Fyregrass' Comprehensive Storm Brand Assassin Guide - Currently Dead Build. Revisit in 2 weeks.

Once we get that, can I get rid of this awful ring and amulet set up? (zero hp and resists)?
Last edited by Nevzat on Apr 22, 2021, 4:39:44 PM
Nevzat wrote:
Once we get that, can I get rid of this awful ring and amulet set up? (zero hp and resists)?

Well you still keep the amulet, but you do switch over to rare rings with life and resists. Keep in mind you do lose Mind over Matter, so it's not like you're going to gain a crazy amount of survivability. Once you swap to a Replica Soul Tether, you should also pick up a Cinderswallow Urn. That will provide you with a very noticeable amount of HP + ES regen on kill, which is really nice for Ultimatums.

Having said that, I agree that this build is pretty glass cannon, even towards the end game. Its only defences are Elusive + Immortal Call + however much HP + ES you can stack up. There's 0 block, dodge, armour, etc. to rely on, so when you get hit, you get chunked hard. I definitely wish Fyregrass was a little more transparent with that. It's a well written guide, but it really doesn't point out the downsides of the build.
Last edited by sabermetrics on Apr 22, 2021, 4:59:35 PM
i really dont feel very squishy in t16. sirus is a joke

with the clusters you are able to play so defensively that my 7k ehp is more than enough to survive most stuff.

sure there are oneshots but who cares. with 20ex investment this feels really good and fast

only thing thats bugging me at the moment is, that es leech is very very slow. i dont know if a second storm drinker will solve this
Last edited by cookiereloaded on Apr 22, 2021, 5:07:36 PM
Would some of you guys who are doing quite well do an upgrade list please?

Like is Dominus jewel worth 1.5 EX really the best thing to buy after getting an agnerod staff and impulsas for example?

I'm a bit frustrated that i can't even attempt red maps without getting like 10 exa worth of gear :-/
Last edited by Nevzat on Apr 22, 2021, 5:35:09 PM
i bought a jewel for 60c with brand dmg and rolled dominus keystone within 3 divines. u can try that too. with 8 power charges u will deal 24% more dmg. or save up currency to buy void batteries, they are huge for this build.
if i remember correctly i transitioned to MoM and bought and Holy Conquest Medium + Enduring Composure

Brand loyalty really helps in maps since you can keep your distance.

also any dmg you can squeeze out is basically more def for you

you can buy another timeless jewel and just reroll it with divine orbs to get dominus. might not be the perfect roll, but enough for starters

the pricetags for the transitions were very accurate for me but i always transitioned a bit sooner/without everything on the upgrade list and it worked really well.

after that i worked on soul tether and the rest of the clusters which is around 10ex in total(or was) and from that point on it was a breeze
Bringing the variation to COLD DAMAGE is even more brutal, but hey, also quite a bit more expensive.

It's a Glass Cannon build, but with a few minor tweaks they don't do ANYTHING to you and everything dies instantly.

Ok I got the armor cluster jewel so now I have 4 endurance charges.. it makes a pretty big difference but only tested a map or two so far. Maybe it should be pushed up in the priority order as the benefit it gives seems pretty huge compared to dominus for example?
Ok I got the armor cluster jewel so now I have 4 endurance charges.. it makes a pretty big difference but only tested a map or two so far. Maybe it should be pushed up in the priority order as the benefit it gives seems pretty huge compared to dominus for example?
Why do I loose all brands after 1-2 Brand Recalls?
I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong :(
And for now I have to click it automaticly every time I want to do damage.

I'm at the "Enduring composure/endurance charges" point of the guide.

If someone can look at my profile and tell me what I'm doing wrong, then it would be greatly appreciated!

Edit:Have Brand Recall on left mouse button
Last edited by Lightzaw on Apr 22, 2021, 8:17:41 PM

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