Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Interesting that this hread is still going!! Can we make it to the 500 pages? :D
Overmind29 wrote:
Interesting that this hread is still going!! Can we make it to the 500 pages? :D

This thread would be over 500 pages if comments would not be getting deleted.
Persistence makes impossible possible, possible likely and likely definite. Yep, Mirror will drop eventually -_-
I purchased Last Epoch a couple of days ago. Never heard of it before the Harvest nerfs were announced and wouldn't have bought it had PoE not just made it clear they expect everyone to close their eyes and Exalt spam to craft. Joined PoE in January 2013 and I'm sad to see them choose the 1% over the rest of their player base.
The main draw for the current implementation of Harvest in 3.13 was that it did engage me with the crafting system for the first time since I started back when...
A lot of systems are pretty convoluted in PoE anyway and without Wiki, Youtube etc., I would never figure them out myself.

It was a gateway to crafting and opened up new possibilities. Instead of just following forums build guides and gear recommendations, I could figure out my own improvements and forge my own (side)path.
Like I said, it kept me busy and playing.

Last edited by Alatikus on Mar 29, 2021, 11:39:50 AM
I realy hopped that GGG would see reason and revise the changes scheduled for Harvest, buy I guess not, which is simply mind buggling.

So, we have Harvest, deterministic crafting but has layers of RNG with no real issue other than mid range players being able to craft better items, not mirror tier in any case.

But let's see what makes Harvest OP, the fact that you can use TFT to buy any craft you want and craft any gear you want - but that in it self does not make Harvest OP, because crafts are fairly expensive and it can take 100ex+ to craft a mirror tier item. Most of the players don't have that much currency, especially the start of the league.

But let's see who has that kind of currency, and how they make it:

6 WAY BEAST FARM - yep, this the thing where just 1 player has 5 virtual machines on his computer running POE + their own account and farms maps with Einhar (main account kills beasts, rest of the account are AFK at the start of the map), and guess what, instead of getting 4-5 beasts per map, he gets 25-30 beasts/map - easily fixable by requiring all players to be in a certain range of the beast or better yet, only the player that opened the map receives the beast reward, but nop, this is perfectly fine in GGG's opinion.

6 WAY THE FEARED - probably the reason Bottled Faith is like 1.5ex this league, because the same guys that farm beasts with 6 accounts, farm The Feared invitation with 6 accounts, and what do you know, they get 6 times the reward, so, instead of 1 Bottled Faith they get 6, instead of 1 Maven invitation, well.. 6 again. Buy hey, GGG is fine with this, not OP by any means.

ITEM DUPPING - 1 crafted magic item with T1 rolls that gets duplicated over and over again with beasts, OP as hell but again, GGG thiks this is ok, cause it's in the game for a lot of time.

So, this are the guys that are able to craft tons of mirror tier items because they have the currency to buy all the crafts they need,and.. what can I say, thumbs up to them for having the time to take advantage of these broken mechanics.

Harvest is OP because of these broken mechanics, it's a consequence rather than an issue. The root cause of the issue is 6 way farming, item dupping and other mechanics that players take advantage of to make tons of currency and then Harvest craft to their heart desire.

AngryC00kieZ wrote:
I realy hopped that GGG would see reason and revise the changes scheduled for Harvest, buy I guess not, which is simply mind buggling.

So, we have Harvest, deterministic crafting but has layers of RNG with no real issue other than mid range players being able to craft better items, not mirror tier in any case.

But let's see what makes Harvest OP, the fact that you can use TFT to buy any craft you want and craft any gear you want - but that in it self does not make Harvest OP, because crafts are fairly expensive and it can take 100ex+ to craft a mirror tier item. Most of the players don't have that much currency, especially the start of the league.

But let's see who has that kind of currency, and how they make it:

6 WAY BEAST FARM - yep, this the thing where just 1 player has 5 virtual machines on his computer running POE + their own account and farms maps with Einhar (main account kills beasts, rest of the account are AFK at the start of the map), and guess what, instead of getting 4-5 beasts per map, he gets 25-30 beasts/map - easily fixable by requiring all players to be in a certain range of the beast or better yet, only the player that opened the map receives the beast reward, but nop, this is perfectly fine in GGG's opinion.

6 WAY THE FEARED - probably the reason Bottled Faith is like 1.5ex this league, because the same guys that farm beasts with 6 accounts, farm The Feared invitation with 6 accounts, and what do you know, they get 6 times the reward, so, instead of 1 Bottled Faith they get 6, instead of 1 Maven invitation, well.. 6 again. Buy hey, GGG is fine with this, not OP by any means.

ITEM DUPPING - 1 crafted magic item with T1 rolls that gets duplicated over and over again with beasts, OP as hell but again, GGG thiks this is ok, cause it's in the game for a lot of time.

So, this are the guys that are able to craft tons of mirror tier items because they have the currency to buy all the crafts they need,and.. what can I say, thumbs up to them for having the time to take advantage of these broken mechanics.

Harvest is OP because of these broken mechanics, it's a consequence rather than an issue. The root cause of the issue is 6 way farming, item dupping and other mechanics that players take advantage of to make tons of currency and then Harvest craft to their heart desire.

and removing harvest makes these players even richer next league again, because these players have the currency to make these mirror items even without harvest and now they can charge 10 times the amount again and life alone from mirror fees...

and the above average players again feel the grind for better gear even harder again.
I don't know why, but this change really took out a lot of the excitement for PoE out of me.

Maybe the reaction of players is less about the actual change but the mentality or philosophy behind itemization as a whole.

(Btw. I really disliked the first implementation of Harvest in Harvest league. Not because I was showered in mirror-tier gear, but because the seed/gardening mechanic felt incredibly convoluted and tedious. THAT's why I quit that league very very early. It definitely was not that I could faceroll content.
I never did more than a handful of T16 maps before losing interest.

To put it bluntly - the grind, the micromanagement drove me away. That and the attitude of some 3rd parties (Youtube, Reddit, etc) who really want the game to cater mainly for ppl playing literally 40h+ per week.)

I have no idea how many players watch youtube or read forums. I do. And I feel like an noob. I consider myself a decent player, but I would not even know of most mechanics without Youtube.

And then knowing about a game system and actually using it efficiently are two very different things.

Instead of damning TFT, maybe some ppl should ask themselves why players use it. It's to counteract the heavy RNG. I grinded out Zana maps in hope of finding the right craft - I never did. And after more than 100 maps I gave up and went on TFT and spent 2ex for "remove defense".

That was it. No spending 100+ ex for metacrafting, just avoiding mindless grind to modify my item in a minor way.

Ok, time to stop whispering my musings to the wind. They won't affect the direction of game design anyway.

The biggest issue for me is the fact that never harvest, beastiary or summoners were the problem, but trading.

If trading wouldnt exist, everything else could come back to the game. I so miss having red beasts with good rewards, I so miss having a true army of minions that actually didnt melt immediately, I so miss having a chance to craft my own items.

So many great things this game once had, including strongboxes, prophecies... were nerfed into the ground because of trading. GGG needs to acknoledge, that with trading enabled this game will never be able to progress.

It will just always be a repeating cycle of nerfs with no real foundation or stability.
KicsiSVK wrote:
Shafirion wrote:
Rene_2706 wrote:
Last Epoch getting so much attention lately.


Certainly not. If you search the Manifesto Subforum for "Epoch" you get 6 pages full of hits. I bought the early access myself in reaction to the Harvest changes. The guys at Eleventh Hour Games must be very grateful for the Harvest changes, that's for sure.

To be fair, I have to note, that although I like the game, I am not really hooked yet. There is something special about the pace of PoE and the skill effect, especially with MTX, that I just miss. Then again, it is still in beta and shows a huge amount of promise.

Competition is always good. It remains to be seen how the potential rise of Last Epoch will reflect on PoE. If GGG is honestly about conserving RNG as THE major philosophy of the game, they shouldn't be concerned about Last Epoch, because that game follows a diametrically different approach.

What I really, really like about Last Epoch is the boss fights. Bosses generally have more HP and the game adapts elements from modern MMORPGS and overall it is much more about dodging and skill than raw dps. Boss fights in general are just much more fun.

At the end of the day, however, GGG is an enterprise and I personally hope, they reconsider - economically and/or philosophically - whether it is a good approach, to force that extreme RNG approach on a playerbase, whose vast majority is actually annoyed by it and craves for a little determinism.

100% agree on all the above. I said to myself that due to the lack of response from GGG I will not spend any more money on POE next league but will buy Last Epoch and I did and it is great.

It wont replace POE right now but maybe it will in the future if GGG continue on this journey of silence when regular people want an answer.

I wonder would this silence also exist if all the top 1% and Youtubers and Twitch streamers would be as unhappy as many of the normal folks.

We wont know as all the Twitch and Youtubers are afraid to get banned for arbitrary reasons like PathofMath did. You just have to fake some discord discussions and woala. A ban is here.

I do also fully agree.

I started playing LE right after the manifesto, and i love it, I kinda stopped playing it, but that is due to the fact that we are currently in a beta and I have already seen everything they implemented.

obviously i can't replace POE and especially not right now as it is still in beta with many more featured missing, but man this is going to hit POE so hard, the devs are quite the opposite when it comes to dealing with players.

Bascially I am going from most fun I ever had with PoE last league into skipping the next one at least. Playing Last Epoch and Valheim right now and will play Outriders soon.

Please just remove harvest when you don't understand it enough to make the necessary fixes read not breaking the part that worked and keeping the TFT trading in is a joke. I won't use another external bandaid to play a video game that is supposed to be fun.

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