Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Kept the existing problems with Harvest and also removed the good part.

Literally the worst possible outcome.
Last edited by Airbourne13 on Mar 10, 2021, 5:53:37 PM
Rene_2706 wrote:
you guys....

what about fixing your game?
what about constant crashes on 5way?
what about constant crashes on 100% deli maps.
what about an AH?
what about less but more rewarding loot?

and don't you even hit alt by mistake on a 100% deli map..
apparently the game mindreads you and hits f4 just to help to quit the game faster.


remember that people play game to have fun, stronger chars = fun.
to be honest i am still playing this league because of harvest. yeah even with this TFT..


Stop whining. just buy new wings. thats how ggg think
This is me and my friends as well. Such a shame this is the direction GGG decided to go. I was very excited about next league. Now? Not so much.
This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

To be honest, that doesn't feel like crafting at all. IMO it's glorified gambling.
The current harvest system makes it so you can target what you need, thus it's fair to call it crafting.

I think these changes are not only a step back, but a sign of tone-deafness in regards to the public sentiment.
This is in no way a solution, harvest kept the retention high, because for a second time in history there was something to do after the "endgame"
TY based Chris. Should've just removed it entirely IMO.
I want a dislike button on this forum.
Could you just remove harvest from the game if your just going to turn it into even more of a shit show. I've been playing poe for like 4 years now and I fucking hate item drops in this game. I person get excited the more stuff removed from my loot filter. There is just nothing rewarding or fun about id items in this game. Harvest made it so I cared about building myself up instead of selling everything I can and just buying everything because crafting was a shit show. It isn't like I'm causal either I have 11k hours played I just love the game play of the game and all the different builds you can do. Maybe I just have the wrong point of view and show leave the game I don't know just feels like you take 2 sets forward and 3 backward.

Side note in heist I mainly picked aura stacker because it didn't use basically any rares because harvest was gone and I was back to not caring about rares because the mechanics around them suck. Now that is removed from the game basically again.
Last edited by SourFae on Mar 10, 2021, 5:54:38 PM
I expected the flexibility and easiness of item improvement to be balanced betwen all players, with a universal mechanic everyone could use, not something only handfull of people can use and extort everyone else with huge prices, gouging, market manipulation via streamers/youtubers and other unfair methods of manipulation.

I expected an itemization similar to beasts so no one needs to rely on a discord, plus risk to be scamed. I dont want the permanent scam risk!
I want a proper market to funcion, not a system only the last 20 offers are visible in practise. This happened with the old ingame trade chat, there was a need to index all offers, poetrade was born. I want, i need trade to funcion this way to all tradable items, to both beasts (already happens), blueprints and harvest crafts. The need exists, you poedevs already did it, do it again, dont wait for the community to do it for you!

Summary: i am no satisfied, period!

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