Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

just leave it only where it makes sense: SSF.
RIP Harvest

maybe it is time for another game or back to 2-4 week season like heist and delirium for me

we will see, but sad announcement

this season and harvest season were the longest and funniest season for me...
"Spent more time, enjoy less" right in your face

Of course these changes don't affect top 1% of the players.

So harvest is essentially just aug influence and targeted chaos orbs... No one uses non influence items so your regular augs are actually worthless (except for jewels). Non x to x is quite hard to use well but it get's a bit better now. So as far as crafting, harvest is aug influence and a worse fossil (and you're making the targeted chaos reforges show up less also?).

You cannot nerf the game enough so that people with multiple mirrors don't get BIS gear. All you have done is make harvest obsolete for 99.9% of players.

As someone that made probably ~400 exalts this league (in raw currency; gear not inc) (I assume that's somewhere in the top 3% of players) I still don't have close to mirror tier gear.

But you know who had mirror tier gear before harvest league? The super rich, you know who will have mirror tier gear after 3.14? The super rich. Not very well thought out. It's almost as if no one at GGG actually plays POE. I'd like an employee to start at league start next league and make their way to t16 100% deli maps then tell us it was too easy :)

Harvest was the best POE league ever; Ritual the 2nd best. I wonder why?
Never felt strongly enough the need to post in this forum over the years until reading this today.

Please reconsider your approach.

Unless I'm missing something (entirely possible!), doesn't making harvest crafts either untradeable or at least trade-limited somehow solve all the problems you outlined?

Let's see..

Even the crafts we made quite rare felt pretty common when the entire community was pooling them together and using them on the right items.

Your solution doesn't solve this for the crafts that remain, untradeable crafts would.

Players also expressed frustration that the most effective way to get the best items in Path of Exile was to join a discord channel and try to trade for these incredibly crucial crafts.

Your solution doesn't solve this, untradeable crafts would.

The second issue was that players felt overwhelmed to get so many crafting options.

Fair enough, I'm totally fine with reducing the quantity of crafts per grove!

The first part of this that concerned us was that Harvest was critical in making the best items (and hence made many other game systems obsolete).

Isn't that again solved by untradeable crafts? You get to actually play the actual game (a LOT!) in order to access the crafts you need to make the best items (rather than using discord), so you get to engage with the other game systems PLUS it's fun! What's the problem?

Our problem with all of this can be summarised with the following thought: "Why would I use a regular Exalted/Divine/Annul Orb when I can get one through Harvest that has a deterministic result?"

My problem with all of this can be summarised "Why would I engage with crafting as a system at all unless it is actually fun and/or economically worth doing?". It's neither. It's the first time I've had a blast with actually gradually improving my own items rather than 'saving up' and camping live search on trade and buying them begrudgingly.

The reason I feel so strongly about this is I have never had so much fun in this game and you are really onto something, but are about to screw it up. You're taking away the very thing I find fun, but not fixing the things I hate! I want to play this game, and it's the first time I've felt the need to dump money into an elite supporter pack since 2017 - don't kill the momentum guys, learn from what makes your game fun, and build on it, it's not enough to rely on what's 'worked' in the past.

I want to see you guys try new stuff and take the best of what works, and fix what doesn't - don't kill the stuff that works, without fixing the stuff that doesn't!

Hate this plan...You just took away my only hope of getting a good piece in SSF. Mediocre will be the norm for gear. Harvest made it possible to try many builds and have more fun. Now it's a one build slog of unpowered. Really bad idea guys.
Saying that exalt slamming is capable of replacing harvest or to provide a somewhat inferior way of crafting items,is ridiculous. Noone will rely on exalt slamming in order to craft some build enabling gear. Do you think we will spend 100ex to get elusive on boots? Removing harvest will reduce player retention after the 3 week mark. It only hurts your bussiness. Your reasons for doing so,show that you realy are out of touch with the average player. Decent gear prices will only skyrocket and noone will bother planning the next build since everything will be unobtainable. I'm more sad for the fact that you still act like someone that has no clue how the game is played,than the fact you remove harvest as it is.
I can't wait for the day, you stand up in front of the community like this and write "the past leagues where a horrible mess in terms of game performance even on high end PCs, so we fixed the fps mess for you because 'we strongly believe it is in PoE's best interests(...)'".

If that happens, I come back to this game. Gl with it <3
The single worst design decision you have made in the entire history of this game.

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