Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

cacmeister wrote:
Bump... this topic isn’t getting enough attention.

As usual GGG is monitoring and has responded to Reddit.

This decision is final. Exalt slamming glasses will be part of the 3.14 supporter packs.
Players also expressed frustration that the most effective way to get the best items in Path of Exile was to join a discord channel and try to trade for these incredibly crucial crafts.

The first part of this that concerned us was that Harvest was critical in making the best items (and hence made many other game systems obsolete). The second part, where it was inconvenient to trade them, becomes far less of a problem if we can solve the first issue.

Trading harvest over discord will not become less of a problem at all because of your changes.

A few useful harvest crafts remain, and getting access to those repeatedly is still 20x easier by buying them through TFT discord then running maps over and over again, hoping to get lucky and finding just the right craft you need for your item.

There will be way less builds that heavily benefit from harvest crafted items, but all the other issues remain the same.

For those builds that do need harvest crafts for their items, or players that want to harvest craft for profit, nothing changed regarding the harvest trading issue at all.

It's a useless system now for a large part of the player base, but for those that still want to engage with it after your planned changes, the problems all remain the same.

The only thing you accomplish with those changes is taking the explode chest and elusive boots away, alongside with the targeted clean up for high end players to craft "perfect" items way more easily then before, or even at all, as in many cases it just wasn't possible during a league, AND taking away tons of customized off-meta gearing options as well as a reasonable crafting option for solo players that don't want to engage with trade.

This is what you did. Nothing more. Don't pretend like your proposed changes would fix any other issue.
Last edited by Luminariel on Mar 11, 2021, 9:08:10 PM
I'm done. Maybe I'll come back once PoE2 drops, or better controller support(assuming you aren't sticking to that asinine "We want the console version to have a different feeling" bullshit) but this combined with your complete unwillingness to make trading not feel like a steaming pile, has convinced me at last to uninstall this game.
Last edited by Majgamer on Mar 11, 2021, 9:07:38 PM
I have quit this league early because your poor optimisation makes it unable for me to play the de-facto endgame of path of exile.

The way you describe how you want players to feel/play the game is absolutely deranged and in no way shape or form reflective of actual reality. You are fixated on fixing things that aren't broken while ignoring things that are broken or making them worse (such as optimisation which has been on steady decline in last 3+ leagues). It's insane to me that you chose to remove deterministic crafting to force players into your shitty gamba crafting. It's the rest of the crafting system that is too random that needed rework not the harvest.

Either way, if you don't value my time and want to force me to hard gamble on gear I simply won't play your game. I do hope that an actual competition arises in the genre [Removed by Support].
Last edited by Will_GGG on Mar 11, 2021, 9:09:34 PM
Just prevent trading the crafts. Problem solved.
No hortistation storage, use it or lose it.
This is sad to me. Harvest crafting gave me and another friend of mine who have both been playing since synthesis and before, play longer into the league than we ever have. The game is much more difficult now with bosses so hard that there are few 'fun' maps unless your version of fun is intense game play only. I prefer a variety myself. I miss the days of soaring through mobs on one map then finding the next to be super hard and I had to adjust. Now they are all just super hard. Harvest craft gave us the energy and desire to try to conquer the hard content. but I hardly ever see the harvest portal so it hasn't helped me hardly at all. My friend purchased his harvest crafts from other players. It made me realize how broken crafting in POE is. We once could easily craft rare mods with delve, then it was nerfed. we used to have greater power with multi crafting then it got saddled with the multi craft mod being a mod. every time you provide a way for us to make powerful equipment you nerf it and take it away. Why not just get rid of all crafting? Or is the game truly only for those who have the super elite power of harvesting exalts like candy? For the record exalt crafting isn't exciting its nerve wracking. its so miserable that most of the people I have played with won't do it. its like throwing money away in a casino. Is that really the goal?
The game still seems to be made for people who play 24/7.
If you are not the 1%, this game was not made for you.
Harvest was the only thing keeping me playing past the league mechanic getting stale, aka 2-3 weeks in. It actually gave me a goal and something to work towards. What's it now? Grind currency to buy an okay-ish item for 150ex from some dude? Yeah, no, thanks. If the next league isn't adding some new, amazing crafting method on pair with synthesis / harvest / bestiary I'm not going to go for more than 12 challenges.
This really kills my desire to play the league longer than the minimum to get my challenge goals because I know its not realistic for me to be able the craft the kind of gear that I would want to. It becomes a game of just saving enough currency to buy the gear you need from the crafters that make 1000s of exalts per league.

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