Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

I hoped that a heavy nerf will be coming - and here it is! Thanks GGG i love it!
Krayken wrote:

Exactly this, its very sad that theres 100 pages of ignorant peoples who can't realize this. They just want to have an easy game. Why attempt to do any boss mechanics when you can just get god gear and ignore them?

Why are you pretending like that game wasn't easy or that people didn't ignore boss mechanics before harvest? Or that the game won't still be easy after these changes? It has literally zero to do with people wanting an easy game, and everything to do with people wanting to have some fucking fun crafting insane gear that was completely inaccessible for a large portion of players before.
kostyaq wrote:
These changes are good, the removal of the item editor will make you better players.

You so tryharding to make vision of "alot players agree" but its literally you, and 2 of your frinds writing that.

Your opinion isnt worth a penny, stop spam the same message with no arguements.

Your item editor is gone stop freaking out plz
Dys an sohm
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Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Krayken wrote:
Kairuto2020 wrote:
As much as I can see how good Harvest is, I also understand where the developers are coming from. Harvest makes a LOT of existing and previous mechanics redundant. I remember everyone was screaming for Heist to be included in core in previous league and now that it is in core, hardly anyone plays Heist.

Alva and Jun? Barely a fraction bothers with it. Even Delve it is just to get to 250 depth for the challenge besides those deep delvers. Half of the existing currencies are made redundant due to Harvest. How many actually even touch the Annul orb this league? No one will use it even if it is free out there.

Harvest is good and interesting but it should not be an add on to an existing game with years of mechanics. It can be a totally stand alone game where you never know of the previous mechanics, thats fine.

I agree with the upcoming changes.

Exactly this, its very sad that theres 100 pages of ignorant peoples who can't realize this. They just want to have an easy game. Why attempt to do any boss mechanics when you can just get god gear and ignore them?

so you dont need beasts for crafting ? you dont need fosills for crafting ? why dont you play all mechanics if you want them so much.
Alteration spamming is such a fullfilling mechanic. Glad we're going back to basics.

Maybe I should check out the loot that drops from mobs instead. All of it can't be vendor trash, can it?
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

I really don't want that feeling lol... GGG again removing fun things sadge
Okay, no. Screw that. The only thing that kept me engaging in endgame was an actual possibility to craft good items. If you'll taking this away - I'm out of next league.

Holly cow, I supported almost each league since delve, but this is ridiculous out of touch with actual 99.9% of playerbase, that does not play 14 hours of poe per day.

kostyaq wrote:
These changes are good, the removal of the item editor will make you better players.

You so tryharding to make vision of "alot players agree" but its literally you, and 2 of your frinds writing that.

Your opinion isnt worth a penny, stop spam the same message with no arguements.

I know its a big shock that your item editor is being removed but you can get threw this and get better.

So just take a deep breath and say I can be good now.
So all you really end up having is playing the economy, and plowing maps. And if you want to get anywhere on your character, you are better off mowing monsters down like weeds and just collecting pennies of the ground as fast as possible than any meaningful item hunting.

You're moving the endgame content, the enjoyment of being able to craft the insane fun stuff to the 0.1% percentile.

Of course, 99.9% of people will disagree, and the vast majority of them will spend less time on the game.
Is it in the company interest, idk.. But there will be a direct reflection in players online, league time, and microtransactions for sure.

Harvest was a league where you as a top 10 percentile could do the things the 0.1% did, the 50% percentile did the 10% things, etc.

I think its a mistake, cause there's less enjoyment not being able to reach the items to make that minmax.

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