Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

An auction house would fix many of these problems.
Wait. I was hyped. But you aren't doing anything to make these crafts more easily tradeable? Just nerfing them? Jesus GGG one step forward two steps back.
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.
Last edited by DevilDog92 on Mar 10, 2021, 7:48:25 PM
This will just make TFT even more mandatory.
ner1n wrote:
This isn't just a nerf, you MURDERED it. What a great way to split your playerbase, you're just making it way too easy for Blizzard and D2:RE.

That's actually a good thing. GGG/PoE is in need of good competitors for a long time now.
What a disappointment , instead of integrating the system in some logical manner,for your average one character a league player, we nerf the system heavily , remove none of the annoyance, if you can't accept harvest in the game just remove it and take the PR hit ,annoying people out of using it is a really bad decision , I begrudgingly accepted the lame implementation at first because your just trying to get something out there its understandable but how after this long and a months of community feed back is this the best we can do, this is a critical portion of the crafting in this game where loot is everything can't put some thought in and get that right? gotta sort out who exactly your audience is and who your looking to make happy cause right now its nobody
Who the hell wants this:

This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

That's the opposite of what I want. "oh shit i bricked an item" guess i better farm for 4000 more hours so I can brick it again. In what world is that fun?
GGG never knew how to balance skills, ascendacies and game mechanics. GGG boost something to the sky or slams it to the underground.

What we need is something that allow us to use the harvest, but without selling the crafts to other players.

You had actual crafting in the game that was fun and attainable for average people to craft their own gear. Now you undo all that progress and we go back to only a small group of players able to throw mirrors at gear to make it.
This is so so sad to read.

Harvest crafting in Harvest and in Ritual made me play the game three times more than what I played in any other league. No other league I would still be playing at the 2-month mark. Not even the 1-month mark. And I'm still playing this league, with a dozen projects still to finish.

It really feels like you are balancing the game while only accounting for the 1% of the trade league player base. Most players are not finishing their second item for one of their characters, much less have everything finished and not wanting to play anymore. Quite the opposite.

What percentage of the player base plays more than 6hs a day? I very much doubt that while playing less than that, they have all their goals finished. Harvest makes us play longer, not less.

Just make them not tradable in any way.
Been playing since 2012, have experienced too many metas of crafting over the years but your reasoning behind those changes to harvest makes it pretty obvious you're out of touch with the game for the last couple of years.

P.S. Love how you ignore the part of discord trading and don't offer an actual solution or even mention that you're aware of it on the post.
Last edited by Kyutoryu on Mar 10, 2021, 7:51:23 PM

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