One year of COVID, a reflection.

Chadwixx wrote:
Kellog wrote:
There are some really really stupid people in this thread. All these moronic anti-vaxers that get their 'facts' from Facebook make me worried for the world. Thank god these idiots weren't alive when the Polio or smallpox vaccines were being developed.

These nutjobs are in the same category as those who believe the world is run by lizards and that JFK is going to return from the dead to campaign with Trump for 2024. They're just more dangerous.

Stupid, irresponsible, uncaring and inconsiderate.

Ireland has 99.5% vaccinated yet they are the leaders in cases in the world.

Vermont is the #1 % in the USA, yet they have the highest %.

How do you explain that? I dont think you realize how uneducated you sound on the topic.

Polio and smallpox are actual vaccines, aka you take them and cannot get them.

How do you define the covid vacc as a vaccine when it doesnt prevent infection or the spread of it??

You accuse people of talking points when thats all your topic is (reinforced with fear mongering)

Ok bro this is a beyond ridiculous post, both uneducated, and so grossly untrue I don't know what to even say. You could have checked this before embarrassing yourself at a minimum, and spreading potential harmful info at worst.

I don't know what the fuck "actual vaccine" means. The absolute best you can get is around 95% efficacy for Smallpox, and after 3 rounds of vaccinations for Polio you can get somewhere around 99% depending on type of vaccine. The reason people think there is total immunity is because there are virtually no cases to catch. This is called herd immunity, which is separate from vaccination, but is related in terms of disease spread.

Ireland is around 75%. C'mon.

Vermont is indeed number one in the US. At a rate of 71.66%, but keep in mind this is one of the smallest states in the entire country. That 71.66% represents around 450,000 people. Just for some perspective, New York City is just shy of 9 MILLION PEOPLE by itself. Not even close to highest COVID rate.

Vaccination percentage:

COVID Cases per capita:

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on Nov 8, 2021, 5:30:59 PM
Chadwixx wrote:
Kellog wrote:
There are some really really stupid people in this thread. All these moronic anti-vaxers that get their 'facts' from Facebook make me worried for the world. Thank god these idiots weren't alive when the Polio or smallpox vaccines were being developed.

These nutjobs are in the same category as those who believe the world is run by lizards and that JFK is going to return from the dead to campaign with Trump for 2024. They're just more dangerous.

Stupid, irresponsible, uncaring and inconsiderate.

Ireland has 99.5% vaccinated yet they are the leaders in cases in the world.

Vermont is the #1 % in the USA, yet they have the highest %.

How do you explain that? I dont think you realize how uneducated you sound on the topic.

Polio and smallpox are actual vaccines, aka you take them and cannot get them.

How do you define the covid vacc as a vaccine when it doesnt prevent infection or the spread of it??

You accuse people of talking points when thats all your topic is (reinforced with fear mongering)

I don't think you understand what a vaccine is. I also don't believe you have any idea about why the two locations you've mentioned are seeing spikes.

Kellog wrote:
Chadwixx wrote:
Kellog wrote:
There are some really really stupid people in this thread. All these moronic anti-vaxers that get their 'facts' from Facebook make me worried for the world. Thank god these idiots weren't alive when the Polio or smallpox vaccines were being developed.

These nutjobs are in the same category as those who believe the world is run by lizards and that JFK is going to return from the dead to campaign with Trump for 2024. They're just more dangerous.

Stupid, irresponsible, uncaring and inconsiderate.

Ireland has 99.5% vaccinated yet they are the leaders in cases in the world.

Vermont is the #1 % in the USA, yet they have the highest %.

How do you explain that? I dont think you realize how uneducated you sound on the topic.

Polio and smallpox are actual vaccines, aka you take them and cannot get them.

How do you define the covid vacc as a vaccine when it doesnt prevent infection or the spread of it??

You accuse people of talking points when thats all your topic is (reinforced with fear mongering)

I don't think you understand what a vaccine is. I also don't believe you have any idea about why the two locations you've mentioned are seeing spikes.

"OK bro" followed with a CDC link = lmao

"I don't think you understand what a vaccine is. I also don't believe you have any idea about why the two locations you've mentioned are seeing spikes."

Please explain why they are spiking.

You two both start a lot of statements with "I dont think".

Meanwhile Florida is the number 1 state in the USA, we went against what the "experts" said and look what happened.

Everything you have been told is now false

Last edited by Chadwixx on Nov 8, 2021, 6:19:48 PM
Chadwixx wrote:

Everything you have been told is now false

Exactly what I refereed to in my earlier post about loons getting their 'facts' from Crazy Karen's` Facebook page.

BTW, there are some clues in the link you posted, maybe try understanding the real science.
haha damn one year later and some people still don't understand what the Covid-19 vaccines are. Its good though. More anti-vaxxers = less anti-vaxxers in the long run
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Nov 8, 2021, 6:36:02 PM
Johny_Snow wrote:
haha damn one year later and some people still don't understand what the Covid-19 vaccines are. Its good though. More anti-vaxxers = less anti-vaxxers in the long run

You sure? Ive heard a few things about it messing with womens ovaries.

Dr Malone has no idea what he is talking about though... Right??
lmao, a conspiracy theorist, just my luck. A blog. Dr. Malone. Oh dear

Here you go, some nice material for you to read. Even though I am 100% sure it will do nothing for you. But never mind, I feel generous today
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