Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting
It seems that crafting with endless options (of alter/aug, resource/alch, chaos, ex/annul) is ggg's ideal way of getting top-tier gear because of the huge amounts of time that players have to spend through that type of 'crafing', even though it's more like gmbling for most players.
if ggg really thinks the existance of harvest lowers the actual value of other ways of crafting, why not try to buff the others instead of nerfing harvest? Enimies can get stronger every season while players arent allowed to get better gears? |
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Queridos y [Removed by Support] GGG, deberian preocuparse de asuntos más importantes que afectan al juego y a la mayoria de jugadores. Ya tuvimos suficiente con las burradas de MTX que lanzaron (pestañas de stash absurdamente inutiles, en vez de mejorar las que ya tenian y/o ofrecer pestañas hechas con cariño a sus jugadores, [Removed by Support]), fue suficiente con la aberrante liga "Heist", fue suficiente de los problemas visuales y de rendimiento, fue suficiente de ver la deficiencia al tomar decisiones y nerfear las cosas correctas, nos tienen hartos. Hagan las cosas bien de una vez por todas y dejen de tomar deciciones a mitad de liga, y PORFAVOR, piensen en su comunidad y jugadores que NO usamos BOTS.
FIN del descargo, y si todo sigue asi, CYA GGG Last edited by Kane_GGG#0000 on Mar 11, 2021, 12:28:14 AM
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We all need to oppose these upcoming changes vocally.
Harvest literally opened the game up for everyone and allowed people to try all kinds of builds they couldn't do before with limited time. Why are you trying to narrow your player base GGG? It makes no sense. Let the players decide how they like the game or not, don't dictate how it should be played like the old Diablo 3 team used to do. Yes I made a comparison to you guys with the cursed D3 team. I switched to POE thinking that it would be different and it was. This league was probably one of the most enjoyable and exciting leagues and here you decide to take away one of the things that make it special. |
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Go to nefr headhunter. It's very overpowered end game item. or go delete him. same as harvest.
you not nerfed harves, you delete him with this "nerfs" Righteous Fire forever.
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Yeah, I'm probably never going to play in league again now.
No-lifers are unaffected, they will still get OP items and people like me who take an entire week just to get through the campaign get screwed. I liked harvest crafting because I stood a chance against no-lifers with being able to craft GG items (albeit slower, because I play less) without needing boatloads of currency just to get a chance with high potential of failure. You say you want valuable drops to be random and not deterministic and yet everything that drops inside of a map is mostly useless after everyone has leveled up and is now looking for BIS gear. I understand your need to adhere to the item philosophy. Why not just make all the crafts more rare or something? MAKE DROP ANYWHERE ITEMS GREAT AGAIN |
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From my own personal view, this is a terrible decision, it has a major impact on players who just enjoy making builds every few weeks (like I do).
Harvest crafting gave me an additional month in the league, it allowed me to prepare items for my next build in advance. Removing mods because they are deterministic? Even with the current % we have, I wouldn't say it guarantees the mod you want. In fact, trying to roll the mods you want on an item will probably cost you more (sc) than it's worth, or require a ridiculous amount of time (ssf). You could've nerfed it so there are only 2-3 Harvest crops in each sacred grove, or limited it to 6 crafts per crop. But in a game with so many mods, that have so many common tags, giving the player some control is not a bad thing, I do not understand what's so bad about crafting an item a specific way, blocking a specific mod and augmenting the mod you want (in 90% of cases you'll get another mod or a lower tier one, as an example. Harvest took away a small portion of the occasionally frustrating RNG mods have I think there are better ways to fix harvest. Yes I do think it needs fixing, but not this way. This is too extreme. Last edited by murasam3#5035 on Mar 11, 2021, 12:29:25 AM
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Rip again. Havest was the biggest fun I ever had in the game in 5 years.
Wow, so many wrong descisions here. And who at GGG really thinks crafting with chaos orbs and exalteds is fun? Damn you! Last edited by Oxygene_PoE#6463 on Mar 11, 2021, 12:35:54 AM
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The loud 1% of hardcore (not HC) currency farmers got it nerfed for everyone else. Wonderful. Good luck getting people in leagues to play like they are on standard, I won't be joining them for a while, if ever.
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Can't we have a fun by making good gear by myself just 40-50% of my gear ?.
Due to my life need to work not playing game only like tons of streamer or crafter that have tons of times spent in this game. Nerfing harvest is kinda disagree from me I saw you tried to stop selling EX to real life money. Harvest is answer that not all but at least ppl can craft item themselves or sell craft for item that they don't know how to craft. If you decide to nerf harvest again so selling to irl money market will shine again. Last edited by ctkzsama#0236 on Mar 11, 2021, 12:33:56 AM
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And why do you think so many people came back to play POE this specific league which had the highest peak players for you guys? IT WAS BECAUSE OF HARVEST.
You and your team are literally shooting yourselves in the foot with this nerf. |
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