Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

AHAHAHAHA make mi day. gg GGG
GGG, e a madrasta malvada que da o doce e depois tira somente pra ver a criança chorar.
Mais uma mecânica que vai ficar manca.
Muito melhor tornar os crafts uma moeda igual a mecânica das bestas, e deixa um drop hate igual a exalted orbs. Pronto.

Mas não, muito melhor deixar manca e partir pra próxima.
Everything Tencent touches rots, now we can see the spots on the fruit that was PoE.
I think it's quite clear what's happening here.

GGG is no longer making money from the RMT websites and the reason for that is Harvest Crafting. So, how do they fix that? They destroy it.

Believe what you want, but its blatantly obvious that GGG has their hands in the pockets of these 3rd party RMT sites allowing them to continue only to reap a portion of proceeds. With harvest allowing players to craft everything themselves, these websites revenue has fallen, thus leaving GGG with less.

Why else would they destroy the one thing that kept players playing, the most liveliest of leagues to date, and the twitch metrics are through the roof.

Player retention was here, the money wasn't.

Stay woke, ya'll.
idgarad wrote:
Everything Tencent touches rots, now we can see the spots on the fruit that was PoE.

This has nothing to do with Tencent.
GGG has been blinded by RNG since the very beginning of the game.
This is like giving toy to a child and taking it back in the same momment.... With this decision for Harvest the only thing i can do is to wait for D2 and D4. Thanks for everything GGG but this time you are going to f*ck up the whole game... going backwards with the crafting system lol, revert to gamble... just lol
This is just shockingly poor decision making. Harvest crafting makes the endgame actually attainable for the majority of the playerbase. This addition has single-handedly made the game more enjoyable than any other addition I can recall. Clearly there is nobody on the GGG staff that actually has the cojones to tell the decision makers that their vision for "crafting" is terrible. Exalt slamming and chaos spamming was always bad design, and it is in no way, shape, or form, "crafting."

But don't worry guys, the focus on making endgame unattainable to the majority of the playerbase again will provide enough of a distraction to prevent all the performance issues from being addressed, once again.
I only play SSF because trading in this game is a very bad joke.

Harvest has improved the game incredibly for SSF. I still will never have 'mirror tier' or 'perfect' items in SSF but I can get a lot better items than before which make off-meta builds much more viable.

If the top tier items of top tier trade league players are a problem, then


Its simple.

Harvest craft an item -> it becomes nodrop.


Instead the normal/SSF players get shafted. A job well done.
POE end-game content is now restricted to hardcore no life player only. I guess D4 will be for normal player then.

Enjoy your SSF farming to T16 map, get stuck with not upgrade for weeks, get bored and leave !!
Last edited by Deonbekende on Mar 11, 2021, 9:47:22 AM
Awful decisions Chris! Why does ggg love gambling mechanics so much?

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