Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

This is bad. POE benefits from a lot of sunk cost fallacy, I guess the way I fix it is to just stop sinking time into it. I've spent a lot of time with this game and enjoy exploring end game and overcoming difficult content with my own fun (if not the most effective) builds. Harvest makes that a lot more fun by letting me craft without spending the raw currency I need for trade. Starting with Sirus and conquerors I felt that GGG had been doubling down on hostile design. This manifesto makes it clear that that was intentional.

A lot of ink has been spilled on how bad and out of touch this manifesto is, how its reasoning is nonsense, how it's clearly a mistake. But on a personal note, I read this as literally telling me to stop progressing in the game.

Also, this post tells me that GGG has a troubling design hierarchy where top-level decisions can be so poorly informed. Whoever wrote this is unaware of the complex crafting system POE has, most good rares come from bench and beast crafting and is ultimately deterministic. This is a bad fix for harvest and commits to the worst parts of POE's gameplay.
hidden_gobsek wrote:
Harvest does not ruin the game.
Harvest does not ruin the economy.

It does impact on prices of course and hardly bloats to the faces of the monopolists big crafters.

That is all. Nobody other than this very few percentage of people are not impacted.

PS and of course harvest is not good for those greedy nolife streamers. Exactly those that say this nerfs will ot touch them. They must be eating any shit the game throws at them OR they are paid for their work.
How is the feeling of being paid bit***?

Yes it ruins the economy.
Yes it ruins the game.

Deal with it.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr

Yes it ruins the economy.
Yes it ruins the game.

Deal with it.

ruins it for 1%
hidden_gobsek wrote:
Harvest does not ruin the game.
Harvest does not ruin the economy.

It does impact on prices of course and hardly bloats to the faces of the monopolists big crafters.

That is all. Nobody other than this very few percentage of people are not impacted.

PS and of course harvest is not good for those greedy nolife streamers. Exactly those that say this nerfs will ot touch them. They must be eating any shit the game throws at them OR they are paid for their work.
How is the feeling of being paid bit***?

Yes it ruins the economy.
Yes it ruins the game.

Deal with it.

How well thought out and inciteful.

How can an economy that resets every 3 months be ruined by anything that happens. How does having my gear for less currency ruin the game? At no point in time are you required to buy it, use it, or partake in it. If you want to pay someone double the currency for the item you are buying feel free, Im sure they wont turn down the extra orbs.

How can a game that is pretty none competitive be ruined by this system? If you are playing PoE for PvP then I dont know what to tell you anyways. Me having "mirror" tier gear affects you playing the game how exactly? If you dont like Harvest then dont use it. I hate the temple, I just ignore it. I hate heists... I just ignore it. If you dont like Harvest... just ignore it. If all the people that keep saying Harvest should have never been added anyways just ignored it, how would that affect your gameplay at all?

These aren't rhetorical questions, I am genuinely curious how me being able to craft my own gear deterministically truly impacts your ability to play the game?
Last edited by XavierLX on Mar 15, 2021, 10:52:46 AM
hidden_gobsek wrote:
Harvest does not ruin the game.
Harvest does not ruin the economy.

It does impact on prices of course and hardly bloats to the faces of the monopolists big crafters.

That is all. Nobody other than this very few percentage of people are not impacted.

PS and of course harvest is not good for those greedy nolife streamers. Exactly those that say this nerfs will ot touch them. They must be eating any shit the game throws at them OR they are paid for their work.
How is the feeling of being paid bit***?

Yes it ruins the economy.
Yes it ruins the game.

Deal with it.

Yeah, it ruined it so much that this league has incredibly high player retention. This is some really cooked take.
prankmaster wrote:

Yeah, it ruined it so much that this league has incredibly high player retention. This is some really cooked take.

It ruined it so much that I straight up ENJOYED MYSELF this league, lol.

Yes it ruins the economy.
Yes it ruins the game.

Deal with it.

How does it ruin the game in single player game?

You jealous that other people can craft items themselves?
You greedy to the prices dropping for the decent gear in the market?

You personally don't like harvest - don't use it.
You personally do not like using third party tools (TFT) - don't use it.
Also stop using poe macro, poe ninja,, etc.

Why the people like you so concerned about other players in a SINGLE PLAYER game? Mind your business and grind till death if you like. Or slam exalts with closed eyes.

It does not affect the gameplay - because besides harvest existing the same meta builds will beat endgame - so it does not change anything within this scope.
Miraille wrote:
prankmaster wrote:

Yeah, it ruined it so much that this league has incredibly high player retention. This is some really cooked take.

It ruined it so much that I straight up ENJOYED MYSELF this league, lol.

The horror ... :)
hidden_gobsek wrote:
Harvest does not ruin the game.
Harvest does not ruin the economy.

It does impact on prices of course and hardly bloats to the faces of the monopolists big crafters.

That is all. Nobody other than this very few percentage of people are not impacted.

PS and of course harvest is not good for those greedy nolife streamers. Exactly those that say this nerfs will ot touch them. They must be eating any shit the game throws at them OR they are paid for their work.
How is the feeling of being paid bit***?

Yes it ruins the economy.
Yes it ruins the game.

Deal with it.

I've yet to see you post a single, eloquent viewpoint, backed up by any rationale. Its just non-stop nonsense with no substance. Have you not enjoyed this league, not being able to extort players out of their currency for your crafted items? People using Harvest causes zero detriment to you, other than them not needing your extortionate crafted goods.

Its fine to have different opinions, you just seem to revel in others displeasure.
Last edited by IcedInferno007 on Mar 15, 2021, 11:41:45 AM
I just wanted to stop by and say that Harvest has been one of the best additions to the game. Being able to have some form of control over what goes into your items is amazing. That's why fossil crafting was so great (it still is, but less so) and we all know what happened there.

Why in the world does GGG not like deterministic crafting? Sure people will make mirror-tier items with it, but it still takes a LOT of time and currency to do it and most people who play the game don't have either. If 100 people throw currency at buying crafts and make ridiculous items with Harvest there are 20,000 who don't buy crafts at all and use it to ease their way into maps and have long term crafting projects that take weeks.

This is the most fun I've had in a league and Harvest was a big part of it. Please don't start gutting it.

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