Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Casual player's dont have acces to NEAR PERFECT items any way.
0.1% player have acces to NEAR PERFECT items any way.
so what you nerfed? middle class of player. who give you main money from MTX. NICE IDEA. buisness is your destiny.

But serious: you go back to stone age with this nerf. When player's drop league after 2-3 weeks, because dont want/can't take a 500 exalts for 1 item from other player who USED BOTS.
You tell us about "many many builds" - and destroyed ONLY ONE POSSIBLE way to create UNIQUE build without playing 25/8 hours in week.
Every league most of players play most cheapiest and most powerfull build because have no currency for buy builds. NO ONE SLAM'S ITEMS WITH EX'S OR CHAOS'S. NO ONE.
Righteous Fire forever.
fun detected - fun remove.
WHATS TO HARD TO add TIER 17, 18, 19 maps?

We dont want this to become Diablo 3.

I think alot of you are missing this problem with D3 which was lets just do GR number 75 1 week later GR 100 great 1 week later GR150.

You know you should trust GGG a bit more guys.

Thats the way i see it personally.
Bring back Harvest
Last edited by Purganis on Mar 11, 2021, 11:46:12 PM
Not a good decision.

I have 1500+ hrs in PoE, and the biggest thing lacking in this game was having some better control over crafting your own gear. The Harvest league (for me) was extremely enjoyable. I actually didn't make any mirror-worthy gear, but was able to improve the gear for my various builds with far less gambling.

I didn't play Ritual this league, opting to stay on Standard as the 3.13 Harvest re-implementation gave me incentive to keep playing - growing and tweaking my chars to reach more of end-game content. Very enjoyable when gear can be tailored a little more and I have all my existing stuff to play with.

I still don't have mirror-quality gear. Just more effective gear than what I was capable of achieving before.

Is that so bad? Is that broken? Is this ruining an economy?

No, no and no, although it is keeping me playing, which creates more opportunities for revenue spend for GGG. And ultimately, as a F2P game, I would think the goal is to try and keep players playing, being happy, and therefore a mindset of wanting to support the developer.

"The excitement of using an Exalt and possibly ruining an item".... How can anyone think this is an exciting, positive thing that people want? I have never ever slammed an Exalt, and never will. Not worth it. Without Harvest there is no crafting options available in my view. Only gacha essentially.....

Crafting needs to have some determinism. Thats why its crafting. In the real world you don't decide to build something like a house, and, oh, it might randomly be 2 bed, 3 bed, a unit, an urban warehouse or a rustic farmhouse? You have your set of needs, and either build or buy one with most (all) of those needs. Thats how crafting works.

I strongly vote to keep the 3.13 implementation as-is. Removing crafting from influenced items in particular is a crushing blow to its value....

Imagine thinking that players actually enjoy random gambling. They want crafting to be basically a slot machine? Might as well open a casino TBH.

Harvest crafting awarded those who spent time learning about crafting, mod groups, outcomes etc. This change will be a big step backwards in terms of skill when it comes to crafting.

Its sad that GGG are strong headed about such stuff, Best we can do is quit playing.
I kinda wonder if there's a cynical hope that if you post the manifesto far enough away from the new league, it might be 'uncontroversial' enough that it doesn't gut the next league's take up. Guess we'll see.

I'll be honest, when you removed eternal orbs, rather than mirrors, I felt like the devs had some serious conceptual issues with trying to give incremental progress. You'd rather that all the progress is boom or bust, and all the currencies go to the player who no-lifes the most. And yet you speak again and again about incrementally improving characters, more constant gear upgrades, etc. Which just seems like bullshit, really. Mirrors are, conceptually, all about funneling currency to a small number of people to act as merchants of good items, in preference to giving everyone a good chance to have a good item they made themselves.

I have a mirror. Sitting in SSF rotting, because why should I pay someone to reinforce a horrible trade system to get an item that feels valueless because I did nothing for it but get lucky in a single moment, without any particular effort, skill or knowledge.

I think the amount of feedback (which I hope continues right up to the next league, as proof that players aren't simply going to forget) indicates that while players could *live* with a bunch of boom-or-bust and rich-get-richer systems, when offered real progress they could pursue for themselves, they felt real satisfaction. And you want to take that away, because reasons. Random everything. Roll your chance to enter the next story area. With your eyes closed. Awesome fun!

I also wonder if your data analysts are as good as they think they are, but that's another topic.
I keep on browsing this forum hoping that there would be a shed of light after knowing that at least the majority of the community disagrees with the crafting going full blown gambiling again.

But I guess it’s their game and we must play it the way they wanted us to play it and keep on buying MTX.

This makes me sad.
This is a horrible change for players with limited playtime...
I had fun in harvest and ritual because it allowed me to reach end game fast.
Cool. Cool.
Glad I didn't spend any money this league yet, for myself, my wife, or 3 sons who all play either on console or pc.

Enjoy catering to whoever you guys are catering to.

I'm out.
Sweet Jesus, just let us have fun for the remaining months of POE1, I think we've earned it.

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