Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Xiipher wrote:
All good points on this topic have already been made. For those of you who still think the changes are good: You will reap what you sow. This doesn't change the game in a large way for your favorite SSFHC streamers. All of those people play the same boring builds over and over because they're good without requiring any gear. The result will be the VAST MAJORITY (99.9%) of players playing the same builds; those that are strong~ish without gear. For those that think they can still play other builds and make it to white maps - that's great but you are irrelevant and people want to actually see this game succeed.

I'm really unsure why anybody thinks that after this change GGG will balance other skills to the point of playable in red maps+. They are historically terrible at this and the empirical evidence is there for everyone to see. League after league there are only a handful of skills that are actually strong enough to be viable without harvest crafting. Viable in the way that they can clear ALL game content, not just meander through the story and complete a map or two.

The point keeps being brought up: Well the harvest changes don't effect 80% of players. Yes, because 80% of players don't play the damn game. The opinions of those who haven't cleared red maps or finished collecting all watchstones really don't matter to me and they shouldn't to you either. Generally speaking, it's good to hear from people that have actually experienced a topic, rather than someone who's just studying it and regurgitating what they heard from someone else. Make no mistake, many of these developers are a part of that 80%.

I love this game and have supported it for years and I hope many years to come. This change, however, is out of touch with its actual players. I really am curious if their bottom line is made up mainly of the 80% or 20% of players. I'm hoping it's the 20% because I know that most people that play this game as much as I do understand what's going on and will do what's necessary to ensure these devs get the message. Vote with your wallets, folks.

Very well said. My wallet is closed next league. I love the game and love to play it but the display of disconnect with players like me is just incredible.

I have 1500hours played in a bit over a year. I did most of the end game content while learning abut atributes. I was now at the stage to be able to convert this knowledge and try to craft some cool gear. It wont be mirror tier or perfect that is for sure.

This is now soured for me as it was supposed to be a practice crafting run for next league. But now no crafting next league. Lets go back to one in 6000 chance in hitting one of the three good atributes you need.

Just sad
Xiipher wrote:
All good points on this topic have already been made. For those of you who still think the changes are good: You will reap what you sow. This doesn't change the game in a large way for your favorite SSFHC streamers. All of those people play the same boring builds over and over because they're good without requiring any gear. The result will be the VAST MAJORITY (99.9%) of players playing the same builds; those that are strong~ish without gear. For those that think they can still play other builds and make it to white maps - that's great but you are irrelevant and people want to actually see this game succeed.

I'm really unsure why anybody thinks that after this change GGG will balance other skills to the point of playable in red maps+. They are historically terrible at this and the empirical evidence is there for everyone to see. League after league there are only a handful of skills that are actually strong enough to be viable without harvest crafting. Viable in the way that they can clear ALL game content, not just meander through the story and complete a map or two.

The point keeps being brought up: Well the harvest changes don't effect 80% of players. Yes, because 80% of players don't play the damn game. The opinions of those who haven't cleared red maps or finished collecting all watchstones really don't matter to me and they shouldn't to you either. Generally speaking, it's good to hear from people that have actually experienced a topic, rather than someone who's just studying it and regurgitating what they heard from someone else. Make no mistake, many of these developers are a part of that 80%.

I love this game and have supported it for years and I hope many years to come. This change, however, is out of touch with its actual players. I really am curious if their bottom line is made up mainly of the 80% or 20% of players. I'm hoping it's the 20% because I know that most people that play this game as much as I do understand what's going on and will do what's necessary to ensure these devs get the message. Vote with your wallets, folks.

So from you point of view, even if i have only 20 watchstones, did not kill sirus, but can clear T16 maps i have no voice on the matter ?

Maybe it is also because i love this game and that every other ARPG are shit that i also want to express my opinion on the matter...

PS : With harvest i managed to have some okish gear to be able to get to T16 maps. Not good enought to kill sirus (left him with 20% hp) but still my best imrpovement since betrayal. I don't play meta, never will and i don't play trade / gambling craft.
Path of Exile is a Casino for gambling addicts.
Gambling is not fun nor a game mechanic...
Hsplash wrote:
I'm so sorry Chris and GGG staff, this is what happens in a world where your audience is varied and with different levels of information, experience and expectations.

I think the changes were necessary and absolutely will be good for the long-term health of the game. Targeted annuls went against what poe has always been, and I'm glad to see them go. Annul orbs alone are enough. Some remove/add is great, which I'm glad you left in.

Aside from that all we lost is the explode chest crafting, which is an enormous blessing - this was killing the game. All people want is that item and are only using harvest for it. Forgetting crusader exalts and fossils are a thing.

Adding to the above, it's sad to see people not see the big picture. It has never been easier to farm currency. There are a plethora of ways and options, all of which the player can control. This league and expansion has offered so much in this regard. And yet most of the comments here are 'RIP, you're out of touch, you need competition'. It's quite tragic, but also predictable.

What can we learn from this? Be careful in giving the players too much power in one mechanic. The game has many ways to get to power items/combos. Harvest is a blackhole that dominated attention, as it is easy to understand (a simple menu) and it negates most of the other methods (re: crafting). This was a mistake, and you knew it yourselves back when you were launching harvest. It should have never returned in this state, but I hope it highlights the lesson to be learnt here - taking things away (even if for the greater good) is going to cause massive backlash. The community is the baby and harvest is the candy. Even though we were in danger of over nutrition and having rotting teeth - the community cries (not all, but seemingly quite a few).

Another lesson is communication. That line in your manifesto about closing your eyes and slamming an item with an ex is now being used as propaganda against you. Yes, it is more of a metaphor for the risk aspect of crafting this game has always had, but the community will use it literally against you if they don't understand the change. My suggestion is to be careful with such language in the future, try to do what you're doing (explaining the changes) but without invoking feelings and what poe is meant to feel like. People will always react badly if they don't agree with you. This comes at the expense of generating further empathy and understanding from those players that do get the change. I have never wanted to fly down to NZ more and have a beer with you all than I did yesterday - you guys are awesome, I'm 100% behind your game, your vision and this change, but don't cater to us - tread carefully in communication to avoid the accusations of being out of touch. You're not, this is your game and your success shows how in-touch you are, but you know what happens with a varied audience, the lower common denominator of empathy with your decisions will always, sadly, scream the loudest.

I'll end how I started, I'm sorry Chris and GGG team, don't be discouraged from your efforts to keep poe going for another 14 years!

The biggest problem, that in the game there are only three semi-crafting mechanic - benchcraft, beastiary and harvest and three extra similar-to-crafting mechanic like fossils, essences and partially Jun. Alternation, chaos, exalt slamming are not crafting, they are gambling. The same way as vaaling is also gamble, not a craft. Yes, possible things like huge amount of explosion chests, a lot of HH in non Nemesis league, very powerful items are not so good, but come on, how many over the value you get compared to the previous league? Instead of 1%, amount is 2-3%? Yeah it is big disadvantage for majority of users, they feel game easy (which is not true, you still need to spend time on build, still need to find currency, still need to find the way of comfortable play even with OP build, still a lot to do). Only people who are boring - 10h/day players, who can do the same without Harvest but with more currency. But let's be honest, you need to farm 5-10ex/hour to be able to craft anything with fossils or use Harvest. There are nor so many players, who actually do it, and much less players who are getting fun from the repetitive farming.

Only minority is saying - don't change anything- but majority is saying, that nerfes are on the level, when Harvest is useless mechanic.
Azarhiel wrote:

So from you point of view, even if i have only 20 watchstones, did not kill sirus, but can clear T16 maps i have no voice on the matter ?

Maybe it is also because i love this game and that every other ARPG are shit that i also want to express my opinion on the matter...

PS : With harvest i managed to have some okish gear to be able to get to T16 maps. Not good enought to kill sirus (left him with 20% hp) but still my best imrpovement since betrayal. I don't play meta, never will and i don't play trade / gambling craft.

I didn't really mean it that way. That's directed at those who have that experience AND are saying it's great that Harvest is being removed. I also said to clear red maps OR collect all watchstones, so you wouldn't have been included in that. EVERYONE is entitled to their own opinions on this, but they don't all hold the same value.
Last edited by Xiipher on Mar 12, 2021, 6:12:09 AM
Well done ggg!
Fuck Yeah
Why are we even needing to argue over which camp is in the majority?

Put a poll up, and let's sort this.
smplx wrote:
Am3nti wrote:
I am glad that GGG thus far hasnt succumbed to listen to the cries of a minority.

Wow... Just wow. So the Harvest manifesto has the all time, record breaking replies and posts, both on the official forum (currently at 339 pages of replies and growing, compared to 50-75 pages for the other manifestos) and on reddit (8.3 k comments, with an upvote of 33% - they literally had to pin the original post so that reddit doesn't hide it due to the downvotes). So, overwhelmingly negative replies to the manifesto... and LOADS of them!

And you still say this is a minority... You might be just as out of touch with the game community as Chris was with his Exalt slam remark...

The majority of the playerbase don't even read news posts this far into the league, don't go to reddit to make posts on it and don't comment here. This hate shitstorm that we see here is from a minority group. Statistically irrelevant. The numbers next league start will tell the true story. i bet it will be the usual crowd.

What kills me is that you are absolutely right when you say that the majority of players don't even read the news and development manifestos. The most part of the players only access forums in search of popular and functional builds and completely ignore devs session and everything else.

But one think I know: after 340+ pages, I guess the message was very clear about this sad manifesto.
Fenoch wrote:
Fenoch wrote:

Yet the majority of the whining children with plenty not even having spend a single dime on a game they have enjoyed for multiple years fails to understand the concept of a metaphor.

Blizzard listened to an army of whining, whinging idiotic children begging fopr items to rain from the sky and so the items did.

6 months later Diablo 3 was a dead wasteland and trade was non existent.


Child/uneducated vs intelligent/mature.

Bring on the hate. Dont care.

Diablo 3 crashed for a few reasons:

1. Lack of item diversity.
2. Lack of build diversity.
3. Content was never updated, and when it was they charged for a new class to experience the same content.

Your entire post is one negative, childish comment after another, and yet you have the nerve to, at the end of your post, hint that everyone else's posts are childish and uneducated.

Take some time to reread your post, maybe you will see just how immature it actually is.

I am sorry Mr. professor. You are right. Whining and crying in a forum for a video game is the root of maturity.

It is pathetic. Just be quiet, let the devs do whatever and deal with the results. If you do not like the result. Leave and play something else or go outside in your spare time.

I never claimed to not be childish. I am well aware of my targeted, well crafted sarcastic remarks and comparisons/metaphors.

Sometimes I use remove sarcasm/add realism and then harvest divine it to 50/50 stats.

Just for the heck of it:

Diablo 3 didn't just fail for your aformentioned reasons.

The start of its downfall was watering it down and spraying legendaries everywhere.

That happened because an army of casuals and single minded individuals flocked to the forums crying about the elite playing the game and selling stuff on the RMAH and yet they can't compete and they wanna sell their flower for 5 Dollah too.

So RMAH closed, followed by the Normal AH closing, followed by items raining from the skies, followed by trade becoming non existent followed by a massive powercreep across the entirety of its player base, followed by the flaws to insufficient gameplay mechanics/endgame content becoming apparent wayyy to quickly

and then came the bad business choices such as new content = same content but new class + having to spend money (Reaper of Souls etc)-

Eventually it was you pick a class, farm the exact same items as everyone else (sets specific legendaries etc), start running GRs, upgrade your GR gems, use the exact same setup as the GR leaderboards, copy/paste "builds" and play and play and play to farm more of the same sets just with better stats to increase GR by 1-2 level.

Spamming a market with near perfect items is NEVER a good choice. PoE relies on trade. It is a core part of the experience. Sure trading could be better and integrated into the game itself rather than hunting through countless websites or Discord but it is what it is.

And I am gonne be honest here with you: I HATE and I mean HATE reading about complete newbies to the game, who run around demolishing everything in seconds in their first ever league.

This should not be the norm, nor, if memory serves me correctly, was this the intent of the original game creators.

You do realise that these are 3 regular dudes like you and me and whoever else, who just wanted to make their own game right? Not some global Triple A title conglomerate. And Boy did they pull it off.

Do you even manage to comprehend just how hard it is to do this in a modern day environment? and to then get a large company like tencent to pay attention to your tiny studio and acquire you? LoL. I dont think you people have the slightest grasp what a feat that is.

And so they make a change where newbies and super casuals wont play redmaps within 2 weeks. Boo---fudging--hoo.

Do me a favour. Go to my profile. Look at my shitty as toons for this league. Check out the gear. Does any of this look unachievable with little playtimee?

Does it?

And it beats all content in game. All of it. On Awaken 9. It doesnt melt stuff but it beats it.
Keep em coming boys and girls, let the feller know he dun goof'ed up.
harvest was the worst experience this league. I did craft multiple 40ex++ items - triple elvated and stuff. I did craft a nearly mirror tier bleed axe (roughly ~80ex worth at that time - still at start of the league)
So yes, i am a crafter

the only legit way to craft this season was harvest
being all day every day on TFT to buy crafts (sometimes on bulk) was the most annoying and worst experience - yet it was also easy to make big money this way.

It's kinda hilarious to see people having complete meltdowns and claiming they are poor casuals that got hurt by this. while those people sit on headhunters and a networth of gear/currency of multiple mirrors.

This league had more mirror worthy gear just a few weeks in than any non-harvest league at the end of the league. Stop pretending like harvest was anything close to being balanced.
Stop pretending that it hits the casuals. People hit most by this are the big time crafters that were bulk-buying and mass crafting via TFT.

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