Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

what about accountbound harvest crafting?
enforced soloselffound harvestcrafts?
you can still trade crafted items, but harvest crafts can only be used from the account which which used the first harvest craft.
you could give them a personalized touch, like the anya quest in d2
__FEL__ wrote:
what about accountbound harvest crafting?
enforced soloselffound harvestcrafts?
you can still trade crafted items, but harvest crafts can only be used from the account which which used the first harvest craft.
you could give them a personalized touch, like the anya quest in d2

That would be actually interesting. Basically removes craft trading, but you can still trade the items. Once you apply any craft to the item via harvest, item cannot be harvest crafted elsewhere.

A lot of people don’t understand what caused harvest nerf. It’s not that crafts are too op, is that we are trading them. GGG tried to bottleneck harvest crafting as much as possible without being completely inferior (random crafts, random spawn, random seeds, only 10 storage space), and that got bypassed via TFT trading. The only reason why harvest seems op is that people traded 1000’s of exalts on group crafting some op items, if those crafts would not be possible to share most people who actually have 4xt1 or done t0 items would not acquire them during the league. GGG is at this point caving for TFT discord, instead of actually fixing roots of the problem they try to eliminate the symptoms.

Here is why this will fail. We will still share crafts via TFT discord, and we will still craft op items. They will be just beyond reach for 75% of the players due to steep price. Organized groups will still group craft best items, period.

If you will look on characters of the players here who complain the most about harvest being too strong, you realize one thing. They are either an alt accounts of some RMT credit card warriors, or are simply trolling because one out of 25 items they have is actually somewhat decent. I really don’t care much about harvest nerf from my personal point of view. I have enough gear from OG harvest that I topped of with some crafts on legacy gear now, that all my standard builds can be done with zero or minimum investment. Reason why I don’t play this league even though that hideout looks dope was that I was pretty certain that harvest will get nerf because of TFT server (a lot of us in std said it loud and clear) and I wanted to get few legacy pieces of gear crafted. But this nerf hits the most not the 1%’ers, not the “upper middle class” like myself, it hits the 80%. That is why it’s sucks. Kill harvest craft trading, and it will be a fair game, you play more, you get more opportunities for good gear. Play less, you get what you get.
Persistence makes impossible possible, possible likely and likely definite. Yep, Mirror will drop eventually -_-
What an out of touch decision. Makes you wonder who GGG supports when they nerf something that brings temporary (duration of the league) happiness to the majority of the player base.

Harvest was the greatest thing in a while that's happened to SSF
The 'fun' part is that the big guilds with huge capital made all the current mirror-tier items before the Harvest change, leaving the rest with breadcrumbs.

If they remove Harvest, they should delete all items that have been Harvest-modified.

The current scenario is that the entire base of the pyramid grinds for orbs and trade these away for the tiny top who then can craft more op items to make even more profit. Like the Egyptian Pharaoh and nobility reaping the rewards from the efforts of his gazillion labour slaves.

GGG should focus on current crafting systems such as essences and make them more attractive again by making them more deterministic.

For GGG it is a very valid option to tune down Harvest as it creates too many powerful items BUT they should also tune down the difficulty AND balance encounters around gear that has been alt- or chaos-spammed as that is the only way that an average player can get 'decent' items.

And maybe they should quit calling orbs crafting orbs but instead start calling them modification orbs. That term is more appropriate.

Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
Last edited by Reinhart on Mar 17, 2021, 3:00:19 PM
macacodoido32 wrote:
DoEFotGS wrote:
Incarcerated wrote:
yeah so fun to get perfect gear in 2 days and ruining league

Is THAT problem?

You have no other games or stuff IRL to do? It's just a game. Game must be fun. I know that 'fun' is very different for all of us, but why exactly a somebody 'fun' must be cutted?

Harvest is powerful... because other 'crafting' sourse are not or less powerful. So, maybe they should rethink all crafting procesess or phylosophy entirely?

About two days ago I had imprudence of pressing 'show all loot' button after harbinger encounter on well rolled t16 map with beyond mod. Game just freezed about a two second. For every time I pressed the button, because amount of loot that names was rendered is insane. More insane is how many worth drop I had in the end. Nothing. Besides currency shards I have nothing to pick up.

This is a problem, not actual craft in gambling world.

check dude's account and you'll have your answers

The person who I was quoting said what this guy quoted. Essentially, wasn't me. Find the original post, I'm FOR harvest crafting and the whole idea of getting perfect gear easily in 2 days or even 2 weeks is laughable. Even with harvest, it took me a long time to get my gear and it's still not perfect.
DoEFotGS wrote:
Incarcerated wrote:
yeah so fun to get perfect gear in 2 days and ruining league

Is THAT problem?

You have no other games or stuff IRL to do? It's just a game. Game must be fun. I know that 'fun' is very different for all of us, but why exactly a somebody 'fun' must be cutted?

Harvest is powerful... because other 'crafting' sourse are not or less powerful. So, maybe they should rethink all crafting procesess or phylosophy entirely?

About two days ago I had imprudence of pressing 'show all loot' button after harbinger encounter on well rolled t16 map with beyond mod. Game just freezed about a two second. For every time I pressed the button, because amount of loot that names was rendered is insane. More insane is how many worth drop I had in the end. Nothing. Besides currency shards I have nothing to pick up.

This is a problem, not actual craft in gambling world.

Next time you quote a reply thread, make sure the person you're quoting actually said the thing you've edited your quote down to.
Excaliber198 wrote:
Holding out for huge compensatory buffs to under-utilized skills that need mirror-tier gear in order to be viable (ie. most of them).

Either that or going back to playing the first ~2-3 weeks and stopping due to currency inflation, prohibitively-expensive build-enabling uniques, redundant metas revolving around broken mechanics and skills like Valdo harby farming with BV HH builds, currency bots etc etc. Ya know: the stuff they should actually be paying attention to. > 200 active skill gems (a guess) and we got BV, Cyclone, Carrions, CoCSpri (me), Wanders, BF/BB, some Slams, and Aura Stackers as builds that "work". 200 of these dang gems and like 20 of them will get you through red maps.

Harvest, as it is now, gives people with 50+ ex budgets (probably around 5% of the playerbase, if that, just a guess) the ability to craft 200 ex items sometimes, but it also gives people with 5-10 ex budgets (probably the average) the ability to craft 10-20 ex items usually. People with the cash will probably go back to just slamming their rares like GGG wants. Me though? Heck no! I'd rather look at 3 ex in my stash than slam one and brick my belt with tier 6 stun/block recovery. Or my Elder Bleed Bow with T3 Lightning Damage. Or take my 6 ex and buy a Shavs or something.

Feels kinda lame that they're nerfing harvest into oblivion, a mechanic that helps mid-tier players more than others, while they're introducing and ignoring economy-warping mechanics that usually only 1% of players can afford/set up (intstacking wanders, HH, Maven orbs, etc.).

I recognize the game is not supposed to be easy; none of us signed up for a coast-through, theme park-esque ride game. That's D3. But, this seems like a lot of misplaced priorities.

Why isn't the baseline for a skill/ascendancies performance to be able to finish a T10 map, without dying, with a decent setup (T3 life all gear, cap res) in less than 4 minutes while also scaling into endgame? With an average machine ($1000 maximum) and 100 ping?

400+ pages of vitriol bashing the thought of slamming exalts should indicate some level of disconnect right? Just my $0.02.

You nailed it. It's exactly what I think. So many things that require almost no time to balance and they do absolutely nothing, league after league. I can't understand. It is so easy to make a skill or a unique less trash. Some skills are unthinkable to be chosen to a build as a main skill.
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
― Albert Einstein
How has it ever been different?

If anything 3.13 closed the gap between Large groups who pool resources to make mirror-tier items, and the middle guy.

Now the middle guy can self-craft an item that has maybe 4 or 5 of the mods he wants, and obliterates the mirror market which people undoubtedly RMT.

Makes a skeptic like me think GGG is the "Big guy" who takes a cut on RMT sites. Save me the "our vision" or "our philosophy" bullshit. The community is probably the happiest it's even been with a league, just based on retention numbers alone.

Last edited by AboveAverage on Mar 17, 2021, 2:47:06 PM
I don't get all these debates, why would you even bother ?

Vote with your wallet, the people behind this need income that their game generates after all. So show them who generates such income
If you don't like the decision, stop playing and stop paying, easy as that. You whine about stupid decisions yet you keep coming back, that's why EA or the likes are still alive.

On a side note with some tinfoil hats on, maybe they cater the 1% and the RMT because they generate the most income. More catering to RMT means more people doing it, more people doing it means more people to ban. And most banned RMT warriors would come back, paying for some stashes and start the circle again, easy trick easy income. What about casual players you ask? As I said, you keep coming back despite stupid decisions, that's why they will keep doing that
Last edited by longdoan on Mar 17, 2021, 3:19:10 PM
I started to wonder.

If GGGs main problem was the trading through TFT then there might have been an easy way to not nerf harvest but prevent anyone from spamming crafts and to sell or buy them as well aka. almost SSF Harvest mode.

That might be crazy but hear me out...
What if when you slam your item with Harvest craft it places the craft but as for example "early bloomer" mod and till it isn't fully grown you can't trade the item. It can take some time idk. maybe 2 hours till it is fully grown and then you can trade it if you want. So there problem of trading solved. Cause no one will entrust an item for 2 hours even if he got a collateral, cause it's a hassle.

If you wanted to go all out on similar design you might introduce an "orb of progress" which drops from Oshabi. And until you slam the created item with this orb it can't be traded. If this orb is also rare, than you would have to consider pros and cons when to use it. Or trade it to crafters.

There... at least two possibilities if "Trading on TFT" was the main problem.

Personally I don't care either way, but to have an option of r/a is better then not having it.

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