Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Please deal with the discord trading first (either allow for easier trading with some scam protection for everyone or make harvest crafted items account bound) and THEN get harvest to a state you want it to be in.

Something must be done, yes, but simply double-nerfing harvest crafting so drastically is not a good way forward.

This was the league with your highest number of active players ever.

Part of that was of course because of Echoes of the Atlas and the atlas passive trees, which I and many others do love.

But I also believe part of it was that harvest made many off-meta builds more viable by providing a way of creating customized gear (compare build diversity Ritual-Heist on!) as well as providing goals for many players that did engage with harvest crafting and hunted for crafts (instead of just buying them through discord and be done with it) which made them play longer than usual.

Please consider further changes to your newly announced planned changes so we can have better changes, like, you know, remove some issues, remove less fun, maybe fix another issue later, instead of just gut everything and do something else entirely.

jaynguyeninf wrote:
These changes make players to play more and achieve less.

Nah, they will make players achieve less and then just quit, like in previous leagues.
Realy im kinda disappointed about this last "manifesto", good im not alone it seems a lot of us are on the same page.
First i dont get why with all the current problems to the game GGG Decide to touch the only great thing they made so far, Harvest.
i Agree it has been imbalaced during its own season, 1 Harvest each map was too much, but now that is rate is very low, plus the chance you get what u need are even lower, and then even if u find the right Mod changer you need it to go well. i dont want to go into futher details about economy and average players choises cause many players explained it before me already
For an expample, a talented and well know streamer explained it so good in here

also what i noticed in here, the Average ppl that dislike harvest are the ones that DONT READ, are too LAZY TO READ, so they simply skip it,and by so i know some in-game players that are like this, in fact they are poor and will never get better with or w/o it. Then there is a minority of "PRO players" which find it way too easy, yes if i could play 16hrs each day non-stop with the right knowledge it would be easy, but you know ppl has work and a life.
I just hope GGG will keep has it is now, maybe just improve Oshabi somehow, but please dont let us go back in the stoneage of crafting with the chaos/ex gamble
this will just send the game backward.
THis season was played by a lot of players compared to previous, and i belive that if you keep those changes as u stated in this manifesto you will get less than half on the next one.
Last edited by PastaboyX192 on Mar 11, 2021, 2:47:01 PM
I think what you should do is limit the use of harvest to items with 4 mods or less. that way it will remain difficult to complete a perfect item.
v3nomu wrote:
GKPlight wrote:
v3nomu wrote:
THE ONLY WAY to make casual players enjoy harvest crafting is to make the items soulbound once you used it.

it would have the opposite effect.
the fact that you can sell your item when you have a better on make that the price of good item are lower, so more accessible.

If you want to make the casual players use this, you need to give them lots of tries, while restricting the top .1%. The only way to stop those players that play the game 24/7 to sell better items is to make them soulbound, even for 3-7 days. It will still help. That will make the market prices unpredictable and will make high-end crafting riskier for top players.

What you-re saying is a NONSENSE, people don't get a helluva of currency by selling crafted items but by selling seed service. You clearly don't know what are you talking about. And about the GG items, do you guys know how much ex each one costs? To get ONLY ONE of those items would cost like 800ex EACH!!!!

People here is not pointing THE REAL problem here, which is, the very end-game is TOTALLY DEPENDANT on being geared with those items. You CAN'T complete the end-game with equipment that cost less than 30ex each slot. Unless you're playing the BROKEN OP build-mechanic of each league which is also PATHETIC.
I used to just eye roll when someone says "GGG, do you even play your own game?", hell, I used this meme non-argument several times myself just to be an a-hole. But I'm starting to think that the people saying it might be onto something. Because at this point it's not even funny how out of touch GGG is with their own game and specifically [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Will_GGG on Mar 11, 2021, 2:52:45 PM
It seems that GGG is horribly out of touch with what their gamers want with the upcoming changes. I have over 5k hours in this game you know how many times I've exalted a item? Once when I was first starting just to see what it did. These changes aren't actually going to do what you want GGG they are just going to push casual players away and make the grind much much worse.
Grinding through the realm.
What a disappointment. Are we really balancing the game around no life streamers who will just "out play" this nerf?
GGG doing GGG things. Yet a other in a long series of bad decisions to punish those that are unable to spend 18 hours a day in game.
Brum0190 wrote:
Using a discord server for this gives some people a huge advantage since they are able to spam the valuable crafts while non-members are limited to what they and friends happen to find. I overall agree with the changes but we NEED an in-game way of trading these crafts.

Organized groups of people working together will always be able to accomplish more than people working alone. Even after the nerfs, TFT will still be producing mirror-tier items - and they will have a even tighter monopoly on them because it will be more difficult for other people to make them.

This right here is the crux of PoE in regards to how those who have achieve what they have vs. the have nots.

It's merely putting on airs in regards to these upcoming changes.
Last edited by Narakusin on Mar 11, 2021, 2:52:31 PM

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