Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

i can't see how this will do more good than harm on the long term... sad news to the playerbase.
I miss harvest, 36/40 never forget.
Mirror drop - Strand clear speed meta legacy league month "5"
Mirror drop - Canyon casual farming harby ultimatum league month "1"
now i'm a main standard league player.
league content on standard when? GGG! show us some love.
Sincerely hope you guys rethink this decision. What has kept me playing this league longer than usual was harvest. Sure, there are some "guaranteed" outcomes with harvest crafts like explosion chest, but those can easily be fixed the same way as tailwind. The main reason harvest is so enjoyable is it takes what would normally be a 1/100+ to hit a specific mod down to a reasonable amount.

If you actually want people to engage with crafting outside the top top 1%, there has to be a reasonable expectation you will eventually get what you want. The base crafting system doesn't offer this at all.

Really this change makes no sense. You have more people playing than ever in large part due to harvest. You had a hugely successful mechanic that most players liked. But you have to delete it because it doesn't match with the philosophy you started this game with 10 years ago?

This is reminding me of WoW devs, making horrible changes that no one likes because "philosophy". Who cares what players like about our game? Who cares about the fact very few players were actually making mirror tier gear, and they still will with or without harvest? How about instead of making completely out of touch changes, we change our philosophy to fit with what the game is now and what players want.

Players want deterministic crafting, it is as simple as that. If you make this change to harvest without adding in something similar to the new league, you're throwing away a great and insanely deep aspect of the game.
Harvest is the only reason I played this league as long as I did. I like crafting my own items. I liked the interaction of trading 'my crafts' to other people to help them make their crafts (though i wish GGG woulda been smart and made a safe way to trade these harvest crafts). I felt the social interaction between players trading harvest crafts to be far better than what we've dealt with trading gear. Chris always speaks about preserving the player trading interaction. Harvest trading had that.

I don't like how unsafe harvest trading was. I don't like the terrible trading system GGG has in place in a game where the game is continuously growing and bloating and not getting leaned out nearly fast enough. I don't like how true power crafting feels it's on the top of a mountain that only streamers and players that can devote 12+ hours a day can truly dabble with.

I feel Harvest is the evolution of PoE's crafting. With all the influences and mods that have been added to the game, crafting is the only way to get the truly engaging items. Harvest crafting allows everyone to live the dream.

The current planned changes neuter the system, forcing players to go back to the dark ages of crafting. Consider embracing harvest with a different form on integration.

Here's an idea: Change harvest crafts from being a currency to a blueprint to a deterministic craft. Make it a currency sink instead of additional currency.

- Certain plants drop <insert random item description> that allow you to detemine mod type: "physical, fire, chaos, etc"

- Other plants are blueprints for the current power crafts: Augment fire would require an Exalted Orb and a number of <previously said random item description> to detemine the mod type.

Example: harvest give you an orb (that could function much like a fossil) that, to use, needs to be filled with an exalt orb and 10 <mod determination items> that will roll mods weighted by said mod items.

This allows for the deterministic crating that players seek while incorporating the old school currency.

How's that?

TLDR: Poor decision, allow everyone to make THEIR OWN cool stuff. That's what a lot of people are here for.
Last edited by Thunderbus on Mar 10, 2021, 6:01:42 PM
Noooooo, seriously?

You cannot "craft" anything without harvest. You can only gamble for items. Good job on removing crafting from the game. To actually plan out your items and to have an item progression with actually crafting your items and upgrading them. No, now we are back to just buying everything from store. WOW. FUN. Much logic.
Pauweurfoul wrote:
Harvest was the only way to improve your gear in endgame and get a linear progression. Now its back to flipping hundreds of hours of play time worth of currency to get a tiny chance at making something great or just farm 200ex like a mindless robot to buy an upgrade.

3.11 Was cool but garden micromanaging was boring
3.13 10 crafts storage limit was really cancer cause u were forced to trade them instantly on the TFT discord and u could not stack them like in harvest league and craft your own items at one point once u've stacked enaugh of them.

Bad decision imo I don't know what's gonna make me stick around for future seasons.

i never crafted before in poe.
This league it was my first time crafting some stuff and i pushed to my first level 100 char and played more then ever before becaue i had the feeling i could realisticly get somewhere.

Mehhh the game was in such an awsome state this league.

i dont think u r making the right decision here.

playing for 6 years btw
Last edited by karlklaps on Mar 10, 2021, 6:00:45 PM
i knew there had to be changes... but this killed harvest.

i would spend 237843245324 million euro if u would do a MANIFESTO so fast of every game breaking feature.... every league.

there are so much "problems" EVERY LEAGUE like:

- JUN unveiling
- fragments doesnt fit in the fragment tab (infused ones, xx breachstones, gilded scarabs and and and and and and and and and and and and and and adn and and and and and - since MONTHS.
- bots, trade, rmt
- Discord scams
and so on....

but yeah harvest feature is the bad thing ... i am disapointed.

GGG how can you be so disconnected with your audience and community? You are balancing the game around the 1% yet again. Guess we had so much fun this league boys it's not allowed to have fun anymore as a casual player. Let's all go back to quitting league after 2 weeks! [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Nichelle_GGG on Mar 11, 2021, 8:37:43 AM
Charoy wrote:
Krayken wrote:
Hyperionkek wrote:
At least D2 remaster comes out soon. Bye casino ex/anul slam crafting bullshit

OHhhhh nice have fun with the casino picking of items which you literally cannot alter at all. Im sure thats better than poe :rolleyes:

It is. Keep rolling your eyes and spendind thousnads of dollars on this game and convincing youself it is somehow better than D2 and/or D4.
Hopefully Krayken and his 1% mates do keep buying MTX because I am never supporting again.

Sure, i'll play for FREE for 2 weeks at league launch, get my 12/12 or maybe 24/24 then i'm out.

The thought of D2 and D4 excites me so much, i can't wait to buy and play them.
Last edited by Knited on Mar 10, 2021, 6:04:15 PM

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