Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

I like these changes.
GGG thanks for your work. It's nice to see how you develop the game by always changing it. I am not a 24/7 player, but I really enjoy every league trying to find optimal variant of crafting, and I hope that it will stay still until it is become perfect.
Also, what about adding new seed types that work with tier of an item, for example: add tier 1 or 2 suff or preff to an item, or something in that way. Main purpose of suggesting this, is to make high level item mods to appear in additional way. I think that it may be crafts that is optainable, for example, after killing Oshabi. So what do you think about it?

surio wrote:
+1001 to this.

Miraille wrote:
Mods, you're still reading this, we know you are. We watch you handle your jobs, so here's a request from us players. Make Chris sit down and read this. Every page of it. Make him do it. Don't ask him, don't plead with him. TELL him to sit down and read. Let him see what the base really wants.

I want well for this game. I have since it began. However, casino gambling is not crafting by any definition. Yes, you are making items, but by rerolling them randomly, augmenting them randomly, etc. It's literally all one big casino gamble.

Harvest fixed that for me. Harvest removed the one detail from the game that plagued me most. So I'll chill around here and see how this plays out, my only hope being that somebody actually does tell Chris to sit down and read this feedback.
I played for around 16 DAYS on just ONE character this league. I completed most if not all endgame content. I farmed harvest over and over and over. I traded for crafts as often as I could. I do not have a SINGLE maxed out item on my character. Harvest crafting makes crafting... crafting. Why would you destroy the only thing that actually allows real incremental character improvement in the end game? Farming is OK when you are farming for a specific, obtainable thing. Endgame items simply ARE NOT REASONABLY OBTAINABLE without harvest crafting as it stands. This change pretty much kills endgame for me, and I will be playing much less in future leagues as a result of it.
For your bottom line: I was planning on buying a supporter pack next league because I got so much enjoyment out of this league. I will not be doing so now.
Last edited by Adanahel on Mar 31, 2021, 1:25:30 AM
I wonder what other crafting features they'll add. Surely they won't leave it at 'close your eyes and exalt.'
Last edited by Niteglys on Mar 10, 2021, 11:41:47 PM
abefos1 wrote:
Great. Now I can go back to grinding out 100s of chaos orbs two at a time so I can buy one piece of gear off of someone making 1000s from their sale bot.

Story of most players' life, one can say. It's very heartening to see the number of people who would've otherwise kept silent about their "station in life"/"pecking order" in the game/currency market for fear of ridicule, actually mention it matter-of-fact as a rebuttal to the wholly out of touch "manifesto" nonsense! The cup of woes has truly overflowed! And thankfully, for good reason too!

abefos1 wrote:
Way to cater to only the top 1%. You disgust me. Just remove harvest entirely and don't bother making any more leagues that might stop us peasants from having to buy everything from those elites.

Let's hope your comment doesn't get emblazoned with a [Removed by moderator] nonsense as well, because truth is uncomfortable to these people and their coterie in this case.
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

In other words, we won't remove that brick wall you are banging your head against because it feels so good when you stop.
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." - Harvest Manifesto 3/10/2021

So unbelievably inane it has to be memorialized.
Pottingmix wrote:

I do think they should of stopped player trading of harvest crafts IE add a timer to traded items for like an hour for harvest crafting.

I mainly farmed a few crafts myself to craft my own endgame gear however you make more money selling the crafts you get then buying other crafts from people;

TDLR: remove the trading aspect = work hard for good items. It'll bring up player retention exponentially because they will keep playing the league to get to their endgame goals.

YEAH!!! Let's remove trade from an ARPG game, let's turn everything into SSF. Because we're all masochists, right, right?
Gnisteren wrote:

Ridiculous, unreasonable and deserves to be laughed at.
Harvest is the best part of the game, we want to make top gear and buy mtx to put on it.

We do not need less Harvest - We Need MORE !!!!
And it is not easy at all - those crafts are not easy to get.
I play 4 hours a day, crafted watch stones for harvest only, and still I have to be very very lucky to get the aug - add/remove - annul crafts that I need.
Not to mention the remove influence / add influence that I have not seen at all.

It was bullshit only to let us store 10 crafts.
It was bullshit not to let us trade seeds.
And now you f............. - make it impossible to make great gear ?

How about you give us more HAREST - And then introduce new content that make Harvest less attractive ?
Where in the world is it creative to give people lesser opportunities ?
What company can sustain giving their customers less ?

sure - the "succesful" players want a nerf, they alredy have their gear and want to make me bleed 300-500 exalts in a fee for mirroring their items.

Yeah, I am on board with this... not less Harvest, MORE harvest. Or no harvest. Harvest really is the crafting you do to finish off items you started crafting with fossils and essences, and then use the bench to block mods so Harvest can be more deterministic.

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