Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting that dude know what hes talking about.
This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

Sorry Chris but in my ~10k hours since open beta I have done this maybe 2 times and both times I've instantly regretted it.

You're not FIXING anything here, you're only breaking things further. People like me will be able to afford crafting decent items while the average player gets to lick his fingers and dream.
This is also a terrible change from build diversity perspective as builds that do not require good gear will become even more prevalent than they already are.

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Last edited by Scott_GGG on Mar 11, 2021, 3:12:27 AM
Once again GGG shows that they are completely out of touch with what the community wants.
great so i can skip poe again for the next 5 leagues.
Remove craft limit and stop the nerfs please and make craft sellable.

I agree GGG again show they are complete out of touch with community and reason for playing season more than 3 weeks.

Last edited by Abyssia on Mar 11, 2021, 3:13:01 AM
Very disappointed with this change
--> GGG, stop nerfing the good things in the game.

Did you actually understand, that also people play Path of Exile, who
- work 40 hours a week?
- have a family?
- go to school and have to study?

So to be successful in Path of Exile you have to play a lot, right? So that means I have to be unemployed to do that. Do you support that?

Did you consider the fact, that an unemployed person spend fewer money in MTX than a person with a full-time job?

As long as you continue to nerf the good stuff every single league (last league it was the asendency class nerf with MORE POWER), I won't invest a single cent (euro) more in your game.

I hope someone from GGG will go over all the points of their "Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting" again and revise their decision.
Razzk wrote:
Dear Chris, GGG, I hope you'll read this one ;)


he won´t

post on reddit if you want to have a chance for attention

@GGG :

your fixation on the "joy of exalt slam" proves so much how DISCONNECTED and APARTED from the community you are !

i bet you less that 5% of players ever have used this method ( talking pre-harvest times ) simply because of the uncertain outcome in comparison with the "pure" exalt worth.

DISGUSTING attitude once more, shame on you, you completely are on the streamers- / no-lifers way.

Hope you reach the point soon that you feel it the only way touching you any more : -$$$
Last edited by bex_HB on Mar 11, 2021, 3:15:11 AM
I'm a fairly well-off player who absolutely loves the gamble involved with previous crafting methods. I actually enjoy the thrill of Yolo Annuls and Fossil spamming.

But this is just a bad decision for the game :( you're killing the middle class's crafting experience with this change. I really hope you reconsider!
Well like many other harves for me was the drivepoint to play this long.
Will still play but not that long

Most of the super endgame tier one craft is made from trading and a lucky few that got the crafts them self. i Dont think we should destroy that for the lucky few that acctuly play the game so mutch that they found all the crafts them selft

Dont know if its posible but I rater se that all the crafts from harvest make the items soulbound for like 24H so that it would be harder to trade for the craft in discrod.

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