Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

This nerf is just one step back in game development showing the whole game course. Harvest is the only type on end game crafting and character development. It is the reason of Ritual League being so alive even now. I guess game online statistics next league will tell GGG that they were wrong.
Out of touch. Many way way more elegant ways to scale back harvest crafting without dumping on it from an ivory tower. Looks like it might be time to find a new game.
Harvest crafting was the only reason I came back. As a semi-casual player, I do not have the 100's of exaults required to make a good item or buy one, but what I did have was the ability to relentlessly grind for harvest drops and then slowly craft my own gear. If I find another game that isn't for gambling addicts to craft some decent gear, I will not hesitate to spend my money there. The only ones you are helping here are the streamers and standard players. Letting us make some good gear that we can only use for 3 months is not bad for the game. How many returning players did you get after harvest league?
Well Hi there.

GGG : I'm really sad.

I quit Diablo 3 because I was bored of playing hundreds if not thousands of hours and rely only on luck to get the best items possible.

And Yes, I played Diablo 3 after all the biggest fixes so I had access to what they call "crafting". And I enjoyed this part of Diablo 3 because it allowed me to change an affix on an item to get something I wanted and possibly perfect an otherwise good but not endgame item.

I enjoyed the ritual league a lot because, as a grown up adult, with a job, and with at most 1h to 3h a day of play, I could reach engame content.

I enjoyed Harvest because it allowed me, a casual player, to really try things. It allowed me to craft an item from scratch. It allowed me to plan how to craft it without having to store hundreds of currencies.

To this day, and since the start of the league, I looted 10 exalted orbs.

I can tell you i will NEVER EVER slam an exalted orb into an item, closing my eyes, to get a crappy affix I do not want.

I'd rather stop playing the game or go to standard than play a CASINO.

We are not in Las Vegas. To be clear, I'm ok with nerfing Harvest, but I'm not ok with the philosophy of "ex slamming eyes closed".

Some 1% players say "Harvest is OP we access very good items too fast".

Yes maybe. How many hours a day do they play ?

How many hours a day the average POE player plays the game ?

Really, I thought I could enjoy a good league once in a while... but I feel like you want to ban casual players for playing your game.

I've seen this game evolve since 2013, came back on occasions when I was interested in league mechanics. And now, I feel like you gave us a bone just to rip it out of our mouths.

I'm not happy with these changes. Harvest is good. The fact you can trade your crafts is... not the best thing. I understand Harvest can be seen as too powerful and I do not have the best solution to provide... but... I don't think you picked the good solution.
Last edited by Trollmasterover9000 on Mar 13, 2021, 5:29:59 PM
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Last edited by UKlimanco on Apr 19, 2021, 4:42:37 AM
UKlimanco wrote:
I hope this manifesto does not come true, without harvest i will not play the next league.

It will. They already said they do not care about our opinion. Bex insinuated that this outburst is as meaningles as crying about GCP recipe years ago.
Last edited by Aziello on Mar 13, 2021, 5:17:14 PM
I don't like craft but i cant identify tons of shit loot that drops just looking for something not awful.
Zaraky wrote:
Zodrac wrote:
This is the worst idea ever. The problem itself is how everything is locked behind RNG layer. So 99.9% of the item dropped are useless and the chance of getting any currency worth to craft beside trading is like non existent for casual player. So unless the craft is the perfect craft and not RNG shit again, I could see it being "possible" but then again, most people wouldn't be able to pay the annul orb + exalt for every damn craft.
If player could just have fun in PoE instead of working like it's a damn job, PoE would be the bets game ever.

You should be able to level from delve ALONE without having to redo all the damn acts over with a new character. You shouldn't have to farm sulphite for delving. This is just retarded.

Oh well, Chris and GGG will listen to player and keep their eye shut and blind themselves to their stupid ideology.

Your thinking is correct and I agree with you. The problem is that this game design ideas are taken mostly from streamers. GGG does not want to see the difference between people playing poe for money and people playing the game for fun and pleasure. Those are two different worlds. People making money on POE wants this game complicated and requiring a lot of grind. People playing for fun expect... fun. Obviously correctly designed game will have difficulty progression and limited access to the best stuff, to keep people interested, but if there is required too much grind and job-like endless farming because endgame content is not doable with average gear, then the game stays frustrating and there is no reason to play it.
GGG approach is to add more and more content, more and more RNG layers. The only way to "defeat" the RNG is to increase the number of tries. GGG thinking is that if the game will be more complicated things will be less accessible, people will play more, to deal with RNG and to achieve better results then. What is wrong! People will quit, because endless, job-like grind is BORING (and we see that every league - 50% of people quit after one month of play)!
I quit few leagues in the middle of Atlas completion already, because doing every 3 months the entire Atlas is something that makes me sick. Unfortunately GGG wants us to do that every league, again and again, because if you do not do that, you cannot have access to endgame, you cannot obtain good amount of sulphite, you will not drop high tier Heist contracts, you will not have better crafts, you will not see endgame bosses etc. I would like to play content I want - If I want to play Heist for one month I want to play Heist. If I want to play Delve it means I want to play and enjoy Delve. Instead of that I have to do maps and all other bloated content which is for me unpleasant duty needed to gain access to the content I want and what is even worst I will then have no time to do a content I want (my time is limited - I have many other things to do than playing PoE). I still like PoE, but this is not that fun as it was 6 years ago (and not due to missing "the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item").
finkel1024 wrote:
I don't like craft but i cant identify tons of shit loot that drops just looking for something not awful.

I cannot imagine to play this game without a loot filter. Sometimes even with medium filter settings there is so many items on the ground, that it is difficult to see anything else. Why this is not fixed yet? This is annoying! 99,99999999999999% items dropped are absolutely useless, so why they drop and use resources of my computer and servers?
The reason I haven't played this league as much as other leagues was due to Harvest being implemented in this one.

So thanks for nerfing Harvest !

Players will have to relearn how to use currency items and I'm all for it !

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