Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

i agree with most posts here. if you think the current crafting without garden is good and exiting you are very wrong. its shit. i stil enjoy this game but most certainly not for the crafting!
This is BAD. This is very BAD. if you want to make this changes give us more the thing that you are giving us is basically nothing. The other way is make this changes and loose quite a big amount of players because they will not be able to min-max their builds in considerable time. If this goes in i think that i will pass next league and maybe a few more. I want to be able to make great items without loosing my job. No game will be ever more important than my job or life and if the game wants me to invest all of my time so that i need to throw away my job etc, then i will throw away the game because its stupid. Even more i think that, that big changes are needed because you're making stronger and stronger bosses so at some point these changes this way of crafting will be irrelevant. Instead you're deciding to make it irrelevant at this very moment. Good job GGG i think i will uninstal your game and wait for buffs to harvest or another way of crafting good/great gear for my builds


this beta was fun XD
This is horrible. I'm angry. I love harvest and now you've ruined it. The bots for RMT's will be super excited for this news... The rest of us just out here trying to have a good time and fun leagues well... use a crappy 4 link with non of the mods you need cause crafting EASIER is ruining the bottom line...???? UGH... this is gross. I will not support this decision not like yall care give it more time though. 1 league? Harvest was the future...
Kioskara wrote:
This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

This right here is what drives me away, not what makes me want to keep playing.


Harvest has that feeling when you do an add speed or replace life, with excitement and fear, just without the soul-crushing defeat of having it completely scrapped if you fail. That feeling of ruining an item is why I never, since alpha when act 2 didn’t even have quests, literally NEVER crafted using exalts. It just isn’t worth the cost and disappointment to me. Now, to give us Harvest, which we love, then take it away because you want us to... ‘enjoy’ the feeling of ruining items we put a ton of work into... I just don’t know what to say. It makes me discouraged because my opinion doesn’t matter. It makes me discouraged because what I enjoy is being removed. It, most of all, makes me discouraged because what I want out of the game and its itemization and crafting are clearly something the design team do not want me to have or enjoy.
I really do not like this change. I made my first build from scratch this league and deterministic harvest crafting made it possible. Crafting is very difficult to get into even as an intermediate player. There are too many crafting mistakes to be made can ruin your experience. PLEASE CONSIDER IMPLEMENTING OTHER METHODS OF DETERMINISTIC CRAFTING. You guys do great work and this is a fun game but it is very difficult and I don't like how to 1% can break trade league and hold items hostage from the average player.
I actually do not know what to say.

I didn't use harvest crafting for my items at all this league.

I simply played and mapped and learned about the new atlas.

I quit harvest 2 weeks in because I hated the whole gardening aspect.
I quit Heist 2 weeks in because meh.

This league with the changes to the atlas? Holy shit! I learned the Sirius fight! Sirius Awaken 9? No worries man.

I don't expunge him either. I actually have to play the fight. Same for any other boss. I have beaten all the content on my "mediocre" level 96 Caustic Arrow trickster.

I have wasted around 40 ex trying to self craft a better bow and failed and hated it and still I have 40+ex which is fine for me.

Whatever happened to playing the game guys?

The state of the game, from my pov, is fantastic.

There is so many different ways of making currency. Ritual itself is great and very powerful, but you have to engage with the mechanic. Nobody seems to though. Everyone is just trying to make fast exalts from farming harvest crafts to sell.

F it? It has become so easy to make plenty of exalts and hit red tier maps. Even as a casual.

I am sorry that your super personalised, super individual vegan warrior molten shell lightning spire trap berserker is now not feasable anymmore.

SO many builds still available to enjoy. Like SO many. Even fantastic and cheap league starters that are easy to reproduce.

What I read here in plenty of your comments is greed.

Exalts, exalts, exalts, exalts. Currency currency currency. Super Rich vs Super poor.

Most not having even played the game for more than 2-3 leagues (incl ritual).

I have first played PoE when it looked clunky and shitty and barely had 3 acts. I quit then as it was meh.

I came back with Abyss and been here ever since.

Only within the last 2-3 leagues have I gotten to the point where I beat all the content in the game, know my way around fairly way, get better at crafting, resource management, map juicing etc.-

Sure I struggle too to reach the currency required to make the builds that will doubtlessly catapult my farming capabilities to the next level but I do not mind the journey.

And ARPG is always about the journey. or at least it should be.

If you play a game with the mindset of an endgame player, you will never be satisfied no matter what game you play.

And all these D2R/D4 referals. Well. Good Riddance. Dont let the door hit you on the way out.

D2R is the same game it was 20 years ago just with some fresh sneakers and a new jacket.

D4? MMORPG ovberlay overworld shit? Nah ty. But go for gold. I dont mind you ex WoW players leaving.

I am utterly amazed how easy it is for a company with really really shitty customer service and business practices to re-energise their good little sheeple to flock back to the herd. You know where your home is huh?

This game her, from my pov, is a true gem and has only become more polished with every league.

Just because your exalt printer is being demolished and you now have to play the game, as in the ARPG, with some actual Action again, you talk about quitting.

Well then dudes. Close the forum, close the game, uninstall the game and fo.

That is how I see it. Or stfu. Suck it up and get better and find your own reasons to play the game.

My mind is set on this and I am certain it will still bring tons of fun and entertainment.

You mustnt watch the YT videos thinking: "Yea this is gonna be me in 2 days!" Awesome!

Nope. And it shouldnt.

There are plenty of fluff games out there for you to play where you can casually become the overlord of doom power killer demondestroyer of awesome legends whilst feeding your 3 children and working 50 hrs a day.

Time to move on then.

Having a playerbase with everyone being equally geared ruins a game as it would ruin the economy as well. Socialism doesnt work in real life and it sure as fuck doesnt in an ARPG.

Basically (Wo-)man dafuq up or get out.
Last edited by Fenoch on Mar 11, 2021, 2:20:09 PM
There's so many better ways you could have went about this GGG. You need to find a better balance than constantly leaning towards the High end Streamers while seemingly leaving the common folk in the dust in both Gameplay mechanics and Microtransactions.

Nobody in their right mind uses choas or exalts on their gear in a trade league. Nobody. You guys should know better.

I gotta be honest, this is the kind of stuff Blizzard pulls. And as a player,I personally fing that kind of development off putting to say the least.

You can't always cater to the players, but to constantly favor the hardcore lifers at the expense of the common player is just foolish and having your finger a mile away from the pulse.

Do the right thing. Keep Harvest as is until you find a much better solution to this. You need to toss your player base a bone on occassion. You gotta do better. You gotta pay better attention to how your player base actually plays your game.

Side note: For the love of all thats under the sun, would it hurt you guys to cycle your older Microtransactions down to lower prices after theyve been out awhile so that the common folk can actually purchase some without taking out a 2nd mortgage please? If you think about it- Doing it that way will almost certainly increase your revenue by a ton, the whales will always be whales, trust me.

My 2 cents. Do the right thing GGG. Diablo 2/4 are not far away, not to mention other ARPGs, It's been awhile, but theres some great alternatives right around the corner. J/s..


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