Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Harvest right now is good for everyone. Why remove something good just because lots of players were able to get almost perfect items? When the league ends everything will go to standard which for sure a lot of players don't even play.. I don't know the stats but if someone can share then good.

Even with harvest craft right now I don't even manage to get a mirror tier item. If those players manage to get those mirror tier items then they do deserve it. I think those players are the one who close their eyes and give their almost perfect item to random people selling harvest craft via discord just to perfect that item or they spend time grinding just to get that harvest craft and also the reason why they are still playing with the league almost over.

Instead of removing/nerfing harvest crafting why not:

1. Remove the limit on harvest crafting table
2. Make us pay the equivalent currency for harvest crafting.
remove/add = annul + exalt
aug = exalt

3. Make a new currency for harvest
what it does? It saves the harvest craft into that currency (you still need to pay the for the craft to save it on that currency)

(goodbye TFT Discord and welcome HARVEST STASH TAB)

Just wondering why harvest is considered so OP by the devs while headhunter can almost turn any build viable and can turn you into giant that takes your entire screen and farm lots of exalt per hour? hmm
Posada93 wrote:
Madplayer_ wrote:
Well then, I guess I will no longer have the need to spend money on MTX in this game.
Or better, I will roll D100 every time I want so buy something and on 99-100 the transaction will be done.
Let the 1% of streamer mules/whales take care of income.

Looks like you never spent anything to begin with

Bro, use ur brain, thx. If you think the only way to spent money - be like you and buy packs - just know, that there are like couple hundreds of things OUTSIDE of packs. Wow, right? It you judge somebodies expenses by counting badges - you are not very smart. I saw people donating thousands just for simple MTX, slots and etc. So go away, ty.
Well, I just feel cheated.
Since the introduction of the storage limit of 10 crafts, I thought that I need to be prepared to use any good craft immediately.
In order to accomplish that, I bought more stash tabs for items that are partially crafted i.e. keep at least one item for every kind of RMV or RMV/ADD.
With this nerf they become useless.
Dripen wrote:
This will probably be my first and last take on this game.

First of all, I'd like to address GGG Development team, Marketing team & Product analysis team - Including Chris as well.

First of all kudos on having something as great as path of exile being continuously developed, maintained, and fixes being rushed one after the other.

The game is streamlined, I won't deny that, but there's plenty of content for any new/prospect user, and the game doesn't really offer a good objective-oriented help guide that would introduce the said player to the content available in the game.

So what do I mean by streamlined in this case?
In short, it's appealing.

Hack and slash, full screen clear, diversity of build option, be it revolving around an item, mechanic, skill, passive, and so on.

A common pattern that I've seen on my previous league (Started in the cooldown period before blight) - is build targeting, the nerfs you throw usually target one or more specific way of building, while some people call it punishing (And my builds have been punished several times) it's necessary that you understand that these builds are popular due to their ability to clear end-game content.

Who among your player base doesn't want to kick Sirus's ass, who doesn't love hearing Kirac scream (By the golden arse of Innocence) knowing that the end of the tutorial is neighed and their quest to dominate the content they love, the boss battles that require a mechanical understanding of the game is within their grasp - We all do (Yes, all here refers to me, you, and any sucker out there whether they like the manifesto or not).

Bottom line is, you developed something great, that's loved by a lot of people around the globe.

So I do advise you to listen to your community more, nothing frustrates a player base than the lack of communication you provided in this thread.

The person who was talking about how (Thrilling it is to throw an exalted an orb at an item and see if you got what you want) - I have no remorse, but he obviously comes from a childish mentality and his position in the company needs to be revised, not attacking him personally but this kind of view clearly indicates a personal opinion and disconnect from reality.

Want to verify it? throw a poll or two on whether the player bases loves throwing the entirety of their countless hours of grinding and sweat on the result of an exalted orb outcome.

Under no circumstances was this ever the reason why one joined this game.

We're here to kill shit - We let out and gain the thrill of fighting these bosses, doing that content, upgrading our gear. Not gambling the entirety of our time spent.

Your game is absolutely great, it still lacks an auction house for better trading, a better guide for new players, and several other aspects.

But the moment you start becoming delusional and listen to obviously disconnected people over those who's been supporting you - financially, emotionally, and took over the past 8 years with the several inconvenient adversaries and still support you - you lose.

As to the player base, whether you hate me or not, whether this is on par with what you believe is right or wrong.

Be gentle - (Not in a creepy way)
But understand that usually black or white doesn't work
(Keep harvest) or (Screw harvest and pound it to become a useless mechanic of the game) are usually aren't our two options.

GGG should by now have a huge compass on this thread with over 440 pages of communication (Both negative or positive).

Your choice to support those who do not support you back is on you.

Whether they do go along with the clown-fiesta they intend to make out of harvest, or pause and listen to the many great ideas in this thread, should determine where your next $ is going to be spent. Be it onto supporting Path of Exile, or a different game with people who aren't living in a delusional fantasy of their own, I hope you understand this. Chris.

In case you didn't make much sense of what I was trying to say.

This development manifesto is a joke - As well as the reasoning behind it.


Nice summary of the entire topic. I hope GGG see this post.
Rene_2706 wrote:
At the beginning I was quite angry at GGG for this news.

not so much now, thu to this I got demotivated from this league and stopped playing,

then looking for alternatives I found Last Epoch. thx GGG.

Me too, bought it straight away instead of stash tabs, loving Paladin
Fun not allowed. The classic.
fancyfootwork wrote:
Rene_2706 wrote:
At the beginning I was quite angry at GGG for this news.

not so much now, thu to this I got demotivated from this league and stopped playing,

then looking for alternatives I found Last Epoch. thx GGG.

Me too, bought it straight away instead of stash tabs, loving Paladin

Same here Last Epoch Purchased thanks to GGG telling me to do that(sarcasm in case its not clear).
KicsiSVK wrote:
fancyfootwork wrote:
Rene_2706 wrote:
At the beginning I was quite angry at GGG for this news.

not so much now, thu to this I got demotivated from this league and stopped playing,

then looking for alternatives I found Last Epoch. thx GGG.

Me too, bought it straight away instead of stash tabs, loving Paladin

Same here Last Epoch Purchased thanks to GGG telling me to do that(sarcasm in case its not clear).

Same here, playing Void Knight and just started a Sorcerer.
Vote with you wallets!
I will make one more comment on harvest and then move on. something that is too powerful is not a good reason to nerf it. Headhunter is very powerful but it is still in the game and players abuse it for endgame, making otherwise useless builds viable for farming. It is very difficult (for most players) to get a headhunter and hence the input output ratio is balanced.

Harvest is powerful no doubt but think about the hassle players have to go through to use harvest crafting. First it is rare to find a grove to begin with and extremely rare to find good mods like aug life or aug speed. I have played quite a lot in the ritual league and have never seen an aug life or aug speed. Second harvest is TIME CONSUMING! You have to stop the game and do harvest. You need to have items to be crafted cause you can only store 10 crafts. Often times I will stop everything I was doing at the time and portal out to buy gear that could be crafted. If a usual map clear is 3 min harvest takes 20-30min if you want to use up the crafts. Lastly, trading harvest through discord is even more time consuming cause it literally takes you out of the game. on top of that you risk being scammed. Thats why I think the harvest input output ratio is balanced. It's such a pain and hassle to use and trade if you nerf it you risk it being completely irrelevant. If GGG is set on the path to nerf harvest, at least make it easier to use. For example, get rid of the horticrafting limit, or make it tradable (seeds?).

Lastly, I have played POE on and off for over a decade now (not a good player). I enjoy the depth of the game and appreciate the hardwork and creativity the dev team put in to create new mechanics every couple months. I would note two intricacies: more is not always better and volatility is not the same as change. Compared to when I first started playing POE, the game today is overwhelming. There is something called choice paralysis (yes academics still debating whether this phenomenon exists) but it truly is overwhelming to think about how many different things you can (need?) to do in POE. Additionally, throughout the years there have also been so many nerfs and buffs to various builds and mechanics and the constant back and forth is quite annoying. Harvest motivated me to learn more about crafting (it is time consuming since there are SO MANY mods and mechanisms). Now I feel that all the time I invested is lost. It is very demotivating. I dont think players are going back to "exalts slamming" after Harvest. For all the years I have played POE I have only "slammed" exalts once or twice when I was a new player and quickly learned that that is a terrible way to craft (an excellent way to burn currency).

The bottom line is: the success of this genre of games is dependent on progress and growth. "loot explosion" is the means to achieve that not the end. Players like loot explosion because it supposedly offers means of upgrading and progress. If 99.9% of the loot drops are trash that need to be filtered out something is wrong with the game design and philosophy. Players will turn to whatever mechanisms that offer the feeling of progress and that is why we like harvest crafting. I hope the dev team rethink their approach and dont get stuck on superficial ideologies such as loot explosion (no offence Chris). I believe GGG wants to listen to its player base otherwise they wouldnt bother with developmental manifesto. I hope my feedback is constructive and thank you for reading.
Last edited by marage2014 on Mar 22, 2021, 11:00:02 AM
seeing over 4500 replies, most of which are against the proposed harvest nerf makes it seem that the bulk of players have voted to keep harvest in it's current state. the complete lack of a spine by GGG staff to at least give us an idea where this is going to go makes me think they don't care what players want. other than the 1% who want the nerf as now, normal players(not the elite) are able to craft gear that is actually decent. notice i said decent and not mirror worthy gear.

my first time playing was the last 2 weeks of harvest league. managed to get 6 link crafts stored that i never got to use. in my opinion, it was the best game i had ever played to date. loved it. then heist came... hated it but played the league to collect some currency and better gear in hopes that harvest would come back. being happy and disappointed at the same time when i learned what state harvest returned in. i get at most, 3 harvest spawns a day and have only had a couple decent, not good, crafts. enough to make some decent boots and a decent start on a belt. nothing finished all league so far.

so, for those that say harvest is too overpowered, they are a minority and must have some pretty good luck.

i for one, absolutely will not play any more POE if the proposed harvest nerfs get put in place. some will say, yes you will... and i say, you hide and watch because i won't. simple as that. what little money i do spend in game, will stop.

edit: forgot to mention that i run anywhere from 50-100 T16 maps in haewark hamlet with atlas set up towards harvest. so it's not like i only do 2-3 maps a day
poe is going down fast. Diablo 4 and Baldur's Gate 3 have no performance issues. play them instead
Last edited by spaceace7373 on Mar 22, 2021, 1:33:59 PM

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