBGTJ5Sgm7Wdrp65pwipbqxZsZC0DLXytz631riTwzrEWMaeykrYTdkT2mLbWeGI42rnY-vu9tr56PrS-wn-Cg==.

It grants maximum effect on auras and has a couple health boosts, and regens 4.5% of life per second before Vitality is included, meaning the following would be in play while Righteous Fire is up and Ruby Flasks are down:
-No health regen
-1% of maximum health +7% of total energy shield lost per second

Edit: I may be wrong with the increased buffs effect since I cannot test at this time. If such is the case, the actual values of the base regen and max resist boosts are 3.145% and 5.1%, respectively. Still capable of reaching 100% fire resistance with the build and a ruby flask, but it would require another +0.4% health regen per second to negate the burn at all times.
Last edited by Clock_Keeper on Nov 7, 2013, 5:31:06 PM
Clock_Keeper wrote:
nice math

the "increased buff effect on self" passives apply to RF itself, not just auras or other buffs (blood rage, molten shell, arctic armor). so for the self damage taken math is now (simplified to) 0.9 and-or .7 * resistance * buff effect - regen.

based on your example passive tree (i hope you're going for an hp based RF btw), you'll actually have 6% max res from purity [3 * (1+ .78 +.24)] = 6.06 unless multiplicative (then it'll be 6.6 ish rounded up). 75 +passive +shield +purity =91 or 92 res, vitality is 3.737 or 4.08 (rounded down). even a 70% +24% is enough to have a 6% though due to rounding.

the "increased flask effect" does work on all flasks, it isn't specific and thus applies to the ruby flasks and life flasks or mp flasks equality. that would be 10 *1.3 = 13% res for X seconds. kinda not important unless not using the phoenix shield for some reason or another.

i will assume 70% aura effect, 24% buff effect, a lv 22 vitality (i rather not rely on empower), maxed possible res (shield, passive, and aura), and 6.1 regen from tree.
.9 *1.24 *.09 =0.10044 -> 10.044% -3.395 -6.1 = 0.549% hp/sec damage still present
this is 3 minutes worth of burning buff (100/ .549 =182.15 rounded up).

if you wanted to es, you'd have to both avoid the "buff effect" groups and hp increases. and even then, you'd be pretty much in pain. you'd also have to figure out if your es really will be far more than hp if you want to use ZO or not, likely will but isn't always the case.
.9 *.1 =.09 -> 9% hp/sec for hp portion + 7% for the es portion. 16% -(1.75 *1.7) -8 = 10.975% effective hp/sec damage.
now a ruby flask is required.
please note that this version of math was simplified and requires using actual energy shield values to "perfect" or even clean up the actual result. for example without ZO, ES will drain at full speed of 16%/sec before you can even gain benefit of your regen towards counting how long things last.

i want to try using another shield at that obviously painful risk of -8% max res... but i'd be shooting myself in the foot as it's have some es on it ontop of the less res... while trying to max block. randomness extra comment :D
I've noticed a few grievous errors with my previous build and assumed values. It turns out the increased buff effect from Inner Force applies to only "buffs" which is apparently considered only effects with a green border. I do not believe auras have a green border, but I can be wrong. If they do not, then this staff post from two days ago is a sign that inner fire and other buff-boosts do not contribute at all to the total if auras do not have a green border. I'm certain it doesn't affect flask buffs since the quoted GGG post states as much.

I additionally forgot about the aura passives' sum total being 78% compared to 70% (that scion boost keeps mixing me up), thus my numbers were slightly off.

the "increased flask effect" does work on all flasks, it isn't specific and thus applies to the ruby flasks and life flasks or mp flasks equality. that would be 10 *1.3 = 13% res for X seconds. kinda not important unless not using the phoenix shield for some reason or another.

That extra 3% from Increased Flask Effect would provide the same maximum resistance boost as the 70% aura boost one is committing to for Purity to get raised by 3%. I suspect it may open a ton of points if one didn't have to worry about getting auras.

I'll run some numbers and try to find the minimum aura boosts to achieve 5% max fire resist, then post a flask-based method in conjunction with a aura-based one. I'm of the belief that only health-based characters will be able to really use this effectively. Maybe ZO can work with more uniques, but eh.
Clock_Keeper wrote:

Alternatively, does anyone know if the early Witch passives known as Flask Effect increase the maximum fire resistance effect of Ruby Flasks?

ssebastiann wrote:
Clock_Keeper wrote:

Alternatively, does anyone know if the early Witch passives known as Flask Effect increase the maximum fire resistance effect of Ruby Flasks?

that was already answered as a yes...

anyways, yeah you'd need a lot of es regen to maintain RF as an es... a lot. there is a ring that adds 4% es regen and thats nice amount but due to how rf works atm, its a bit just of a condolence.
edit: i dont' want to use ruby flasks if i can't really boost duration of them comfortably enough. i don't remember anyone showing me a "sipping" flask mod on an elemental flask.
Last edited by soul4hdwn on Nov 7, 2013, 6:37:52 PM

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