Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

imLuCaSsS wrote:
you opens reddit and 90% of ppl are unistalling this game right now.

Really hope you reconsideer what you're doing.

Nobody likes the casino game and the "craft system" of the old path of exile with alts/regals/exalt and lucky.

You should improve harvest somehow, make it harder if needed, but not removing it from the game. Thats a shoot in your foot

Where did you get your data? Nobody is uninstalling LOL
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
RIP path of exile!!

Diablo 4 when?
My end, it justifies my means,
All I ever do is delay,
My every attempt to evade,
The end of the road
And my end....
I don't believe I have ever posted in response to a game change ever and I have played for years. I think the first 100 pages of venom aimed your way pretty much sum it up. The rich want the part time players to be peasants and have no shot at obtaining great gear. They cry and cry on Reddit. You listen and crush 90% of the player base. I love so much about this game but its becoming bloated and you just took away my favorite aspect of the game. I can't express without swearing the absolute rage I feel toward this change. Will I quit? Probably not. But unless you change your mind on this I can assure you not another dime on MTX.

If you want to solve the problem correctly just make it harder to create perfect items and make trading crafts safe. You made changes like removing the critical tag from tailwind. You can expand on changes like this or possibly make the tags less targeted like resist being lumps into one tag.

WOW what an epic fail!!
Imagine removing the unique thing that completely annulates the gambling that is metacraft in this game.
Nobody likes the casino game and the "craft system" of the old path of exile with alts/regals/exalt and lucky.

Your post is completely disconnected from the reason people are still playing this league after 2 months.

I will not play next league...

Never slammed an exalted on an item and never will. The fact that they don't play their game is just obvious now. Jesus GGG. How disconnected are you?

All you had to do is to allow people to trade Harvest crafts safely, without having to risk being scammed...

Last edited by mononcgaspard on Mar 10, 2021, 10:54:13 PM
I will buy more mtx ggg always has my support
Look at how they massacred my boy.
Dog shit change.
Haha nerf to high end crafting so it slightly hurts the top 1% and completely fucks the rest of the players who wants to try and make something reasonably ok. Right on GGG
kostyaq wrote:
killakil4 wrote:
This changes nothing just use essences and fossil i look forward to the next league

How you gonna play, if you never played, how do you know about fossils, if you dont have single character?

I read your previous comment. Well crafted, and I agree.

This one you quoted is just another "oh, me so smart and edgy on internet" comment. Ignore.

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