Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Not to be overly critical, but does GGG even watch the top players streams?

They literally never pick up gear in maps.
Thanks. You might have well written about my experience here, and many other players like us, for sure.

What do these people know about how many hours go into it from individuals but have nothing to say or show for it!?

Wait, maybe they do, because we're online, and connected to their servers, and they track all things connected with the game too. Because they certainly did tune the heist drops to be "proportional to the player base and the league items in market", right after a few days of ritual league start! Remember? We players do!

And despite reality holding a "mirror" to the face, they have the temerity/gall to write this manifesto in they way they did.

And yes, whatever you quoted in your reply, filled me with the same red rage too! And I'm willing to "gamble an exalted orb with closed eyes" that we're definitely not the minority here!

Thanks for taking the time and sharing your unfiltered thoughts. I wish the mods show it to the "decision makers" "as is" rather than censor us and help no one in the long term.

Schnarrchnase wrote:
1.) You want PoE to be a Gamble.
2.) there are maybe 1000 people who had perfect items. On how many total players? How many of the total players didn't even have luck finding the crafts, yet alone a single grove? - None of the bug reports, to harvest groves not appearing with a 10% chance per map in over 100 maps in a row, were replied to by staff members.
3.) You take out the good crafts and increase the chance of a grove encounter. Sop it still feels like shit. Nothing changed, take it out. Stop putting everything in the core game. There is too much already.

And a closing thought, just my personal onion filled with emotions and rage:
"the feeling of exalting an item with closed eyes" - I don't even find exalted orbs, how am I supposed to exalt anything? I have also never found any item worth exalting in the first place.
Oh, by the way, I don't even have 3 good stats on a single item after 300hrs of pure harvest grinding this league. It's pure RNG and it's a bad system for a game. Everyone who agrees on 'everything has to be RNG' should see their doctor and start a rehab for their gambling addiction.

cya for 4.0 in the hopes, that you finally realized, balancing around the top 1% is NOT the way to go.

syncope33 wrote:
Not to be overly critical, but does GGG even watch the top players streams?

They literally never pick up gear in maps.
The removal of remove, and remove / add, would be more than enough, the rest I would not change.

MackBesmirch wrote:
I have a pitch: what if instead of Harvest crafting serving the same purpose of currency, Harvest crafting could instead contextualize currency we'd have to spend even without it?

Like, instead of a Harvest craft acting like a chaos orb that will re-roll a rare item with a fire modifier, what if the harvest craft would say "Harvest Craft: Fire Mod -- using currency on an item in this window will roll at least one Fire mod."

Higher-tier Harvest crafts could be "Harvest Craft: Fire Mod Lucky -- using currency on an item in this window will roll a Fire mod with lucky values."

Or maybe "Using any Conqueror's Exalted Orb in this window will result in an item with any conqueror Influence and one Influence mod."

Or mimic other stuff available elsewhere in the game, like the Temple of Atzoatl:
- Spend a stack of Vaal Orbs to double-corrupt an item
- Spend an Ancient Orb to change a unique to another unique of the same type, including league-specific items

A lot of the Harvest crafts could even stay the same but require the currency to fuel them:
- Spend one Jeweller's Orb to re-roll the sockets on an item 10 times, keeping the highest number of sockets
- Spend an Orb of Horizons to change a map into another map, but prioritizing maps you have not yet competed yet.
- Using a Gemcutter's Prism on a gem in this window will add quality to a gem between 1% and 10%, but not raise a gem's quality above 20%

We'd actually HAVE to use our currency to get deterministic results, but the deterministic options would still be RNG in terms of discovering them. Then it'd really be end-game only, cuz you'd have to save enough currency to take advantage of the Harvest crafts when you got them.

That is a BRILLIANT way to go, I wish this is what they would add instead of the dementia fueled nerfs they are thinking of adding.
No harvest - no possible me play my own build.
no possible me play my own build - no fun of game.
no fun of game - no more buy supports pack ever.
Righteous Fire forever.
Show me plz GGG how to creft best item with out havest show me plz with spam ex + c to craft.
Logging in today is no fun. Fells bad.
Schnarrchnase wrote:

cya for 4.0 in the hopes, that you finally realized, balancing around the top 1% is NOT the way to go.

The constant and repetitive nerfing is not meant to balance the game around the top 1%. They are trying to balance around Quin69 only, so we can all enjoy the pleasure of playing ZDPS builds for a change.

Last edited by home8012 on Jan 17, 2023, 9:02:41 PM

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