Righteous Fire

The aoe increase visible.

And increased burn dmg does higher dmg out and input ;)
IGN: Toxic_Artillery

Obey the Orb:
Looks like one of the new sheilds adds +5% max resists, if anyone wants to take a shot at it.
realy? this would be awesome!
IGN: Toxic_Artillery

Obey the Orb:
I'm curious to know the Intelligence requirement of this gem at higher levels.
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im trying to build a Templar RF and i can say some things about it:

- Cant use this until reach lvl 30 (or more) depending of your life regen and %fire res;

- You have to plan a lvling build until lvl 30+. I'm using a molten shell/tempest shield build since MS have a huge damage and take advantage of my +life skill tree.

bombtrap wrote:
im trying to build a Templar RF and i can say some things about it:

- Cant use this until reach lvl 30 (or more) depending of your life regen and %fire res;

- You have to plan a lvling build until lvl 30+. I'm using a molten shell/tempest shield build since MS have a huge damage and take advantage of my +life skill tree.

i can agree on the painful time it took to get to the +6% max res, and i want to restart my templar righteous fire character because of it. but i'd have to disagree on not able to use it till lv 30. use a rejuv totem for stasis then a pot for panicing. firestorm or molten shield otherwise (or together) like you sorta said.
just to add another tip, i think that Iron Will is a must for this build bcause it transfer pshycal bonus to spel dmg and most part of the path trough +%life/life regen gives +10 Strengh and you end up with STR and INT paired.

rejuvenation totem and vitality should be considered as a must have skills.
IGN: Toxic_Artillery

Obey the Orb:

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