Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Do you know that it kills HC even more?
GGG, you should take a pattern by Switzerland.

Where every important politic decision is accepted via referendum.

'cause it's obvious that you are soooo far away from your players that you don't understand them.

Your gamedesign philosophy has become soooo old-fashioned and outdated.

You should take poeple's feedback at least by polls or something. You don't understand us anymore, unfortunately. And thus you end up making bad bad decisions.
As long as you leave in enemy damage in the game that can 1 shot players with 9k effective hp.
And as long as you leave beast dooping for the elite players so they can doop 6 link 6 white socket explode chests or 6 link 6 white socket bows all day and make "money".
you said you want to keep the feeling of closing your eyes and hoping you get a good mod with an exalt slam. isn't that what mavens orbs are doing?
exalt slamming to craft items is dumb.
nerfing harvest is a bad idea.
you should nerf vorici too 3 white sockets is too much. you should think about how you want that close your eyes feeling and make it so its a 1 in 10 chance to get 1 white socket max.
you should nerf sirus drops and remove awakened gem drops from the game.
you should make it so you have to exalt slam a gem and 1 in a thousand chance you get an awakened gem.
you should nerf the passive tree too.
make it so you have to exalt slam your passive tree. close your eyes and hope you get a skill thats usefull to your build. players have to much control over their build right now.
when you made this game you wanted that "close your eyes feeling"
terrible decision to nerf harvest.
I think you cater too much to the streamer youtuber 1%er communities.
you should remove delve recipe for 6 link from the game, am I right? wheres that close your eyes feeling of spamming fusing orbs.........
ShowUs wrote:
Thank you GGG for adressing the long term concerns for the game instead of the short term gratisfaction players are only focused on.

Time to buy another supporter pack.

Nice 6 challenges and level 74, doesn't seem to really concern you :)
I fully support the previous speaker

People grind cos they have hope of progress, albeit slow to reach attainable good items. That's what harvest allows.

Rng casino doesn't give players the feeling of progress, well because it doesn't, that's why it's not fun nor exicting.

Ggg is so disconnected with the player base and what fun is almost to the point being a joke..

People only grind gear because people see there are hope of getting improvements in gear, people dont want to grind when there isnt a goal.

my opinion

Why GGG? I hate the "feeling when you throw a sphere of elevation on an object with your eyes closed, because you're afraid to see if you've ruined it or not" is the worst thing in the game.

Instead of improving the content, making the harvest more convenient so that it would be used by both beginners and experienced players (like an upgrade exa), so that it could be sold without a discord, they simply cut it out.

Just make the content so HARD that you can't go through it without reaping it add tags to the properties so that you need to click r/A more times


harvest crafting is the only thing that kept me in this league for so long - because i saw, that i could craft really good items without spending insane amount of currency, otherwise i would have stopped much earlier, because If I see, that for further upgrades i need a mirror or two, thats a big STOP sign for me

3.13 Was the best league ever!
3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you...
I think the way GGG gathers feedback is just watching couple of top streamers. Ok this guy made his mirror tier build a week earlier than usually - we should nerf it! Guys, those ~100 streamers ARENT all players that play ur game. Ok those 10-20% are getting shit tonn of currency to easy - LETS PUNISH THE REST 80-90% of players.
As a casual player this was the first league iv managed to complete end game and had fun. And i guess this was the last league.

Please Chriss DO NOT become fcking Gabe Newell . Instead offering new mtx each day - listen to ur players.
Bravo! We're going to the "stone age" of crafting, Fear and Loathing in the POG(Path of Gambling) soon! P.S Chris please! I and many others beg you not to make such a mistake in changing the harvest
I love the game and I'm not a big fan of harvest, however PoE is growing with game mechanics and its player base becoming bigger and more importantly smarter so its a good step forward to introduce mechanics that help raise the item acquisition ceiling in a meaningful way.

This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

This mentality is what brings good games to ruin, best example is world of warcrafts battle for azeroth expansion. I'd be happy with a gamble if the exalted orb wouldn't have a big chance of giving a t10 life.

For the larger player base breaking an item can be devastation to a point of quitting the game so don't mess around with that too much. The game doesn't have to give but as long as it doesn't take its a good balance for an average player.

Maybe a better alternative with the nerfs/changes would be flipping the crafts:
remove "add specific tag" so people use more exalted orbs and hope for the best and keep the "remove specific tag" crafts so items still have a big chance to be saved.

I hope I didn't come across negative, my intentions were more of the cautious nature to remind devs of good old games that even they can lose focus, drive them selves into a corner or simply refuse to accept changes.

Last edited by thereaper776 on Mar 11, 2021, 6:32:22 AM
nick GGG hhhh

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