Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Lunasicc187 wrote:
Sadly this is just a bad approach :-(

We got harvest back as a way of endgame grind motivation with 3.13, after it paused one league. I personally enjoyed harvest league until the very last day of the league, because PoE is in a nutshell a loot hack and slay game. this is why most of us love it, because of the complexity and superior crafting and endgame over any other hack n slay game out there.

I personally play about 800+ hrs every league since 3.00.
Never was I so motivated to play a league mechanic as in harvest league. I ofc understood that is was very powerful, but it kept me so damn motivated, to optimise my characters.

Rather than kill harvest crafting (you know you are going to, with what you stated in your manifesto) here are some thoughts (exclude some rolls obtainable through harvest crafting):

1) Make Tier 1 resists with remove / add or augment impossible to roll
2) Make Tier 1 ES and Life with remove / add or augment impossible to roll
3) Make Tier 1 critical multiplier, attack speed, cast speed, movement speed impossible to roll
4) and just maybe: ignore bench crafted modifiers with harvest crafting (like to block certain things)

Result: Now you will always have god tier item beyond harvest crafting in the game, but be sure that only the .00001% of your playerbase will obtain these items and will offer them for mirror-service and the gap of the very few players gathering all mirrors in the game will even get bigger.

You will most likely see a huge cut back in build diversity, because harvest is just such a good way to make a use-case for many skills / builds.

You know you will kill all crafting with maven orbs. If you will totally ruin an iten with 1 attempt without harvest crafting, it feels super bad. At least it is possible to fix the item in some way with harvest and get a new attempt for the maven orb. Without augment crafts in harvest, it is just dead. So, maven orbs without harvest crafting is pointless in my opinion. The majority of players (I guess your target group) will never be able to obtain really good elevated items themselfs anymore. You introduced a crafting method, which only the .0001% will use, I guess this is a bad design. They will most likely be forced to trade for all their gear. You really want this?. And again, the surplus of good crafted items will again go into the pockets of the .0001% of players.

Please identify what keeps players motivated throughout a league...
For me, it is to pollish my characters. I need to grind for currency to buy it on trade, or I need to grind other mechanics to be able to craft it myself. And the main thing is, that I´m doing this in an efficient way. This is PoE for me and the way I enjoy it the most... to figure out a strategy to reach my goals, which is: great geared characters.

Target farming harvest (with zana f.e.) is just another good strategy besides running fractured maps, deep delving, simulacrum, invitations for endgame grind content. With the new Atlas you made even more great strategies possible (farming beasts, harbigners, legion is great, sadly revealed blueprints farming is not recommanded. Elder / Uber-Elder farming isn´t worth it anymore, Sirus farming too)
Compare this variaty of endgame with f.e. D2 - baal runs over and over again... PoE is doing so many things right.

And harvest is just a good approach to create your own good gear. It combines so well with all other crafting methods. You totally can get things done and push your character to a new level. Otherwise you just will be forced to go to mirror-services again. This feels just bad.
Is it bad game design to have one or two great geared characters after spending a few hundret hours in your game?

You limited the amount of crafts stored to 10, maybe you didn´t think about the great poe community and their way to figurte out, that crafts will be traded on tft again. TFT comminuty is just great and helps a lot to get things done! TY for all involved!

You did a very good job so far. In a nutshell: The PoE rewards you by juicing up the content, layer by layer. You added new layers with the new watchstones and atlas skill tree. I personally think it is a very great approach. The risk / reward payout is fantastic.

The powercreep isn´t that bad, compared to other games. If I invest hundrets of hours into a league, I feels good to have several characters with good (and in parts, harvest crafted) gear.

I really don´t see the problem at all.



Crafting example:
I´m crafting right now a double influenced helmet with horror essences.
I spend over 45 exa in horror essences so far to see lvl 20 conc effect + ele dmg essence mod THREE times. Two times the item included mods (like block recovery, mana), that couldn´t be removed with harvest. two times I killed the item (removed essence mod or removed conc). The third time I was lucky and the base item was ready after augment influence mod for a maven orb to have a 50/50 chance to elevate conc to lvl 25. I failed...

So far I spend 25 exa for the base with enchant, 45 exa in horror essences, 11 exa on maven orb, and I got nothing so far. But I keep going. When I finally will elevate conc on the second or third try, I´m able to finish the item with harvest crafting, with many many rolls remove / adds...

I estimate the crafting costs for the finished helmet to 200-250 exa maybe. These projects keep me motivated. And then I have a helmet with 1 elevated mod, a good enchant on a good base that took me a week of farming. So, in what universe is this "too obtainable, too accessable to get"? I don´t see the problem at all...

This is a really good post, thanks thatfor.
Please GGG, think about it and change your mind.
Some big hungry fish are already waiting in the lake -> Diablo 2, Diablo 4, Last Epoch, Wolcen,....

I don't know if now is the best time to throw everything implemented so far over the pile. Focus on the implemented mechanics/systems and optimize them (bad server performance,...) + release POE 2 damn it! Starting this fall, many players will switch to other games and you will decide if they will come back after a few weeks or not.

For me this manifesto is complit BS you basicly state that you cant alowe us to have fun more then 1 in your life time

First of all there is no reson why we shuld not be able craft how we see feet at the moment and not be forced to go trhue tousands of howers just do you chek box of grind. You are starting do becoming as meny other companys and trying to inforce on us thing we DO NOT WONT!!! as it was with idiotik on deth efects ( pusnihsing players bicose you wont to and can ) gues what if im geting frustartated playing a game that used to give me fun its not good for you if i get frustrated enough im gona drop it and newer come back to it and 3 years ago i was seying im newer gona stop playing it (thats how much you mesed it up)

i was happy before trowing at you some money just bicos it was a game i culd count on your stupid elitysm will kill this game meyby ewen before you will be able to relise poe 2.0 and it will be your won foult cos you wuld not listen if a huge % of us is seying its bad. then that huge & of players will stop playing your game meyby not all but if you lose 10% player base ech pach after 10 paczes you mey be left with 0

the stupidest thing you did was meyking softcore and hc the same thing( hc became ligue of logout and bs deaths from not own foult thats why i will newer play hc )
your becoiming a snake thats is eating it self stop walck back 5 pases wach and listen and start meyking changes not that you wont but we as playerbase wont ( this game is no longer only your tieme to understand it or be another flop in long term )

Sincierly cos i used to love this game until you swiched targeting to instant nuke 2 screns awey from you( if mob dosent se your on your scren he still can kill you just bicos game is the wy it is now and for me its broken ) those are only few problems that shuld be delt with years ago
GGG, I fell in love with crafting this league. I learned how to craft ALL of my gear I have with my cyclone character. I wish to say that anyone can craft the gear they need with harvest as it is currently, it just takes farming currency to build your item. I don't see an issue here because its still random, rerolling for high tier life on armor cost a lot, but when you are able to finally get it, it feels great being able to complete your item.

please don't remove harvest like this. its very sad
CBA checking 200 pages if this has been posted but PathOfMatth released a video on this that pretty much sums up everything wrong with these changes.

And a small addition from me:
My two most played leagues were Harvest and Ritual.

Terrible change. If this is implemented next league as you say you will, you won't be getting my $$$ as I won't be playing.

Just giving more wealth to even fewer people (the 0.01%ers) is a terrible design choice by itself.
Best thing you've ever done, if you weren't fixing a self-caused problem anyway.
I am still sure that you will be selling add life, add chaos and others for a non trivial price which will force us to keep selling crafts on discord.

Suggestion: Give us a timer. When you kill one plot you have 60 seconds to craft your item. Killing another plot adds 30 seconds. When your time is up you get kicked out like incursion.
Also make everyone in your party able to craft (or at the very least see them)! It would make it the best thing ever. Please GGG!
Very bad change GGG, I don't like the path you're taking. There's just less and less reasons to play this game.
Biszek wrote:
Based on what statistics you made these changes?

I believe you literaly made at least few % players to quit because of that.

I kinda don't understand on what basis your game balance person does these changes.

Like back in the day in 2016 i LOVED Righteous Ride on Chieftain as Pure HP build, which you literally killed 2 leagues later(because of chieftain ascendancy change to force physical to fire because 10% STR was hidden behind it and then nerf to RF to deal 20% of HP)

I kinda do not like changes to builds that I create/think of, as I was using cyclone to curse on hit flammability on it, I decided to stick with cyclone for my 'next' build..

..which you nerfed hard 2 leagues after with your awesome 'boosting 2handed weapons' patch where Ngahamu Axe got nerfed really hard (molten burst is also procing a lot less compared to before) with lowering its physical damage by 30% or so.

I am casual player, I like to stick with one build that I like (feel free to check my characters)

Harvest was one of 'in game events' that gave me option to craft stuff (in which i was unlucky and wasnt albe to btw and not that I am very good at crafting) with less RNG that makes me want to quit playing this game.

Well here goes GGG with nerfing harvest where i can't even 'roll physical' on items..

Well I guess i'll just skip Harvest as there's nothing to do in there, back to old alternation spam with regal + multicraft

Whats gonna be next?

The obvious statistic is Google Trends interest in POE, which collapsed super fast during Harvest as people got bored of the league quicker than usual.

Then it hasn't held up as well in 3.13 as it did in 3.9, despite (at least in my opinion) 3.13 being a superior expansion save the issues of Harvest being so dominant.

Turns out, when characters get too powerful relative to the content, the game gets less fun.
Le Toucan Will Return
Azarhiel wrote:
Sarciss wrote:
Actually i had a look at a few characters from people that were seemingly overreacting in this thread (aka threating "bye GGG" "thanks for making me quit") - many of them/you werent even utilizing harvest (at least not for their gear - maybe sold crafts idk).
Like why the outrage if literally nothing will change for you lmao?

What ? Do you understand that you still need hundreds of harvest to get the good crafts and it takes hundreds more to said craft rolling a good modifier ?

I mainly use harvest on projects that are for my build, never i will craft with harvest on an item that i wear because of the 80% chance of still breaking your item with harvest...

How can you say nothing changes for players when in reality everything changes and the casino craft will once again be the only way to gamble on items !!

Id expect someone to be so heavily impacted by the harvest changes that it makes him quit the game for good to have some harvest crafted gear by this time of the league though?
Otherwise it has literally no impact on them as i said before.

Not saying everything is fine with the changes or with harvest in general. See my other responses for that.

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