Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

"This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not.""

This "feeling" is my single least favorite thing about PoE. I play the game in-spite of this, not because of it.

This is one of the core problems I was hoping would be "fixed in PoE2". If GGG intends to double down on this philosophy instead, I will be looking elsewhere.
I would have thought you would have been working on fixing your unstable, lag filled, buggy servers rather than removing the one thing that gives players who can only play a couple hours a day a chance to obtain decent gear. Also with how over tuned some content is, this change will only force players into a small number of builds that are able to clear everything.
It is also amusing how they think having mirror-tier items (we all know that is far from the truth) is the issue. You can have an entire set of mirror junk, but you can only do content if you have flasks.

It is called Flask of Exile for a reason. Fix the other broken shit in your game instead of punishing players for having fun.
if gambling is this company solution to crafting. it's not seeing a single cent from me. 5000+hours ingame and too read such disconnect its just sad.
This move is terrible. This is the first league I've been able to actually craft things for myself and others. How many people slam exalts in the first place? Seems like balancing around people who play 16 hours a day, who will always have better stuff than the rest of us anyway.

Exalts for most of us exist solely to buy the gear we need because crafting usable gear is a lost cause without being ready to blow a surplus of currency.
Hey GGG please make the game more accessible for casual players. i mean like 10 hrs/month so they then can flock and complain when you change something. Havent spent a dime but they promise they will if you give them their favorite toy.

Whilst you are at it, just make it so everyone can finish their items so they can use them forever. But like at the most after 2 days of time invested!

Geezus. I think a vast majority should be playing regular RPGs like Zelda or Final Fantasy. A-RPG clearly arent meant for you.
Last edited by Fenoch on Mar 11, 2021, 5:57:52 PM
this is a really crazy change...

I hope they take this feedback, and focus on fixing the game performance rather tham nerfting the few features players like.
Only a dumbass pays for a F2P game.
You people didn’t quit the game due to the pre-Harvest crafting system.
Would be hilarious if you quit because the crafting is going back to that in a small way.

GGG can do nothing right in the playerbase’s eyes when it comes to nerfing anything (look at the latest ascendancy changes threads). The design team at GGG do fantastically, I’m sure there is a fix for the crafting system that simply doesn’t have room for the current Harvest crafting power.
WARNING: Do not give GGG money. Never forgive the content creator priority uncovered during 3.14 Ultimatum league.
GGG got caught giving content creators in game advantages, only when caught would they tell the player base they were doing this. This will continue, but more slyly.
This was the first league, when I stayed in the game for so long. And I still barely finished maxing the only one build. It was really fan. And now craft is again gamble for rich? GG GGG. Skipping till poe2.
Breaking my many, many year forum silence to point out that this kinda sucks. All this is doing is, one again, catering to the absolute top 0.01%, streamers and 15 hour a day players, complaining that the plebs may perhaps get a chance to get some ok items; Not mirror-tier (come on lol) but like, influence and some good rolls.

It's weird how progress like shards are good, but progress like tinkering on an item without bricking it is bad? I guess thanks for saving me the MTX costs by posting this early, I and friends were getting back into the game because filthy casuals such as ourselves with only 1-3 thousand hours were actually able to build some neat stuff without being 100% glued to the meta and just trading all day.

And as others said, "This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." - This is AWFUL this is "Don't you have phones" no one does this I have been playing since alpha and I've exa slammed like... A jewel once with three good mods because I just didn't care about mod4 because of an odd build.

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