New unseen footage of Cyberpunk2077

I love how the Chinese are blamed for every "bad" decision. Not muh GGG!
xMustard wrote:
you said, "PoE is not big by any means" as a reply to me saying "thats how PoE has gotten as big as it is".
subtle detail, but i never called PoE big. i said its as big as it is. this is mostly a comparative statement to itself in the past, and not a comparative statement towards any other game or franchise.

numbers are irrelevant. the point is Path of Exile has grown exponentially since its release, and did so in the face of dozens of triple A releases etc. was never an issue before.

problem is they are accountable to tencent now, and i don't think theres any way they didn't have a hand in the delaying decision

either way it honestly doesn't matter. i think the delay was a good thing. i, however, think even mentioning cyberpuke 2077 was a bad choice.

But the cost of maintaining also got bigger with PoE. They also never colided so hard with such big title. I dont care if it was Tencent or GGG the decision was good from financial point of view. It would be retarded to compete with Cyberpunk the same way it would be stupid to compete with Diablo 4. Tencent doesnt have to do anything with it because i would do the same.
BearCares wrote:
We wanted Cyberpunk to be the next Red Dead Redemption II or AC: Valhalla. Instead we got a new Skyrim

I would slighty disagree. If you look behind those games you see studios like Ubisoft and bethesda. Those companies are only interested in money and how well a game sales. In Cyberpunk and Witcher 3 you feel the love of detail in small gestures. Easter-Eggs of the teaser from over 7 years back , multiple endings/choices.

One point that is crucial from now on is how they will progress on CP2077. Either they kick it down the street like Bethesda did with many of its games, or they work on the bugs and make a Witcher 3 out of it. That game was also buggy when it was released. But they polished it. If they do the same with CP2077 it will set a new line of Open world RPGs.

I finished the game with over 100 hours in it. Hell i would do that again if i could erease my memory. The story is great, you fell like your choices matter and the characters are great too. (be fair, anyone who played the game stood behind panam for a few minutes, the first time you met her)
It's one of those games you notice they put effort into it.
I wouldn't call it a buggy mess. The game just feels...unfinished.
Last edited by Camatoo on Jan 4, 2021, 7:26:18 AM
How did you manage to play for this long? I spent 60 hours and did every side quest and gig except for the blue ones (they are all the same anyway). What level were you when you beat it?
I play very slowly. I did alot of blue missions, stopped and helped out NCPD in encounters, killed cyberphsychos and so on. I took my time with my first playthrough. I even reloaded certain events because felt bad for my decision (happy ending as example)

Endlevel was 36 and max Street cred (lvl 50)
Last edited by Camatoo on Jan 4, 2021, 8:32:00 AM
Right. I actually finished at level 45 so its more of a matter of preference than me missing something
I could also be wrong, but im playing over GoG. It could be that the time played shows even if i only have the launcher opened.

If that is the case, it might be less hours overall.
But still, i like to play the game in the same way i personally would react to the choices. Makes a second playthrough very hard for me, since i would just choose the same choices as before. Otherwise it feels like cheating to me. I have to wait a couple of months to forget some choices and play another character.
It really is futuristic GTA.
Cyberpunk as a separate game, and NOT EVEN MENTIONING BUGS is at BEST a meh game.

Its boring as fk and i deleted it on the 3rd hour playing it..

Not a terrible game on the PC, but was expecting/hoping for more. I got my money's worth and look forward to playing the post-dlc/spring patch(es) version.

After seeing 3.13 trailer, I was fine with league being delayed. GGG bought themselves some, undoubtedly, much needed time with that.
Last edited by AlvinL_ on Jan 10, 2021, 9:52:24 AM

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