Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

I like harvest crafting.

Edit: My bronze kiwi likes it too.
Last edited by Necrospunk on Mar 24, 2021, 7:01:48 AM
Okkuro wrote:
Vandurman wrote:
Yesterday this thread has 475 page's, today - 460....

It is called censorship right...?

sure is.

people also think that GGG staff like Chris are not active or even see posts in the forum. don't kid yourselves, staff are way more active in the forums than you think. why do you think they set their profiles so private? so you can't see their last active time/date. this is common practice in forums. it's just a very poor way for GGG to handle this situation. but, i'm surprised that Tencent hasn't shown some kind of presence on the matter with the potential profit loss over GGG's stupidity.

i for one will stop playing but the main problem here will be the rest of the players that will keep playing despite being screwed over by being given something that is actually useful to a normal/average player that helps get to end-game content without being in the 1% and streamers.
poe is going down fast. Diablo 4 and Baldur's Gate 3 have no performance issues. play them instead
I actualy think the changes are ok.

I just wish the crafts would be tradeable like Beasts.
Thats all i want.
Harvestcrafting is very good for the game but harvest itself is too powerful compared to other endgame activities, forcing you to stay in that Atlas region if you care about minmaxing your character growth.
Solution: Keep the weaker stuff at harvest and the powerful stuff will be split among less popular mechanics and have it drop in form of tradeable orbs.
Last edited by MaxW81 on Mar 24, 2021, 7:39:24 AM
Talking about profit loss and why Tencent doesn´t intervene..
Because it is aaaalways such a good outcome in the end, when companies just watch out for their profits instead of making quality content.
The people who don´t like where it´s going.. just leave and take your complainy nonsense sarcastical comments with you.

I can fully understand that some of the posts here are deleted (when this is even true, i myself didn´t see those 475 pages)
Just try to think from GGGs point of few.. or rather those of the people who pour their heart and soul into this game.. how frustrating it must be to only read "this is bad" "that sucks" "you make only mistakes" "this is wrong" "f... you" and whatever else...

Reading 200 ex in a build, not being able to kill all content.. i don´t know what to say.. not having Harvest is not the problem here.
Build diversity because of Harvest.. just look up the build diversity in Harvest league.. you might find a lot of trickster and necro.
Harvest may make bad builds work with insane gear.. but off-meta builds can still do all content without harvest.

And btw, buying Supporter does not entitle you to anything - it´s called supporter pack because you support what they do/did when you bought it.
Saying the game is part yours because of that and time invested.. is like saying your partner is yours and he/she can´t split up, because you were together for years..
Last edited by aggrofee on Mar 24, 2021, 8:08:52 AM
I decide - to stop playing in a new League, for few weeks or for all season.
No buy stash, no buy support pack.

It's just only way to show my protest.
The Tencent question is an interesting one.
Does anyone know if these planned changes are coming to the Chinese client aswell?
The changes are missing the mark, the causes and just about purely contradicted by the treatment of every other crafting content implementation.

What got removed from Delve? Mods that had similar attributions to other content, like Additional Curse (which made Queen's Hunger useless). NOT DETERMINISTIC CONTENT

Nearly all Deterministic content actually comes from:
Delve crafting weapons (only about 4 outcomes at most left in most delve crafting for the most desired mods)

Creating two items with 2 influences, Maven Orbing, and then using an Awakener's Orb to merge them.

Most of these Armour tops that are creating alarm don't even have non-influence mods. They are literally full Influence, so the changes that GGG is trying to implement don't actually do anything to address that issue.

The Most Deterministic Content has been:
Delve Crafting
Awakener's Orbs
Maven Orbs.
Beast Crafting

Harvest doesn't hold a candle, and the sole role has become to simply make getting an influence onto an item easier, or min max the post Awakener's mods.


Furthermore, it's not Harvest itself that is a problem with crafting determinism. It's the ABUNDANCE caused by another feature you, GGG, Introduced.

That's Uncharted Realms Ascendancies.

Realistically, without Uncharted Realms, Harvest procs are few and far between in Maps, to the point it's REALLY HARD to finish items with it.

But once you gain Zana's Uncharted Realms ascends in the form of Master of the Atlas, and Paths no Followed, the rate of Harvest significantly goes up, because far more Zana Encounters are determined to have at least 1 quest for a Sacred Grove.


In other words, this is another 1% problem GGG has integrated and wants to ignore, rather than going after what really is the problem; The fact that racers who can 1 shot content, literally are just farming Harvest and Maven Orbs and Awakener's orbs to build surplus gear they don't even need.

Meanwhile, those who are almost uber (but not quite) are struggling just to finish their own first set.


You're making a wrong choice from a business perspective by enforcing a guidance which is aimed at limiting your top 10% rather than your top 1%; This can of worms you opened with Harvest and all these new functions is something which empowered players and made more of them want to play. It gave them hope of being able to do what they have failed for over 5-7 years of playing. The fact you're taking it away - again - is signaling to them you don't want them to feel empowered.

And that is the biggest reason itself that your solution is wrong. People don't stick around for 1%er games. They do stick around for 10%er games, because they have "hope."
aggrofee wrote:
Talking about profit loss and why Tencent doesn´t intervene..
Because it is aaaalways such a good outcome in the end, when companies just watch out for their profits instead of making quality content.
The people who don´t like where it´s going.. just leave and take your complainy nonsense sarcastical comments with you.

kk, will do.
If the most problematic scenery is the ability to sell crafts why dont u make something like bounding the instance to the player and no other account can access it? like the hideout mechanic that u can control who can enter (only friend, guild mates or party memebers) but then u make a rule that none else can enter. Then to make getting extremely strong items a little harder u can make the t1 mods a little harder. Or even easyer just make an npc to open consumable portals like zana but it only opens one portal! I am not a fan of crafting but i think that removing so many diversity as u guys are is a big mistake.
Oh and its already time to remove those pathetic mods that none want like mana gain on kill, reduced attributes requirements, stun and block recovery, etc. And buff that damn flat life regen! 1-10 life regen isnt a thing, make it 10-50 and people will meaby start making use of it!
Last edited by NumberUno on Mar 24, 2021, 9:48:21 AM

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