Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

BlackPulsar wrote:
the rules are the same for everyone... all that changes is new rules to play by next league.
even if they nerf the game to absolute shit it will be fun to see who gets past act 2 ...
it's like going in a univerce with new physics.

The problem isn't if anyone is going to get past 2.Everyone will.Many will be able again to complete the endgame content.It's like heist.It didn't bother me not having harvest at all.For me personally what really bothers me is nerfing everything that is fun to the ground.The same happened with all previsously leagues.I prefer to have the completely removed ,harvest too, than having to encounter one in a map and just skip it like i do with breach,abyss,heist,legion,chests ghost etc.What's the point?
The game has come to a point that as much as they want to return it to the times where people were picking up rare items that won't ever happen.The reason?All shaper/elder/conqueror mods.
Harvest made the game more enjoyable(for me at least).It keeps me 2 months into the league trying to craft perfect or almost perfect items.If we go back to no harvest crafting i see myself playing 2-3 weeks until i complete 36 challenges and then quit and wait for the next league.
And no ,i play since 2013 poe ,and i have never used an exalt for crafting except when the league is done for me.
Kairuto2020 wrote:

2nd category are the parties involved.
A. SSF players
B. Trade league softcore who actively use TFT ( mainly to sell crafts )
C. Trade league softcore who hardly/never use TFT
D. Standard league players
E. Ultra rich or streamers or no-lifer players
F. GGG and pro-nerf players

For group E. This group dislike scenario 1 as they cannot buy as much craft as they want. These are the headhunters group where they farm currencies and not farm Harvest craft. Scenario 2 no issue for them. Scenario 3 and 4 are big no no for them. They will be happy with scenario 5 and 7. Can live with scenario 6 as they can still find someone out there selling craft. Affected by scenario 8 as more planning and cost needed plus not all T1 mods available to them.

So whichever group you fall into above, if you can have any solution that makes every single group all means do share.

I think streamers dont like harvest at all... because i constantly see them complain about how op harvest is... either it could be they prefer rng crafting more as they get more views while gambling or they no life 24/7 play the game anyway so they have enough resource which means they are not much affected by removal of harvest.

Also i fall in Group B and im fine with keep harvest as is while making harvest crafted item soulbound/account-bound either for limited time or permanently... even if the item is account-bound for only 2-3 hours people will stop using TFT.
Last edited by Snipemaster on Mar 14, 2021, 5:40:41 AM
there are few games in which I put more time than poe
a not close second was NIOH, in poe I have a nice double corrupted 28% quality goddess scorned, in NIOH I have a Raikiri sword that I kept upgrading

both of these itens are cheriched by me but if I had to choose between my nioh sword and my poe sword i would go with the former, since, in the end, I worked to make the first, the second one I got lucky in a temple

more than anything, this is what the casual playerbase is losing with the heavy nerfing of harvest, the feeling of working on your itens to make them the way you want.

i hope you guys find a way of making craft good in your game because the ways things are now, an exalt is just a glorified gold bar for me
they will probably just increase exalts drop rate lmao
Oshabi yells - WHY FIGHT PROGRESS . Lol
The content that has been added in the last two years has been too difficult for SSF players.
However, the introduction of Harvest Craft has saved SSF players a lot of trouble.

I play in SSF mode for the hack and slash and crafting.
Is Poe a Trading Game? LOL

If GGG destroys my enjoyment of SSF Play and Crafting, then I will destroy GGG too.
Let's stop supporting GGG with point purchases from them destroys SSF Play Crating!
keksik0061 wrote:
they will probably just increase exalts drop rate lmao

even if they increase the drop rate of Exalts to 300%+++. I would never use 'em to gamble, I mean craft, I mean gamble...the excitement it gave doesnt exite me at all, contrary to what is said.
First time since 1.0 launch I felt comfortable crafting items, because I had some kind of control over it and now... Might as well get back to chaos spam.
3.14 - Removed Harvest from the game.
AltairLT wrote:
First time since 1.0 launch I felt comfortable crafting items, because I had some kind of control over it and now... Might as well get back to chaos spam.

Chris prefers when you like gambling and he believes this is good for you. Something called "crafting", where you spend a currency and cannot foresee any predictable result is nothing more than a gambling.
"Gambling (...) is the wagering of money or something of value (referred to as "the stakes") on an event with an uncertain outcome, with the primary intent of winning money or material goods. Gambling thus requires three elements to be present: consideration (an amount wagered), risk (chance), and a prize."
- Does not this fit perfectly to a "crafting" proposed by GGG?
The definition above sounds entirely different to the CRAFTING idea, where you take some actions to create something specific you want in a planned way, where you need knowledge, skills and suitable ingredients.

Slamming exalts and annulments is a kind of lottery - you throw the game currency in and then you can win, but in most cases you wont. I don't enjoy it. Most of people don't.
Kairuto2020 wrote:
they need to introduce new bosses that are 10x stronger than Maven just to keep the players engaged and not zoom-zoom everything.

So whichever group you fall into above, if you can have any solution that makes every single group all means do share.

Dude, to "zoom-zoom" the actual end game bosses you need a full TFT equip character, which each piece costing between 600-800ex. How many players you think gonna "zoom-zoom"??

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