Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

In other words: We only want streamers and full time traders and RMT players to have the best gear. 2 billion dps has us shook, and as usual we're gonna screw everyone, especially casuals, to marginally slow down the no lifers.

Welp, no supporter pack for you. Again.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Cool, guess I'm back to never interacting with the [Removed by Support] crafting system.
Last edited by Kane_GGG on Mar 10, 2021, 10:53:46 PM
Oh dear... Before attempting to push through such a shameless change, you should get your priorities straight. This is exactly why I rarely bother with crafting; It's easier to just buy that crafted shit and shelf the character afterwards.
Want to play a beginner friendly, highly expandable and reliable build? Try WreckerOfDays' ! -- My Hideout ->
Being able to reasonably craft decent items was the main cause for me playing this league for as long as i did.
Doesn't sound like next league will manage that now.
Instead of fixing fps problems, u instead nerf the 1 good thing about ur game lmao good one u guys are so out of touch with ur game.

We all love gambling right? High volumes of lootbox sales = we love slamming exalts (lmfao please dont if youre trade league).

Read through the inevitable 200+ pages and go ask urself why u guys decided to massacre harvest. So out of touch with the player base smh, vote with ur wallet people.
Last edited by DiscoMonkeyy on Mar 10, 2021, 10:57:20 PM
Nice change, GGG (not)
It's the only thing that kept me playing this league, despite all the ANNOYING perfomance issues.
Casual players, NO FUN FOR YOU.

I understand the "philosophy" behind it, but POE is becoming less and less fun as time passes, it all comes down to market/grind/market/grind. kek
Done with Path. Done with support.
IGN: Constantly Changing
I love you GG. I love your game GG. you are the best set of DEV's EVER!!!

That said... Can you stop fucking watching streaming and thinking that the high level crafts they are doing, is what all poe gamers are doing? dude!!! The 99% did not craft a 100ex item this league. that is bullshit. how can anyone believe that? i ran at least 2000 maps and never once saw a augment phy. and i got a total of 3 add/remove life's which left my triple infulenced chest piece (which i did not using harvest) unuseable because it is stuck with T8 life roll.

[Removed by Support] average players are not running around in 100ex chest piece's the average player is running around with 1-3 ex chest piece's

Sorry i love you. you guys do great work. please continue to knock it out the park. but yea average players are absolute shit compared to streamers. please don't make the game for streamers.
Last edited by Kane_GGG on Mar 10, 2021, 10:57:26 PM

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