Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

RIP build diversity
After 3000 hours played I can honestly say that this league was the most fun I've had. However I do agree that Harvest crafting did need a nerf but This is Way too far.

The ability to actually obtain and plan out amazing items is extremely fun. Sitting there hitting an item 1000+ times with even fossils was never satisfying to me. Taking Harvests soul from the game also takes hours and hours of play from people who could map out good items for the skills and ascendancies that are not end game worthy with chaos rolled gear.

I know with my experience I won't have a problem clearing all of the games content next season however most players may not have the desire to climb that extremely steep uphill fight that POE can be.
im_a_manatee wrote:


see i can also bold and capslock...
300+ pages in, and you can probably count with one hand the comments that either like or don't care about it (my own first reaction included). Let's see if GGG will listen to feedback this time.
Dear Chris and GGG team, at this point me and most of the community believe that what your idea of good for the game does not align with ours. While i understand that you can do what ever you believe is right, some times you shouldn't and should trust us gamers.

Here's a list of actual solutions which would make this whole harvest thing make more sense:
1. Make significant and powerful crafts rarer, while making basic crafts (such as randomize an item, more likely to hit a defence, fire, cold etc modifier) more common to promote your silly chaos spamming idealism.

2. Make the Oshabi fight drop a tradable orb, which allows us to lock in a harvest craft which we don't plan on using so that we can avoid the discord server risk and can rely on the trade site, like with beastiary orbs.

3. DO NOT remove any deterministic crafts! This is the only thing that allows for significant build diversity and exploration! I never played more than 1 build per league cause like most people i want to min-max a character! It used to take me 3 months to do that with ONE character! With harvest i can do 3 to 5 depending on the leagues economy! I can actually play the bloody game like i want to!

4. With the nerfs you intend to put out in 3.14 you will lock 98% of the player base out of even having a damn shot, at having the sheer blissful satisfaction of crafting a semi high end item! Which they'd usually never see in hundreds of hours!

5. Get real with your mindset on what's good for the game! This league had the highest player count and the league is still very active! Why?? CAUSE WE CAN ACTUALLY PLAY MORE BUILDS, SEE WHAT WE LIKE, CRAFT WHAT WE LIKE, WE DON'T NEED TO GRIND OURSELVES INTO COMPLETE BOREDOM! The game is in the best place it's been in a while and you can make it better with these simple changes!

Please GGG and Chris, don't ruin the bloody game just because you think your opinions make sense, cause they don't. We're happy to provide feedback.

May PoE thrive and prosper!
Honestly this is how I imagined it would've been changed when it was announced to go core. I'm sad that so many people are whining about it, after getting another league of free OP items with harvest.
sleepylestat wrote:
For the record exalt crafting isn't exciting its nerve wracking. its so miserable that most of the people I have played with won't do it. its like throwing money away in a casino. Is that really the goal?

If you keep these changes in effect, you will sign that you are not playing your own game. You might not think you knew what HARVEST is. You have given people a great balanced crafting tool and you want to pick it up. It's just a slap in the face of a fairly large section of the audience. I think the next league online will show it perfectly. Personally, I played League Ritual for over 1 month, only from HARVEST. You have miners who farm a ton of currency per hour, but there is no problem with them. And there are problems with HARVEST :)))))))) Harvest finally gave this game craft, and not the casino it was before. You do not have an MMO RPG enough NERF. Confused by your variety of skills if a couple of hundreds are playable. After all, on the other 98, it will simply not be possible to get the necessary things for an ordinary average player ...
It was a cry from the heart, I hope you will wonder where you are going with such decisions. You do not know how to balance from the word at all.
P.S Google Translate
Last edited by XIIVIMCMXCVIII on Mar 11, 2021, 9:31:21 PM
Huntss wrote:
Honestly this is how I imagined it would've been changed when it was announced to go core. I'm sad that so many people are whining about it, after getting another league of free OP items with harvest.

If you think people are whining, you're not really reading, are you?

They had a whole league to test it, it went core after some changes, players are happy with it. There's no logical reason to nerf it like this.
now imagine the use of maven's orb without harvest.
kinda lame imo

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