Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

GGG bad move!
Yeah, I'm probably never going to play in league again now.

Well there are a few choices. Play in league for a week, get 12/12 or 24/24 and then go play in standard where you actually have gear, can play to enjoy and have fun doing endgame content. You could also continue to play league i guess........ knowing you'll never actually have good enough gear to play any of the new content in any fun way.

Or, if you have a job, resign and move back home and play poe 12 hours a day, start streaming. Then you'll be able to close your eyes and exalt gear and be able to play new league end game content like the other 1%.
Formally [Removed by Support] as my STANDARD map stash got frakked
only reason for us to join discored, is coz u diden make them tradeabel
Last edited by MarkArne on Mar 11, 2021, 12:51:25 AM
really glad Harvest mechanics getting nerf, would love for Harvest to be removed from game, this is mostly because of the discord channel who monopolize the harvest crafts and do RMT from it. would love a permanent ban for them also, but that won't happen because there are a lot of streamers in there.

I enjoy POE with regular items, no OP shit.
surio wrote:
Fantastic reply. After I cooled down a bit, I wanted to have a list of things one can do within the harvest mechanic as a compromise. I searched for a bit to see if there are similar posts. This one is an excellent place to begin with for GGG.

I really wonder how the meeting in GGG go while coming up with the "manifesto", if they couldn't come up with such sets of rules of balance, despite being the actual "developers" of the game rules/mechanics!?

MackBesmirch wrote:
I have a pitch: what if instead of Harvest crafting serving the same purpose of currency, Harvest crafting could instead contextualize currency we'd have to spend even without it?

Like, instead of a Harvest craft acting like a chaos orb that will re-roll a rare item with a fire modifier, what if the harvest craft would say "Harvest Craft: Fire Mod -- using currency on an item in this window will roll at least one Fire mod."

Higher-tier Harvest crafts could be "Harvest Craft: Fire Mod Lucky -- using currency on an item in this window will roll a Fire mod with lucky values."

Or maybe "Using any Conqueror's Exalted Orb in this window will result in an item with any conqueror Influence and one Influence mod."

Or mimic other stuff available elsewhere in the game, like the Temple of Atzoatl:
- Spend a stack of Vaal Orbs to double-corrupt an item
- Spend an Ancient Orb to change a unique to another unique of the same type, including league-specific items

A lot of the Harvest crafts could even stay the same but require the currency to fuel them:
- Spend one Jeweller's Orb to re-roll the sockets on an item 10 times, keeping the highest number of sockets
- Spend an Orb of Horizons to change a map into another map, but prioritizing maps you have not yet competed yet.
- Using a Gemcutter's Prism on a gem in this window will add quality to a gem between 1% and 10%, but not raise a gem's quality above 20%

We'd actually HAVE to use our currency to get deterministic results, but the deterministic options would still be RNG in terms of discovering them. Then it'd really be end-game only, cuz you'd have to save enough currency to take advantage of the Harvest crafts when you got them.

I was just talking with my buddy and I was thinking the same thing. Because Harvest is free and the only requirement is locating it which is why it feels so good over other activities. There is no risk other then just crafting hoping to hit your craft. Personally I'd more more then ok with spending X currency for a more deterministic craft, I always thought they were nuts for reintroducing with no real effort other then "RNG".

Then Harvest would actually still be worth doing but at risk of your own currency for a more direct craft. That way people aren't like...OMG a Harvest! Free CRAFTS WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! EXalt Craft here, Influence Craft there, Man this is a great day to be alive!!!!

Removing and restricting is the answer though.
Last edited by xRev703 on Mar 11, 2021, 12:53:29 AM
Again, anything that's lessens the RNG in the game gets nerfed as expected. GGG gets closer to being like every generic game company out there that creates games that are actually just semi-jackpot machines where you push a button and hoepe for good odds. Crafting itself is already complicated enough even with the existing haarvest mechanic. I just can't agree to this stupid nerf. Consider this GGG wants people to obtain the satisfaction of obtaining high end items but are concerned that people CAN obtain high end items. How stupid is that?
"Why would I use a regular Exalted/Divine/Annul Orb when I can get one through Harvest that has a deterministic result?"

Why would anyone use a regular exalted orb at all? Pretty much nobody does that or wants to do that, we can't afford to take that kind of risk. You can take harvest away and I will just play less poe, I won't suddenly start no-lifing so I work for weeks to make one halfway decent item.

"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

Take it away from who? Exalts are not even used for slamming new mods, not for anyone I know. Sorry that's living in a dream world. They are just a currency for purchasing expensive DETERMINISTIC meta bench crafts, period. That is your fault, and yes, harvest does make the 'primary' use of exalts look stupid, but it was already stupid, and you can't just make 99% of your playerbase start 'slamming exalts'by taking away the alternatives they can actually afford to use. That is some 'let them eat cake' level nonsense - we can't afford to use them! Period! raise the drop rate by 100x if you want me to start slamming exalts....
surio wrote:
Fantastic reply. After I cooled down a bit, I wanted to have a list of things one can do within the harvest mechanic as a compromise. I searched for a bit to see if there are similar posts. This one is an excellent place to begin with for GGG.

I really wonder how the meeting in GGG go while coming up with the "manifesto", if they couldn't come up with such sets of rules of balance, despite being the actual "developers" of the game rules/mechanics!?

MackBesmirch wrote:
I have a pitch: what if instead of Harvest crafting serving the same purpose of currency, Harvest crafting could instead contextualize currency we'd have to spend even without it?

Like, instead of a Harvest craft acting like a chaos orb that will re-roll a rare item with a fire modifier, what if the harvest craft would say "Harvest Craft: Fire Mod -- using currency on an item in this window will roll at least one Fire mod."

Higher-tier Harvest crafts could be "Harvest Craft: Fire Mod Lucky -- using currency on an item in this window will roll a Fire mod with lucky values."

Or maybe "Using any Conqueror's Exalted Orb in this window will result in an item with any conqueror Influence and one Influence mod."

Or mimic other stuff available elsewhere in the game, like the Temple of Atzoatl:
- Spend a stack of Vaal Orbs to double-corrupt an item
- Spend an Ancient Orb to change a unique to another unique of the same type, including league-specific items

A lot of the Harvest crafts could even stay the same but require the currency to fuel them:
- Spend one Jeweller's Orb to re-roll the sockets on an item 10 times, keeping the highest number of sockets
- Spend an Orb of Horizons to change a map into another map, but prioritizing maps you have not yet competed yet.
- Using a Gemcutter's Prism on a gem in this window will add quality to a gem between 1% and 10%, but not raise a gem's quality above 20%

We'd actually HAVE to use our currency to get deterministic results, but the deterministic options would still be RNG in terms of discovering them. Then it'd really be end-game only, cuz you'd have to save enough currency to take advantage of the Harvest crafts when you got them.

crafting bench 2.0?
Plato's allegory: "Ship of fools" seems very appropriate to quote here.

Mods: I'm being factual, so don't remove this.
Last edited by ErulissePoE on Mar 12, 2021, 9:45:34 AM

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