Righteous Fire

Damage is always calculated when a hit is made. If you don't have RF active when a Hit lands, you don't benefit. I can't imagine TS working any different from other skills in that regard.

(Power Charge on Crit is a per-activation kinda thing; damage increases are not)
Last edited by Vipermagi on Jun 12, 2013, 12:25:34 PM
Hi everyone, this is my first intervention on this topic.

I'm playing an High Life Righteous Fire marauder build focused on High Life, life regeneration and elemental resistances.
Needless to say that the last patch made this builde extremly difficult to play and not really rewarding. I understand the nerf made (mostly because of the low life righteous fire build with Shav) but it make me sad to see a perfectly blanced and fun build been hard nerf to the core (life, regen and resist).

Since then I tried to figurate at a way to make the AOE damage of this skill useable again. Right now this part of the skill is pretty useless and not use by anyone.

The obvious way to make the AOE damage usuable again would be to decrease the life degen caused by it so you could counter it with resist and life regen.
But it seems obvious that the Dev don't want that skill to be used 100% of the time (even if right now the low life build are still able to do it wich is kinda unfair imo).

So I thought, why not allow this part of the skill to interact with more support gems ? Right now, the only support gem that I know who work with RF are Increase AOE, Concentrate damage (who just reduce the aoe without increasing the damage) and faster casting. The only usefull one beeing increase AOE.

The damage of the aoe part of RF have been greatly decreased with the life nod nerf so I think it's not too op to make support gem like increase burning damage, fire penetration, concentrated effect of iron will to interact with it. Allowing Life leech would allow a player to survive the degen during the melee while still beeing vulnerable to any kind of massive hit from monsters or degen damages and curses. And once the pack is dead you will have to turn RF off because of the degen.

That would make this part of the skill way more interesting and it could be combine with other build as a side aoe dps or a main one if you focus on it.

This skill is very fun to play and the risk/reward part is very well thought but right now the cool aspect of it (AOE damage) is underbalance and it wouldn't take that much to make it usefull again.

Tell me what you think about my idea.
its kinda funny that they make high life RF build useless, while GGG try to make people use this build with build of the week 11, but its not popular because of its difficulty and not that good compared to other build, and now they make it useless? why??? just because its unpopular and they need to nerf low life RF shav build? thats really a strange way of balancing since this build was build of the week 11 (me personally inspired to play high RF build by seeing build of the week 11)
Hey Guys,
i also wonder why they changed so many things in the 0.11 patch, but RF.
It was a pretty difficulty gem before and now it's just useless imo.
Maybe they could nerf the "more spell dmg" but increase the dmg, or decrease the crazy high costs.
It's complete needless atm, so i really hope they will fix it soon.

(btw increased burning dmg is working but it's also effecting the dmg u get)

Probably lowering the costs would be a good first step, u can then support it with burning dmg notes and gems and you could still survive.
Last edited by Chibat on Jun 18, 2013, 6:57:55 PM
Low Life RF build weren't affected at all (or very little), I still see people using those all the time while doing map. I ;ust be the last one who still try to keep using the High Life build.
Has anyone who is playing high life RF ever considered using tempest shield with high block chance iron will gem and life leech? would make it pretty interesting, i wanted to make the build but i think it will take too long to get off the ground.
vadimg wrote:
Has anyone who is playing high life RF ever considered using tempest shield with high block chance iron will gem and life leech? would make it pretty interesting, i wanted to make the build but i think it will take too long to get off the ground.
yes, i had that planned for one of the skilled used. i switched to es based rf version though but then i gotten busy with real life and smaller more generalized builds.
Hey guys. I had a question about RF, which I am running in a low life build.

I recently did a small respec where I dropped a few things, including a 6% life node and a 7% reduced mana cost of skills passive, in order to pick up vaal pact.

However, I noticed that AFTER the respec I was losing life a lot more quickly with EITHER RF and/or Blood Rage on (and obviously a lot more quickly with both on).

None of my resists (incl chaos) changed before/after the respec (all ele resists capped at 81% and chaos at +10%).

Was this because I dropped the 6% life node, and/or because I dropped the RMC node - or some other reason I can't fathom at all? I wasn't sure if somehow the 7% RMC node affected the life/ES decay from RF or Blood Rage...?


don't see how that could happen, unless you had passive life regen before taking vaal pact?

otherwise posting your build/gear might give us a clue as to what the problem could be
IGN: FoughtBledAndWeptForGod, WoE_HitoZ

stream: http://www.twitch.tv/hitokirizoro
Pivovar wrote:
don't see how that could happen, unless you had passive life regen before taking vaal pact?

otherwise posting your build/gear might give us a clue as to what the problem could be

Oh, I think I've realised the problem - I guess Vaal Pact eliminates ALL life regen, including any from passives or vitality - right?


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