Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Hmmm, the first time in a long time I actually stayed around longer than 2 to 3 weeks is because of harvest and the possibilities I could make with my gear.

Crafting isn't supposed to be RNG, its supposed to be direct to what I want on my item not wasn't 60 ex to possibly make the item I want to make...

Just another reason to Uninstall the game yet again....
Good, no more "perfect items for everyone", harvest just made the game tooo easy, even after the nerf harvest still the easiest and strongest crafting tool in the game.
Terrible decision
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

The only time i had such feeling was actually using a HARVEST craft. Did i hit my mod? Did I get t1 roll? And it was good, because i knew that one day im gonna hit, im gonna make my item better, no way I'm gonna spam regular exalts like that - I dont have houndreds and thousands of them.

With harvest opportunities lots of people were able to do content, that they NEVER were able to do before, they were able to play builds, that they would NEVER try before - because builds were too expensive or too difficult.

And now you are going to cut it, you are going to take the content away from people. Crafting again only for 0.1%, good items for endgame fun again only for 0.1%?

It took me 2(two) months to make good gear on ONE character, playing ONE build. I NEVER played this game so much before, without the harvest I would quit league much earlier. Why? Because without harvest EVERY single item, which is better then multi-modded base, would cost mirror+. I cant farm multiple mirrors and absurd mirroring fees to upgrade my gear, while playing like 3 hours after work.

But then HARVEST came. And i discovered, that I could craft good items MYSELF. DAY by DAY, craft after craft, it took me whole WEEK to craft my bow. My items arent mirror tier, they are worse, but they are not MUCH worse, I'm still proud of crafting them.

And now imagine the harvest is gone. I will pretty quick come to the point, there I would need again to pay houndreds and houndreds of exalts to get an upgrade, which is a STOP sign for me.

Your 0.1% would get their mirror tier gear anyways, they would break game anyways. If you dont like harvest that much, IMPROVE you regular crafting system, so AVERAGE player would be able to craft something NICE.

Harvest took away power from 0.1%, and they are mad, they used to feel to be a semigod, with unreachable gear for average player.

But the game is not for 0.1%, it is for everyone. Please dont forget it.

3.13 Was the best league ever!
3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you...
Last edited by Anngrat on Mar 13, 2021, 7:17:32 AM
in_hop_in wrote:
its like give child a candy and take it back after 1 bite

This is exacly what i feel about this nerf.
Onihasuma wrote:
Why dont just make harvest things NOT TRADEABLE????????

lol ... 2 eazy ... XD

But yes, keep harvest as it is, make things not tradeable, it is still rng stuff and your game is just working good (even with tradeable ... it's just making a good job and ex slams are bullshit not fun!)... don't do the blizzardphoneman and tell us what we like when you don't know what we like ...

Chris knows better what you like. He will tell you what you have to like even if you think you do not like his ideas.
GGG: That it is in your best interest! Our game is so great, you will play it forever. Now, go to buy another supporter pack or other MTX.
Last edited by Mark__75 on Mar 13, 2021, 7:22:42 AM
The real problem here are the 3rd party tools and the access to what should be rare craft options on demand. And the proposed nerfs do NOTHING to curb this.

I see a lot of suggestions for account locking items but that ruins trade value.

Why not make that lock temporary? A 1 hour/1 day account-bound status for harvest crafted items would ruin 3rd party access because now you need a stranger to hold your item for a while.

Alternatively keep these nerfs and make the crafts that remain tradable IN GAME.

FFS If we won't overtly kill the ability to use 3rd party groups then AT LEAST provide an in game alternative. I wouldn't even be so upset about the changes if they would fix THE ONE THING I actually hated about the process (The need to go to discord to find someone with the craft I want to use and pray they don't fuck up the item).
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James
"People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln
If you want all the best gear in a few days and everything is soulbound, go play diablo 3.
Very disappointed in your vision and changes for the game. I spent the most amount of money I have ever spent in POE right before 3.13 dropped because I liked everything shown in the trailer and the features revealed coming to the game. This was probably the last time I'm spending any money on this game. I had my great time but you clearly don't care about the people playing and their issues with the game, you only care about purposefully making gameplay more tedious to tie people to stay in the game longer. There are many many games out there who's developers are passionate about and want to make their creations fun and enjoyable, you are not one of these developers. At least there are other great ARPG's coming in 2021 so that I won't have to be an alpha tester for your new content in April.

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Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Mar 14, 2021, 7:25:43 AM
Honestly I am very sad about this change. Harvest Crafting was the only way i managed to get at least a bit of decent gear.

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