Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Why do people whine so much.

You can probably beat most of the game on SC with 50C gear, you dont need harvest gear for that.

I mean, you got 6 rips, 6 portal.
illdyking wrote:
Why do people whine so much.

You can probably beat most of the game on SC with 50C gear, you dont need harvest gear for that.

I mean, you got 6 rips, 6 portal.

TRANSLATION: "Why do people want to keep playing after they beat act 10? Who do they think they are?"

Maybe they're just sick of hitting a brick wall unless they play an expensive meta build?

One of the problems we've been discussing in here is player retention, and frustration with not being able to participate in the endgame. It's one of the reasons why new leagues peter out after 2 weeks, and why leagues with harvest crafting last longer.

Your post literally supports the position you claim to oppose.
Last edited by Obright on Mar 23, 2021, 5:11:48 PM
illdyking wrote:
Why do people whine so much.

You can probably beat most of the game on SC with 50C gear, you dont need harvest gear for that.

I mean, you got 6 rips, 6 portal.

When majority is saying the same thing. "Whine" is not a wise choice of words.
illdyking wrote:
Why do people whine so much.

You can probably beat most of the game on SC with 50C gear, you dont need harvest gear for that.

I mean, you got 6 rips, 6 portal.

Says the HC player, where you definitely WANT a build OVER 50c to simply survive.

I highly doubt EVERYONE who is “whining” wants to stick to a 50c budget lol.
Last edited by JayJayxd77 on Mar 23, 2021, 5:11:23 PM
Obright wrote:
illdyking wrote:
Why do people whine so much.

You can probably beat most of the game on SC with 50C gear, you dont need harvest gear for that.

I mean, you got 6 rips, 6 portal.

TRANSLATION: "Why do people want to keep playing after they beat act 10? Who do they think they are?"

Maybe they are just sick of hitting a brick wall unless they play an expensive meta build?

One of the problems we've been discussing in here is player retention, and frustration with not being able to participate in the endgame. It's one of the reasons why new leagues peter out after 2 weeks, and why leagues with harvest crafting last longer.

Your post literally supports the position you claim to oppose.

What do you mean "getting" stuck? Just play softcore and you can keep going and keep progressing? With any build, meta or not.

You fail a map boss first time? Try next portal. Even if you fail all portal(not very likley) just make a new map, and maybe this time you beat him?

Dude, harvest league was the shortest league of all leagues.

JayJayxd77 wrote:

Says the HC player, where you definitely WANT a build OVER 50c to simply survive.

I highly doubt EVERYONE who is “whining” wants to stick to a 50c budget lol.

OFC, you get one life, so more life needed :)

One thing you'll notice as well is on HC we actually take life nodes on passive tree, not only damage :)

Imo they could make like a "godmode-league" where you can chose whatever stats on rare items you like.
Like harvest, but even a little stronger.

Then harvest lovers can play on that league.
So Today they deleted several hundred Posts on News Threads, maybe its time to Talk to the Community.
GGG states:

"We know that many players would love us to keep deterministic crafting in the game because it enables them to complete their items far more quickly than they otherwise would. But then there would quickly be nothing left to achieve."

...or this famous one that has become a meme:

"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

I honestly do not know where to start with these statements. I honestly feel like they only look at PoE player behavior by looking at data and deciding that qualitative feedback is for amateurs. I feel like they have no idea...

1) Why people play PoE
2) What people do in PoE

It seems they have this belief that the solution to A) Fun and B) Speed is by forcing you to gamble. They also believe that the majority of people like to gamble. This is reinforced in the manifesto that keeps using the word "deterministic" as some sort of GGG curse-word is culturally disillusioned.

Heres my top 15 reasons why I think people play PoE:

1) People play your game because it provides simple and intuitive controls that is challenging as they play through content.
2) Its a fun top-down MOBA style game where you kill stuff for loot
3) You can get more powerful
4) You can customize your character with unbridled innovation and very little hard barriers
5) There is a ton of tools to develop and grow at your disposal
6) The world is extremely expansive despite some of the repetition in gameplay.
7) Vibrant community
8) Great Youtube and Streaming content and Discord channels
9) Awesome Wiki Support and external resources
10) Winning in the game feels good
11) You feel accomplished when you do something right in the game and rewards seem instant when you do - such as, "Wow I totally destroyed that map/boss with my new build - feelsgoodman!" or "I struggled so much with that boss, and now I got him on farm - feelsgoodman!"
12) Obtaining wealth
13) Trading with people makes the game feel alive
14) Very little evidence or experience that the game has been compromised by bots, scammers, spammers, griefers, or other entities that make a game community feel like trash. Positive community.
15) Restarting a character or replaying content feels good, like something you want to do not something you HAVE to do because you ran out of content.

Not ONE of those reasons is because...

A) I love obscure mechanics that require me to depend on luck and not skill, my intelligence or hard work to solve - great times! Let's gamble some more!
B) I just love to finish a game like I can in PoE and see those credits roll. Beating PoE was the greatest experience ever.
C) I enjoy instant gratification like I can get in PoE. I just roll up to a Sacred Grove and get out my Base and use the "Deterministic Crafting" and BOOM instant MIRROR TIER GEAR! POGCHAMP! Wait... what? You mean getting a Tier 1 phys roll still requires 870 Exalts worth of crafts to make? EZ CLAP average player currency! I'll make 12 by noon.

GGG continues to manage the game based on the actions of the 1%'ers. I get obtaining gear needs to be tailored. Everyone agreed with that but, GGG doesn't understand that RNG is not what drives this game, it's actually what is a pain point for many players. This "gambling" ethos is shoved down players thoughts like its the secret sauce. Its just not. Look at every other game that has exclusively used RNG as a core game mechanic, failed. Look at the developer Nexon. They use RNG as their means to exclusively generate revenue. They have barely a game that is wrapped around it. So much so they are required to publically list chances of outcomes. GGG, you need to change your philosophy on these topics and start listening to your players. - micdrop.
Reading through all those comments "GGG should listen to the majority of the player base - the casuals - otherwise it´s going to die" frustrates me..

PoE did not become that giant of a game in it´s genre because it was made for "the casual" in mind nor do the developers need to listen to any of those people - in fact they should NOT listen at all to them.

Of course everyone gets mad when something he/she played gets nerfed.. or a mechanic gets "killed" (like Harvest here)..
I say that "of course" .. although i never really cared for nerfs to builds i play and there were many.. there is always something else to explore!
So why is it that people get so upset over something they shouldn´t even care for?

We play a game that passionate people developed over years, that grew and flourished like no other in it´s genre and it keeps getting better and better, more content, more diversity in play, deeper systems - everything that made PoE the game it is.

Don´t try to be "smarter" than the people who made this game (even if from a certain point of few, you might as well be "smarter"). It is their game and i for myself am happy to visit PoE every 3 Months with a new surge of energy, to dive into whatever build i might feel like and experience whatever content there is.

PLAY the game, don´t try to MAKE the game!
(or don´t play it, if you can´t stand nerfs or changes.. but then at least have the decency to not cry and whine for things you think you deserve.. but actually don´t)
Nerfs to alternative quality gems was 8 less damage and surability to my build. This feels terribe. Now this. I am sorry but I am rage quiting along with my support. Too much disapointment.

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