Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

The only players "upset" with the outcomes of harvest crafting were the streamers and hardcore daytrader gamers that made a killing off selling high end crafted items to regular players before harvest came back this league.

All this does is screw over 98% of your actual players and caters to the other 2%. The fact that you quote your dev in the manifesto as saying "we want players to close their eyes and cringe at their item being bricked when crafting" shows how out of touch you are with the actual players.

I was fine with some nerfs or changes to harvest crafting but this is outrageous. God forbid players can actually enjoy the game and not have to speed run the same map 18 hours a day to get ahead.....
Krayken wrote:
ClassePraCRL wrote:
HAHAHAA, says someone that started playing this game 8 years ago, have 6k+ comments on the forum, have more than 40 different chars and spent a large $ on this game... you did nothing but troll all time until now my dude... that narrative is old.

Yeah all that experience in the game and i totally agree with the harvest nerf. This league i created like 3-4 very overpowered harvest items and i won't miss them next league.

I've known the game for years before harvest was implemented and it was just fine. Getting good items was doable. Just don't rely on these absolutely op items and you'll be fine. I don't need them to have a successful character. Do you?

How is it so hard to accept that some peoples actually agree with the harvest nerf and thinks it benefits the game in the long term?

"Damn this guy on the internet doesn't agree with me".

I sure as hell enjoy those 100 pages of tears.

It is not the case if you or i need it or not to progress to end-game. The question is, what do you win with it's removal? Nothing, it is just you being selfish, because you have time to play 8/10h+ per day to grind the game compared to people that can't do it. This is a sandbox game! You won't win any prize for reaching end-game first without using any harvest craft in your gear, or for buying more MTX than player X.

And it is only you and other random guy spamming the same line for like 3 pages the only ones i see with that behaviour. All the other "tears" you talk about have some players much more experienced than you that disagree with this GGG approach. And they're not players that spam cyclone builds for like 7/8 different leagues and other meta builds like you. Is that the "skill" you talk about??

I have no real opinions about the balance part of this.

However, this means more Harvest farming, not less, and that, I'm not excited about.
Diablo 2 remaster is letting you import old save files. If you guys need an item editor that badly dig out the floppy with zonfire d2 saves scibbled on the front in pencil.

"bad dead bodies"

Harvest needed these adjustments.
good change. i just got stuck in harvest looking at my crafts and bases everytime i found one for 10-30 mins. just like Harvest League kinda
TLDR: Only the elite/full time players get to make good end game gear. The casual players get to grind to make the elites richer.
ok good, now bring down all enemy life to 10% of their current life and lower their damage output by around 70% and everything will be good. As the entire fing endgame is balanced around harvest existing in the game
This is a horrible change, takes away one of few fun things in poe.

3.14 patch will be perfect time to take some break from poe.

IGN : Sir_Big
The Heart of the Grove encounter is now a map fragment that sometimes drops from Tier 4 Harvest bosses, instead of randomly appearing in place of a normal Harvest grove.
So you managed to destroy harvest (you may as well just remove it from game) and add a new bloat fragment which ALSO wont have a place in the fragment stash.

Its obvious to anyone who read the manifesto and it has been blatantly obvious to those that play the game, that you dev team have likely never even played the game before, or have such little understanding of it.

I am not in the 1% and figured out ALONG time ago that my opinion, my time playing the game and my happiness to want to play the game means absolutely nothing to you at all.

But meh, i'll keep playing for free, I learnt along time ago not to waste my money supporting you.
If you can't handle the truth, just delete the forum post - Precious Flower
I actually played Harvest and Ritual league the most (2 months) only because of Harvest crafting and the possibility to constantly upgrade my items.
Now the entire endgame is just gambling

Terrible decision, I loved this game and now ... lol

I hope you'll come to your senses GGG, this is absurd

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