[3.16 Updated Check Witch Forum]N1 Dominating Blow Life 9 Auras

The concept is to go auras yeah i am gonna drop Spectres later on i get w/e i can that get me buffed but its not like they survive most of the times :D
oh okey, what flask's are the best in ur opinion, still going for rumi's and u keeping basalt and granite, i was thinking the overflowing chalice could be ok
What weapon do you use for Dom blow ?

feels kinda slow to swing my shit :D
ZacmyCork wrote:
What weapon do you use for Dom blow ?

feels kinda slow to swing my shit :D

Eventually you swap to The Scourge unique. Until then, brightbeak feels smooth IMO.
i wonder how you deal with mana cost of the skill other than using the flask
duabijitelur wrote:
i wonder how you deal with mana cost of the skill other than using the flask

I am on 6L and i am doing perfectly fine just with the flask
is there a way to not sustain mana using flask

maybe mana leech jewel, glove mana leech?
but that will bring down the dmg right
duabijitelur wrote:
is there a way to not sustain mana using flask

maybe mana leech jewel, glove mana leech?
but that will bring down the dmg right

You can go mana leech on gloves if you dont wanna lose any dmg
what's the ascendacy order for this build? can't see it in the main post
Hello quodlike, thanks for the build. Entering red maps sometimes hard to kill expedition monsters but tankiness is beeing insane. I'm not using specters nor vaal skeletons, could it significantly help me?

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