⛵☁️[3.25] The Arachnophobia Allstars| Chaos Guardian CI|The dirty Scorpion-tail|Herald of Agony 150M+

monik390 wrote:
Chromino wrote:

1k es when hit ghostshroud

600 ES, mate. You need at least 34k evasion to hit 1k ES from ghost shroud. Your's 20k. A bit low here.

Anyway, great build. Amazing work. Congrats.

Do you regret buying 4g-1b-1r Iron Reflexes from me now? Imagine spending that 30ex for smth better xD

Edit: Chromino is testing Ghost Dance vs Iron Reflexes with max block variation.

In my test with Glancing Blows, Iron Reflexes failed really hard.

With Ghost Dance I completed 11 simulacrum full clears without failing even once after I made it to this point:

Iron Reflexes failed wave 29. I did not want to rebuild my character to fullblock, so I decided to stick with Ghost Dance.

The reason here - damage prevention.

Ghost Dance requires high evasion to make it good, so we get decent damage prevention here (>80% chance to evade), which suits Glancing Blows really well.

Iron Reflexes with Glancing Blows receive everything. We take all of the damage here, w/o any prevention. Big or small, everything. And In later waves of simulacrum, incoming damage becomes insane. Especially bosses. IR just couldn't overheal it.

Hi monik399!+

Hehehe, yeess, both are great keystones. The lvl 100's in leaderboard use all iron reflexes, but ghostdance is extreme strong too.

I test a lot both armours, yes. In delve 600 iron reflexes is stronger and facetank everything perfect, in some scourge-maps against scourge bosses ghostdance feels more tanky facetanking in combination with watcher'seye discipline mod es on hit.

I am still personally not sure what to prefer, but I am sure that both are full tanky, hehe.

But I also personally no longer use glancing blows.

Thank you a lot again for the trade, the great & amazing chats and your awesome older hiero-build-link!

Congrats to waves 30 and lvl 98!!

Last edited by Chromino on Nov 26, 2021, 4:12:14 AM
Congratulations to th3_mOle for arachnophil 100 levels!!


Using the glancing-blows keystone, pathing without thread of hope and without divine shield, iron reflexes, going without aul's uprising and instead sublime form and +2 lvl rare amulet.... absolutely well done!!

8.5 k es, 190 k armour still with memory vault, with defiance banner and watcher's eye armour mod.... nice!

Absolute b.i.s. rare gloves - how do you craft these wonders?

Absolute b.i.s. rare boots - how did you craft these monsters?

Please share this Fine Art of crafting, hehehe!
Last edited by Chromino on Nov 26, 2021, 4:22:29 AM
Gluitina wrote:
blaw001 wrote:
Absolutely loving this build.

However I can't get the writhing jar pot to work. I kill them but I don't get spiders always. It's so confusing. And it's making bosses a lot harder.

I have read your guide. I use frost nova and sometimes i get 14 spiders sometimes 2. Sometimes 0. Mostly 0.

Actually nvm. Was super easy with divine ire.

You need to cast desecrate first. Spiders are raised from nearby corpses. If you're at the beginning of a map, chances are there won't be any corpses yet.
2 desecrate + hold the skill you use to kill the worms & press the flask.

Congratulations Gluitina, after lvl 100 in one of the top leading position now you've done 37/40!

And you kicked down the feared spawned simultan!


Thats a tough fast fight. Did you choosed full damage or how did you balanced your set?
Chromino wrote:
The lvl 100's in leaderboard use all iron reflexes, but ghostdance is extreme strong too.

Don't worry, I'll fix that soon xD

They rushed lvl 100 with IR bc it's your guides' default. I'm sure they had no time for tests xD

Chromino wrote:
I test a lot both armours, yes. In delve 600 iron reflexes is stronger and facetank everything perfect, in some scourge-maps against scourge bosses ghostdance feels more tanky facetanking in combination with watcher'seye discipline mod es on hit.

I am still personally not sure what to prefer, but I am sure that both are full tanky, hehe.

Yeah, I had a headache here too, bc it's clear that against spell damage IR is superior.

But, well, I'm a simulacrum farmer now, so ghost dance is a preferred and 100% reliable choice for me.

Chromino wrote:

Thank you a lot again for the trade, the great & amazing chats and your awesome older rf-build-link!

Ghostshrouds are 5% recovery of evasion, so it's exactly 1k when hit.

(3% was in 3.15. I guess)

Congrats to waves 30 and lvl 98!!

Smth tells me you didn't read it all xD Well, I didn't read your full guide too tho. Too long xD

And yeah, it's still 3%.

From ingame passive tree:

Last edited by monik390 on Nov 26, 2021, 4:12:44 AM

Yes, I corrected too, 3% in 3.16.

Hehe, it's a long one and take some time! Hehe! I just started! It's a journey into history of 3.12 too.
Last edited by Chromino on Nov 26, 2021, 10:06:49 AM
Worst buid ever.

No Starter league friendly.

Bad explanations on how to gear / use skills.

You have ton of blabla and nothing concrete.
Greetings, does anyone sell an assembly, do not want to assemble from scratch?
Mortemia11 wrote:
Worst buid ever.

No Starter league friendly.

Bad explanations on how to gear / use skills.

You have ton of blabla and nothing concrete.

Hi Mortemia11,

PoE is about the choosen skills, gear and some more like the talent to read.

You don't use any of the recommended set-ups of the levelling-tipps. Please take a 5 link like, put your mainskill HoA inside. Am I correct and you have nothing, zero, out of it? Then we have detected an answer for you, my best friend.

In your level, lol....

The Allstars's shoppinglist for Leaguestart:


1) Vaal discipline gem - your CI's lifeflasks -1 chaos


2) Skin of the loyals, 1 green socket, 24 chaos


Or The coming calamity, bodyarmour, less HoA manarervation, 5 links, 40 chaos


or starting rare with dex:


3) Anti- Bleeding flask


4) Very cheap 5-link supported vile toxins for HoA The Embaler gloves, requires lvl 50, 2 alchemy:


Cheap starting gloves Kalisa's Grace with integrated faster casting (more castspeed --》 more virulences--》 much more HoA damage), high es, but missing stats like dex


Or gloves supported with "chance to poison", take them with high es 1 chaos


Rainbow stride boots, look for 6% spellblock


Stygian belt


7) Shield with recovery, aegis aurora or instead rare shield



8) Circle of Nostalgia only skill efficiency

better: Circle of nostalgia, HoA less skillreservation and HoA increased buff --> increased chance to poison --> more virulences --> much more HoA damage 10 chaos


9) Jewel singletarget as CI The Golden Rule


with "corrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you":


10) Small cluster Uncompromising


11) Medium cluster solely Pure agony


12) Small cluster self-control


13) Helmet Eber's Unification


A very good alternative in 3.16 is a Rare helmet, example dex + high es, much less reduced efficiencies. 6 chaos


Rare helmet HoA increased efficiency, some es: 2 chaos


Often it's also a pebcak. But then there is only one interesting thing possible: read the blabla, first "Tipps for levelling". Of course you can practise everything in poe on your own too. You find starter gear in the top of Page 50. You need some of that stuff when you are not experienced in poe.


There you find also a spoiler with "experiences of gamers with the build"

Many reached first time lvl 100 with it.

Experiences of gamers with this build -
Quotes and Posts



Thank you Chromino for keeping this up to date!

It's going to be a great league.

BTW. I have a funny story to share, when I started to test the build at the end of Expedition, I accidentally opened a No Mana Regen map without knowing it. So I raised my 20 spiders and proceeded through the map, and then suddenly I realized I had no more mana left. "Well shit" I thought to myself, but I continued with spiders only and their number went down a bit a few times but they kept killing and re-summoning themselves and they cleared 3/4 of the map before I finally had to TP out and get a mana flask! So I cleared 3/4 of a T12 map with 0 skills used and buttons pressed except movement. Amazing.

Posted by

I have to give you an award Chromino, Minotaur has been my nemesis as long as I can remember - even with all of the other 'tanky' builds I've played - I almost ALWAYS die way too much to Minotaur. Too lazy to learn his attacks/patterns? Idk!

Well, not so much a problem any more:

Posted by

Being able to afk ultimatum and also survive the trialmaster is crucial and this build absolutely allows you to do that even without the broken iron skin and aul amu combo. Being CI and immune to corrupted blood with a jewel is just a blessing in ultimatum (5 or even 6 affixes that doesn't effect this build at all) and the recovery from block is insane.

Posted by

the build rocks..I am not dying and i am not afraid going into any fight coz 1 shots or other shits the game throw at u :)
THANK YOU Chromino :)

Posted by

Sirus 8, deathless.

I only have 6955 energy shield, nonetheless, I can tank anything he throws. (Ok, I didn't attempt the chaos storms, or the meteor hit.) Little shots, DIE beam, corridor zig zag (don't bother dodging, this is the best chance to DPS him, just soak up the hits) even the spinning quad beam has very little effect.

Took longer than it should have because I forgot to switch my pantheon to refill my writhing jars over time, so just the ... short legged dirty tail. That description still makes me laugh every time!

I have to say, this build guide is *Awesome*. The level of detail, the various options, the explanations around gear / tree / skill gem choices are top notch. But what really makes this stand out is the raw language. I just can't stop giggling when I read about the "short legged" "dirty scorpion-tail" "premium lags"... the fun just keeps coming. I have never seen a more entertaining build thread, and I've been here a long... long... Long time.

Posted by

Just came to post I did this build last league and was great.
Now that I have some gear, (FAR from BIS, crappy annoint, no watcher eye, so much to improve) it feels much more powerful than last time.
I league start this build with zero currency, and built it up quick.
Damage is better, even though I only reach lvl 30 HOAG so far (with emp 4 will be lvl 31)

Sirus a8 easy dies in a few minutes. T16 bosses die in few seconds.
Maven invitations, bosses die before new ones spawn, with mods no problem.
All conquerors and maven invitation (formed, twisted, etc) die easy.
For some reason the damage is just much better this league. And also super tanky of course, with no grace or iron reflexes.
When this build I can finally get BIS gear the game is really easy mode.
Great build again!

Posted by

Thank you for one of the best builds ever done! :)
I just switched to it from farming with freezing pulse totem.. was tired of dying. Now I cannot die lol... :D

Thanks again Chromino!

Posted by

"...played with it and Sirus 8/9 made me feel like walking in the park.

Thanks for what I currently consider the best build."

Posted by

We are rolling now!!! Thanks for all the help my dude! Killed Sirus A8 ez, 0 deaths. Running some real juiced up maps.

Posted by

This build is awesome when you start to get some gear. OK I am only mapping till t7 now, but in Ultimatums I really don't care what is the next reward, because I actually can't die. Once got somehow stuck in a T7 on a rune from Baran, surrounded by enemies. Could not cast, could not move and could not flask. I stoud there for solid 30 seconds, geting hammered on. Sure my ES drop once to 40%, but half a second and two blocks later, it was full again.

Its really is an awesome Build if ...

Thank you for one of the best builds ever done! :)
I just switched to it from farming with freezing pulse totem.. was tired of dying. Now I cannot die lol... :D

Thanks again Chromino!

Posted by

"...played with it and Sirus 8/9 made me feel like walking in the park.

Thanks for what I currently consider the best build."

Posted by

We are rolling now!!! Thanks for all the help my dude! Killed Sirus A8 ez, 0 deaths. Running some real juiced up maps.

Posted by

This build is awesome when you start to get some gear. OK I am only mapping till t7 now, but in Ultimatums I really don't care what is the next reward, because I actually can't die. Once got somehow stuck in a T7 on a rune from Baran, surrounded by enemies. Could not cast, could not move and could not flask. I stoud there for solid 30 seconds, geting hammered on. Sure my ES drop once to 40%, but half a second and two blocks later, it was full again.

Its really is an awesome Build if you want to play relaxed PoE. For me its perfect in Ultimatum since I don't have to dodge anything. My adaptive resolution in Ultimatum drops so low, I can't even tell where the Chaos cloud (chaos immune is op), the frost orbs or the lightning circles are. I just stand there and hammer away.

My only issue is: I have sometimes a hard time to spawn spiders in fights like the maven trials. But the agony crawler will kill them sooner or later anyway.

Posted by

This build is insane! Facetanking t16 awlvl 9 fully juiced trialmaster feels incredible. And my character was only lvl80 that fight.
I admire your work.

Posted by

This build is leaguestart friendly, as it use almost no special items to make it work.
Everything is a must have which increase the build by a lot, but even without the Skin of the Lord, the build can work...

With no expense (and no brain), with basic stuffs (no cluster, no jewels, no ring, no amu), Glancing Blow, and just Aegis, and 2 casual flask, you can already achieve :
- 5k es
- 30k armour
- 500k DPS
- 600 es on block
- 75/75 block chance
- capped resistance (75/80/76)

... At lvl 80
Seems already pretty good for a 10c build, no ?
Most of the builds don't reach this much tankyness / DPS combo with such "investissment".

Also, note that the build may be a leaguestart friendly, it's not a beginner friendly as there is a lot special mecanics in it, and you have to know it to leveling and playing it right.

Posted by

Im playing Mana Guardian every league. U can easly farm all content while drinking beer and eating pizza. I dont use spiders tho cos i hate this mechanic, I prefer more dmg for my scorpion. U are making hell of a work and forum thread is a masterpiece. And dont forget that time is mana friend ;)

Posted by

I played this build for first time at the end of 3.15 (I only played this league + syndicate), I played it as if I was league starting, no bonus gear from my main etc to see how I could start - was super easy. Was quickly running high end content, and even cleared A8 Sirus at 87 without even having all my gems capped.

Posted by

This is definitely the best build i've ever played.

Even though this is my 1st time meeting Sirus & tbh i'm quite slow & unskilled, I've managed to beat him deathless just now- tanking almost all his attack. I even forgot to switch from melee splash to multisrike for the spider.
I even dont have the anomalous HoA gem & many other gems also not at full quality but the build still very strong.

Before this i dont even bother to explore the atlas killing conquerors & sirus on my own due to squishy build.
Thank you very much for the build.

Posted by

I love this build. I'm playing Scourge as my first PoE league ever, i'm noob as fck. I don't understand anything (atlas, crafting, delve/mining, maps). But i love this build. I expect that this build would be playable trought the Leagues. My idea is to dominate this build in 2 or 3 leagues ^^ Thanks a lot. I hope you could up more content :)

Posted by
David ML

I love this build, im using a headhunter and its so fun haha im inmortal

Posted by

I delved a lot tonight and basically just ran around the entire time not having to do anything or pay much attention.
I've been debating rearranging all my shield/block nodes on the tree to get to 38% both block chances and then going GB, but I just feel so untouchable with the full 100% block that I'm not sure if I want to give it up.

Posted by

Feeling incredibly tanky and well rounded, haven't died once since I went CI at around lvl 69 or so.

I can pretty much just sit in any ultimatum and agony/....

Bye or just ask!
Last edited by Chromino on Nov 26, 2021, 8:09:31 AM
Chromino wrote:
Mortemia11 wrote:
Worst buid ever.

No Starter league friendly.

Bad explanations on how to gear / use skills.

You have ton of blabla and nothing concrete.

Hi Mortemia11,

PoE is about the choosen skills, gear and some more like the talent to read.

You don't use any of the recommended set-ups of the levelling-tipps. Please take a 5 link, put your mainskill HoA inside. Am I correct and you have nothing, zero, out of it? In your level, lol....

The Allstars's shoppinglist for Leaguestart:

1) Vaal discipline gem - your CI's lifeflasks -1 chaos


2) Skin of the loyals, 1 green socket, 24 chaos


Or The coming calamity, bodyarmour, less HoA manarervation, 5 links, 40 chaos


or starting rare with dex:


3) Anti- Bleeding flask


4) Very cheap 5-link supported vile toxins for HoA The Embaler gloves, requires lvl 50, 2 alchemy:


Cheap starting gloves Kalisa's Grace with integrated faster casting (more castspeed --》 more virulences--》 much more HoA damage), high es, but missing stats like dex


Or gloves supported with "chance to poison", take them with high es 1 chaos


Rainbow stride boots, look for 6% spellblock


Stygian belt


7) Shield with recovery, aegis aurora or instead rare shield



8) Circle of Nostalgia only skill efficiency

better: Circle of nostalgia, HoA less skillreservation and HoA increased buff --> increased chance to poison --> more virulences --> much more HoA damage 10 chaos


9) Jewel singletarget as CI The Golden Rule


with "corrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you":


10) Small cluster Uncompromising


11) Medium cluster solely Pure agony


12) Small cluster self-control


13) Helmet Eber's Unification


A very good alternative in 3.16 is a Rare helmet, example dex + high es, much less reduced efficiencies. 6 chaos


Rare helmet HoA increased efficiency, some es: 2 chaos


Often it's also a pebcak. But then there is only one interesting thing possible: read the blabla, first "Tipps for levelling". Of course you can practise everything in poe on your own too. You find starter gear in the top of Page 50. You need some of that stuff when you are not experienced in poe.


There you find also a spoiler with "experiences of gamers with the build"

Many reached first time lvl 100 with it.

Experiences of gamers with this build -
Quotes and Posts



Thank you Chromino for keeping this up to date!

It's going to be a great league.

BTW. I have a funny story to share, when I started to test the build at the end of Expedition, I accidentally opened a No Mana Regen map without knowing it. So I raised my 20 spiders and proceeded through the map, and then suddenly I realized I had no more mana left. "Well shit" I thought to myself, but I continued with spiders only and their number went down a bit a few times but they kept killing and re-summoning themselves and they cleared 3/4 of the map before I finally had to TP out and get a mana flask! So I cleared 3/4 of a T12 map with 0 skills used and buttons pressed except movement. Amazing.

Posted by

I have to give you an award Chromino, Minotaur has been my nemesis as long as I can remember - even with all of the other 'tanky' builds I've played - I almost ALWAYS die way too much to Minotaur. Too lazy to learn his attacks/patterns? Idk!

Well, not so much a problem any more:

Posted by

Being able to afk ultimatum and also survive the trialmaster is crucial and this build absolutely allows you to do that even without the broken iron skin and aul amu combo. Being CI and immune to corrupted blood with a jewel is just a blessing in ultimatum (5 or even 6 affixes that doesn't effect this build at all) and the recovery from block is insane.

Posted by

the build rocks..I am not dying and i am not afraid going into any fight coz 1 shots or other shits the game throw at u :)
THANK YOU Chromino :)

Posted by

Sirus 8, deathless.

I only have 6955 energy shield, nonetheless, I can tank anything he throws. (Ok, I didn't attempt the chaos storms, or the meteor hit.) Little shots, DIE beam, corridor zig zag (don't bother dodging, this is the best chance to DPS him, just soak up the hits) even the spinning quad beam has very little effect.

Took longer than it should have because I forgot to switch my pantheon to refill my writhing jars over time, so just the ... short legged dirty tail. That description still makes me laugh every time!

I have to say, this build guide is *Awesome*. The level of detail, the various options, the explanations around gear / tree / skill gem choices are top notch. But what really makes this stand out is the raw language. I just can't stop giggling when I read about the "short legged" "dirty scorpion-tail" "premium lags"... the fun just keeps coming. I have never seen a more entertaining build thread, and I've been here a long... long... Long time.

Posted by

Just came to post I did this build last league and was great.
Now that I have some gear, (FAR from BIS, crappy annoint, no watcher eye, so much to improve) it feels much more powerful than last time.
I league start this build with zero currency, and built it up quick.
Damage is better, even though I only reach lvl 30 HOAG so far (with emp 4 will be lvl 31)

Sirus a8 easy dies in a few minutes. T16 bosses die in few seconds.
Maven invitations, bosses die before new ones spawn, with mods no problem.
All conquerors and maven invitation (formed, twisted, etc) die easy.
For some reason the damage is just much better this league. And also super tanky of course, with no grace or iron reflexes.
When this build I can finally get BIS gear the game is really easy mode.
Great build again!

Posted by

Thank you for one of the best builds ever done! :)
I just switched to it from farming with freezing pulse totem.. was tired of dying. Now I cannot die lol... :D

Thanks again Chromino!

Posted by

"...played with it and Sirus 8/9 made me feel like walking in the park.

Thanks for what I currently consider the best build."

Posted by

We are rolling now!!! Thanks for all the help my dude! Killed Sirus A8 ez, 0 deaths. Running some real juiced up maps.

Posted by

This build is awesome when you start to get some gear. OK I am only mapping till t7 now, but in Ultimatums I really don't care what is the next reward, because I actually can't die. Once got somehow stuck in a T7 on a rune from Baran, surrounded by enemies. Could not cast, could not move and could not flask. I stoud there for solid 30 seconds, geting hammered on. Sure my ES drop once to 40%, but half a second and two blocks later, it was full again.

Its really is an awesome Build if ...

Thank you for one of the best builds ever done! :)
I just switched to it from farming with freezing pulse totem.. was tired of dying. Now I cannot die lol... :D

Thanks again Chromino!

Posted by

"...played with it and Sirus 8/9 made me feel like walking in the park.

Thanks for what I currently consider the best build."

Posted by

We are rolling now!!! Thanks for all the help my dude! Killed Sirus A8 ez, 0 deaths. Running some real juiced up maps.

Posted by

This build is awesome when you start to get some gear. OK I am only mapping till t7 now, but in Ultimatums I really don't care what is the next reward, because I actually can't die. Once got somehow stuck in a T7 on a rune from Baran, surrounded by enemies. Could not cast, could not move and could not flask. I stoud there for solid 30 seconds, geting hammered on. Sure my ES drop once to 40%, but half a second and two blocks later, it was full again.

Its really is an awesome Build if you want to play relaxed PoE. For me its perfect in Ultimatum since I don't have to dodge anything. My adaptive resolution in Ultimatum drops so low, I can't even tell where the Chaos cloud (chaos immune is op), the frost orbs or the lightning circles are. I just stand there and hammer away.

My only issue is: I have sometimes a hard time to spawn spiders in fights like the maven trials. But the agony crawler will kill them sooner or later anyway.

Posted by

This build is insane! Facetanking t16 awlvl 9 fully juiced trialmaster feels incredible. And my character was only lvl80 that fight.
I admire your work.

Posted by

This build is leaguestart friendly, as it use almost no special items to make it work.
Everything is a must have which increase the build by a lot, but even without the Skin of the Lord, the build can work...

With no expense (and no brain), with basic stuffs (no cluster, no jewels, no ring, no amu), Glancing Blow, and just Aegis, and 2 casual flask, you can already achieve :
- 5k es
- 30k armour
- 500k DPS
- 600 es on block
- 75/75 block chance
- capped resistance (75/80/76)

... At lvl 80
Seems already pretty good for a 10c build, no ?
Most of the builds don't reach this much tankyness / DPS combo with such "investissment".

Also, note that the build may be a leaguestart friendly, it's not a beginner friendly as there is a lot special mecanics in it, and you have to know it to leveling and playing it right.

Posted by

Im playing Mana Guardian every league. U can easly farm all content while drinking beer and eating pizza. I dont use spiders tho cos i hate this mechanic, I prefer more dmg for my scorpion. U are making hell of a work and forum thread is a masterpiece. And dont forget that time is mana friend ;)

Posted by

I played this build for first time at the end of 3.15 (I only played this league + syndicate), I played it as if I was league starting, no bonus gear from my main etc to see how I could start - was super easy. Was quickly running high end content, and even cleared A8 Sirus at 87 without even having all my gems capped.

Posted by

This is definitely the best build i've ever played.

Even though this is my 1st time meeting Sirus & tbh i'm quite slow & unskilled, I've managed to beat him deathless just now- tanking almost all his attack. I even forgot to switch from melee splash to multisrike for the spider.
I even dont have the anomalous HoA gem & many other gems also not at full quality but the build still very strong.

Before this i dont even bother to explore the atlas killing conquerors & sirus on my own due to squishy build.
Thank you very much for the build.

Posted by

I love this build. I'm playing Scourge as my first PoE league ever, i'm noob as fck. I don't understand anything (atlas, crafting, delve/mining, maps). But i love this build. I expect that this build would be playable trought the Leagues. My idea is to dominate this build in 2 or 3 leagues ^^ Thanks a lot. I hope you could up more content :)

Posted by
David ML

I love this build, im using a headhunter and its so fun haha im inmortal

Posted by

I delved a lot tonight and basically just ran around the entire time not having to do anything or pay much attention.
I've been debating rearranging all my shield/block nodes on the tree to get to 38% both block chances and then going GB, but I just feel so untouchable with the full 100% block that I'm not sure if I want to give it up.

Posted by

Feeling incredibly tanky and well rounded, haven't died once since I went CI at around lvl 69 or so.

I can pretty much just sit in any ultimatum and agony/....

Bye or just ask!

As a league starter, you have a lot of PoB builds... I'm totally lost and i have 10 chaos to stuff myself. Too many confusions.
Whats the current recommendation for socket colors with the upcoming of void manipulation? Still 2r/3g/1b?
or are other combinations similar strong? eg 1r/4g/1b?

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