Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

CEO of POE !

I hope anyone of your marketing guys can suggest you:

For any product/startup/game, your main business goal is - "How to find a better market product feet".
It means - find the mechanic (product features) which is very liked their Target Audience.

And - continue to improve THIS future.
AND - mercilessly remove unnecessary / obsolete features.

Great congratulations to you and your team
Harvest - it's a great invention.
With great traction.

Because 95% of your users got a realistic way, how to get a FUUL chance to get BETTER items FOR ME, with my own hands and with possibilities to buy a missing Harvest from other players.
Because all of users want to create all of the gears themselves. If it is possible to average of casual users.

Be wise!
Use your invention Harvest and make a maximum improvement.
Not Nerf!

just remind.
You have a second big invention - it's 3 months reset.
What the problem to allow ALL users ta have a better item?
It only for a few weeks.

My suggestion:
1. Hear 95% of the audience
2. Improve Harvest craft
3. Delete obsolete craft
4. Make Harvest tradable
5. Do finally TradeManifesto from 2016
Last edited by SantaClaus1024 on Mar 13, 2021, 1:50:21 PM
I think I do play a lot, like few hours almmost every day, sometimes even more, due to corona restrictions, and if exalt was to drop (once in a week or so) I would certainly never use it to augment some item with random stats (reflect 2 physical damage -.-), its just not worth it. I would rather much use it to barter for something, because the RNG is really heavilly not in your favour most the time. Harvest was, for a small casual soft core player like me, some way to get items that would even give me a chance to do some endgame content and to try builds, that i would never attempt due to item cost, or impossible crafting chance. I really dont see the point in making the game harder and endgame content more inaccesible for casual players, I dont give a f... if Empirean has had his 30th headhunter droped this day. The content of this game is larger every league and more challenging, builds i use to play few years ago, are total garbagge today and builds you need to compete with todays content are really hard to put together for a casual people. You guys are turning this game into game that only the elite players will enjoy, the funny part is that you are making it harder, but the elite players will obtain end game godly items anyway, so only the casuals will suffer by this harvest nerfs
Please do continue to piss-off over half your dedicated player base.
This is certainly the right direction.
When the devs choose a different direction, I'll be happy to play again. Until then, I'm out of here. What the devs see as the "fun generating" part of the game is just the crap I try to ignore as much as possible.

See you all around...
Last edited by Alscern on Mar 13, 2021, 2:08:31 PM
So when's the next league going to begin? I can't wait!!!
This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

Played Harvest league, had an absolute blast. Was able to make about everything work somehow, surely wasn't the best but it allowed a sense of freedom I have not felt in Path for a while. Skipped Heist, let's be real, that league was atrocious. Started in Ritual simply cause of Harvest returning and the entire Atlas passive shenanigans.

Uninstalled the game yesterday, will check forums from time to time to see if we eventually get something akin to Harvest, but until then I'm out.

Sincerely regret buying a supporter pack. This was not what I had in mind regarding Harvest balancing.

So long, and thanks for (temporary) Harvest. :)

Edit: Oh, and let's not forget the horrible, horrible, horrible performance that GGG has somehow managed to make even more of an issue as of late. I'm on a 2.4k build, I shouldn't have loading times of ~10 seconds per area running an m2, should I? The game was fun enough to put up with it while harvest was around, but next league? F--k no. Get your sh*t together.
Last edited by SacredSteel on Mar 13, 2021, 4:07:59 PM
came here with a nice coffee on hand and reading butthurt kids whining abt how this has hurt their butt. Finished 300+ pages in 20mins, wasnt disappointing.

Pls, for those who believe "this shall teach them a lesson", just save your breath already and go see the world out there.
Given that at the point of me writing this there are around 400 pages of feed back (overwhelmingly negative), GGG should actually take that in account.

When I started playing, back in the Open Beta days, every development manifesto and pretty much every new league, was mostly an improvement.

Lately however, league after league, there are more stuff broken, and GGG has been more and more disconnected from the community and the playerbase.

Starting with horrible performance lately, game crashes, game hangs, server issues, broken instances, game not being able to handle the loot it generates, etc etc. And having introduced Maven, and the horrible performance when fighting the map bosses in her realm (I don't understand how the map bosses don't hang the game when they are in the map, but basically hang/crash the game when they are in the Maven fight, but okay), besides the performance, the balance issues (I can melt Elder in 10 seconds, but I fight a regular map boss for 5 minutes because somehow Maven makes it not receive much damage...)

And now, when GGG actually made Harvest useable, they decide, nah we are going to basically make it useless again, and make the game unplayable for most of the players. Because we don't actually play the game within the leagues (among the population, with regular accounts), and we have zero knowledge about what is actually going on. This is obvious from some interviews where devs don't actually know how mechanics that they created actually work, or how players actually use them. That is not good.

I've seen many games take this path, and most of the time it is a good recipe to ruin player retention, and eventually go broke.
This nerf is especially hard for console players. While the PC player base is much larger and people can trade for god tier items, the pool of these items is substantially smaller on console since there isn't crossplay.

Harvest in it's current state made it possible for console players to get the items that were severely lacking in our economies. Now we will go back to spending all league waiting for someone to maybe obtain that god tier item we need and maybe post it for trade.

To be clear to the devs, this does not add to the fun. This is frustrating and nerfing this makes the console versions of your game fundamentally worse.

I understand the game shouldn't be balanced around console, and I don't expect it to be. But to completely disregard ANY of your players and how this impacts the overall experience of the game based solely on the PC experience is shortsighted.

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