Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Dear GGG, please decide who is your target player base are those 1% of top tier players that always will find a way to craft and have god tier gear or remaining 99% which has job, family etc. and they cant spend hundreds of hours a week to play your game but still would like to reach end game and have fun instead of dying continuously or spend xx of exalts for gear where their drop is sh....
Since I started to ple PoE I was always advocate for you and your way of managing the game and interaction with community. I even get along when you remove harvest from core after introduction.
But know once again You place it into the game improve joy of thousands of players and then decide that is to ggod for You so will remove it.
I's not game balancing it's contionously nerfeing game and features that game has.
Each league I was supporting You with my $$$ by buying supporter packs, with this change being implemented it's over and sadly say I even consider quiting PoE for good.
neohongkong wrote:

Starforge is partially due to the basetype damage change. Can't remember the net dps loss due to unique mod nerf + basetype buff

yeah I know that it was partially due to unique mod nerf + basetype buff

Now has 200-300% increased Physical Damage (from 400-500%).

And only 30% increased as an implicit.

So all in all about 200 PDPs nerf in the process.
Why else would it be nerfed like that not to force you to RNG your crafts as 700+ PDPs swords aren't that common and easily obtainable as Starforge was.

"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not" KLMAO. Cant wait my body is shaking in light of these amazing news and i dont think i would be able to content myself and wait with slamming till next league. Gonna start slamming my items straight away OFC with closed eyes to prepare myself to get that t3 mana mod.


E = mc^(OMG)/wtf
"players having fun, playing more builds and enjoying the game? NO FUCKING WAY! BURN HARVEST!"
if these changes go live i'll stop playing poe (after almost 3,5k hours). thats it
had talked

DemonBlyat wrote:
if these changes go live i'll stop playing poe (after almost 3,5k hours). thats it

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Step 1. Nerf harvest to the ground

Step 2. Rename Exalted Orb to Exciting Orb

There you go, exciting crafting system.

The whole reasoning behind the nerf is just a bad joke. Srsly, you guys need to come up with better excuse next time.
Geez - another nerf for the non-1% of players

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