Game Balance in Path of Exile: Echoes of the Atlas

Last edited by iteration2 on Jan 11, 2021, 5:33:41 PM
RIP Syndicate Operative
Sep 2020 - Jan 2021
Had a good run
pro tip for the ED/Cont starters:
just go for cobra lash assassin FFS
darkenergy0 wrote:
love these changes, finally we can play in more detail build! more specific, more straight to what u really want to play. i love build diversity and the possibility for all build to arrive at the same end power! Keep doing the good work guys, and make this game the best ARPG ever :)

You're joking right? There is almost no build diversity in this game, that is an illusion, exile. Try and reach end-game and do end-game content with any build you feel like, you can't, we both know that. Just because the game offers a massive talent tree and a lot of different items it doesn't mean there is build diversity, you can't combine whatever you feel like and boom boom everything, we all know very few builds with high investment can comfortably do end-game stuff.

There is no build diversity in PoE, and they are killing it even more with this patch.
Last edited by Tobiasbr on Jan 11, 2021, 5:30:09 PM
tzimize wrote:
Nerf aura stacking to hell, I dont care. Its for the insanely wealthy and performs way too well as it is. That said, the nerf is not important to me, it doesnt affect me. It just feels wierd that it exists.

I am severely unhappy with golem nerfs. I love minion builds, mostly because I am closing in on 40 years of age, and I like to play builds that dont give me carpal tunnel.

There are plenty of builds that perform way better, if you click and flask just makes me sad. Getting somewhere in this game shouldnt cost your health and for gods sake I dont want to play ED/cont...AGAIN...

And I JUST bought sweater tier packs as well...damnit.

I hear ya man... I am in my late 30s and I always get severe carpal tunnel every league. I mostly play Spectre builds and even then I am still spamming the crap out of spells and flasks.
hmmmmmmm aura effect clusters from 6% to 3%? hey, this nerfs the god-like aura stackers but also kills the cluster for anyone who wasn't using that many auras. Was already hard/costly to get enough ES and endgame dmg on my not-aura-stacker coc build. Now, well, gotta delete that build and do something else entirely. Why did you not just cap aura effect bonus? Are you not trying to nerf builds with 15 auras and 400% aura effect? Not us smaller people using 6 auras with less than 100% aura effect?... I'm bummed.. =(

I had barely enough ES with 108%. The same build will now have 78% aura effect. 12% less damage and 10% less ES.
All the while, the streamers with several mirrors worth of gear (and time to play) will still get pretty much the same result as they did.

*This only makes the build even more expensive and even farther out of reach for us mortals. While making lesser builds less viable.*

So, the opposite of what was proposed... Now, the only way aura effect is significant is if you invest a lot more into it. And those of us who invested only a couple exalts into those clusters can't anymore. You've actually RAISED the bar, not lowered it.

If you capped total increased effect to like 150% it doesn't affect cheap builds and effectively force the mirror tier aura stackers to go figure out a new build.
Last edited by DeathfulDan on Jan 11, 2021, 5:35:40 PM
Elemental Aegis effects
To improve the general strength of Aegis effects as part of adding Primal Aegis to the Elementalist, all Aegis skills such as the one granted by Magna Eclipsis no longer have their recharge timer interrupted by damage if the buff is depleted. This makes the Aegis skills a much more reliable defensive mechanic when regularly taking damage.

Just logged in to double check with magna eclipsis, and the "short time" that it takes for the aegis to come back once depleted is 10 seconds.

Even with the listed improvements, it is pretty useless, and the elementalist version of it will certainly not be worth two ascendency points.

Please consider taking this down into the range of 2 seconds (start of es recharge without modifiers) to at most 4 seconds ("recently").
iteration2 wrote:
Bex_GGG wrote:
Do we keep a "Legacy" Variant from our already owned replica alberons warpath?

The changes affect all existing versions of the item.

Why? Given all the ridiculous legacy items left in standard over the years, why break precedent to specifically screw over everyone who invested in these?

I've been trying to build an aura-stacker on standard for a few months, and eventually gave up as these clusters were too difficult to acquire (I've never been one of those players who throws exalts away by the hundreds, or even by the handfuls, each one of those things is PRECIOUS). I made a new character in heist, where they were more affordable, and put every spare bit of currency into buying them so I could play in standard.

Well apparently that was all for nothing.

I think we all understand that nerfs happen, but the typical "standard" experience has usually been that gear you invest in won't radically change after the fact, so your investments are somewhat protected. The value may go down as metas change, but at least you can still play with what you've bought. Every time there's an exception to this, it erodes trust in what we're doing here. If anything we acquire can be capriciously taken away, what ARE we even doing here?!

I was really enjoying PoE again after a year or two hiatus, but now I honestly don't have any enthusiasm for the game. I feel like I just wasted the last couple months of play time, with nothing to show for it.

Agree! Why not keep those legacy clusters. I was playing in SSF league, and finally got 4 of aura effect clusters. That's just really not easy for SSF players.. Why you guys even nerf those existing clusters???
Good job GGG, I have to say that this league is shaping up to be the best ever. I have absolutely no issues with the nerfs - they all make perfect sense.
Last edited by MrWonderful99 on Jan 11, 2021, 5:36:04 PM
Ok. I'm a normal player, level 91-92 for season. Justly the type that GGG doesn't consider when make the balance. Unfortunately, GGG believes that only pro players play the game. It's sad, but real. GGG doesn't have interesting in normal players. We will never reach the higest levels because before of that GGG will nerf the builds that we have choose with this goal.

In that situation, why you GGG doesn't tell us this truth? So we would know what to expect and we would have no illusions.

PD: Why GGG doesn't remove minions of the game instead nerfing them in every season?

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