There is NO USA LAW that exempts you from wearing a mask...


'Doomed' and 'united' are a very common pairing. What, never heard of Thermopylae? How about the Battle of Wizna? The Sacking of Rome in 1527?

My vision of such scenario is not so rosy. Expect betrayal and treachery amongst humankind, where humankind might not be the winning side. Humankind might not even survive if these Aliens enjoy crushing ants. Being Overly Optimistic can be an unhealthy habits and delusion.

Your Approach to doomsday Is All Wrong. It is best if they don't find us.

solwitch wrote:
Pass this along, there is NO LAW that exempts anyone from wearing a mask in a place of business. Businesses can enforce anyone in their establishment to wear a mask. So if you see someone ordering food not wearing a mask, leave because every time that person talks he endangers everyone.

A doctors note has no legal weight, none whatsoever...

First, this is something of an attempt to clarify the issue so that mistakes concerning "Law" don't lead down a path to unnecessary arguing.

(I wrote a bunch of stuff nobody would really enjoy reading... It's also possible the below, too, isn't worth reading... But,)

The OP statement is not quite valid.

It ignores "context" and doesn't appropriately, and necessarily, define "Law."

Personally, I'm in favor of "mask wearing" in all public spaces for the near future (Masks that successfully provide some minimum protection from the wearer spreading diseases through respiration/droplets of.. stuffs).

But, to say there is no law that exempts one from wearing such a thing is too strong a statement as there could be many situations in which a Law could support a person not wearing such a mask.

Conversely, there are regulations, both local, State, and Federal, that require the use of such masks and even ones that are more physically restrictive. Are these also being considered as "Laws" by the OP?

The intent of the OP appears to appeal in favor of "The Greater Good" being supreme in interpretation of Law/etc.

However, the concept of "Majority Rule With Tyranny Towards None" also applies as well. "Rights" could also be an issue as well as the notion of "Private Property."

And, then there's the mandate of both Federal and State powers.

In short - It's not simply an argument that can be prefaced, founded on, or solved, by stating "There is no USE Law that Exempts You From Wearing A Mask."

AND, fully and enthusiastically engaging on that principle is going to intrinsically result in inevitable arguments and dissent because the subject matter isn't properly established and may not be contextually valid, itself.

Example: What if I owned a private, "member's only," grocery store and stated as one of the requirements for entrance that no member can wear a mask? Could my membership be forced to wear a mask by local, State, or Federal Laws, regulations, ordinances, etc, even when entering my establishment? If so, how? What if I gave away both memberships and groceries for "free" and, thus, wasn't required to have a business license as a result or I didn't require any licensing at all? Could I refuse entry to my private home by people who are wearing masks? If not, in what context?
Morkonan wrote:

Example: What if I owned a private, "member's only," grocery store and stated as one of the requirements for entrance that no member can wear a mask? Could my membership be forced to wear a mask by local, State, or Federal Laws, regulations, ordinances, etc, even when entering my establishment? If so, how? What if I gave away both memberships and groceries for "free" and, thus, wasn't required to have a business license as a result or I didn't require any licensing at all? Could I refuse entry to my private home by people who are wearing masks? If not, in what context?

To answer your first question, any business can refuse service based on dress code. As long as they include masks on the dress code they could refuse or require it. I don't see any issue. (For example a nice steakhouse might require a jacket for men).

For business operations there are already licensing laws and city ordinances in place governing basic operation in general. So a Costco or Sam's club type business isn't exempt even though they are membership only. However there are absolutely no laws or regulations requiring anything. The State's can put out guidelines and mandates, but those don't really have enforceable consequences outside temporary closure or fines (which imo would lose in a lawsuit. In fact in IL, my home state, there are already dozens of business suing the Governor)

The only side note to this would be conditional memberships, like to a country club, or golf course. They can be very specific here with whatever they want. If you refuse they simply terminate your membership. It's contractual.

The real problem overall is if a business does have a requirement of their customers to wear a mask, what is the solution for those that refuse? Call the cops? On what grounds? Trespassing during open hours? Store security? Prepare for a discriminations lawsuit or worse if you actually try to physically remove someone. It's a nightmare logistically. Right now they are getting people on technicalities like "disturbance", and that's how they get some of these crazy folks off planes for example.

Either way it's a shitshow in general. I mean you could see where some of this would go. It gets quite slippery if you allow business to "select" their customers for any reason, even if it's under the guise of public health or whatever they claim. ACLU would love this.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on Oct 25, 2020, 7:47:22 PM
From my elective law classes ^.^ (if you’re still in college take tort... as an elective thank me later)

So a guy walks in a business, ignores the sign "must wear mask or you will not be served." As he walks in other customers who are wearing a mask give him a look. He approaches the counter and says, "I can’t wear a mask I have a doctors note."

Employee responds, "let me get my manager."

Manager comes in, "I am sorry but we can not serve you please use curb side pick up or I can have one of my employees take your order outside... you can not be in here without a mask."

The gentleman complains and eventually refuses to leave the establishment, "I’m not leaving till I get my order this is ridiculous."

Customers begin to leave the establishment as the manager calls the police. Eventually the police arrive, and ask the gentleman if he has documentation.

"I don’t have it on me, but it doesn’t matter I’m protected under federal law."

A customer interjects, "officers if I may comment, I do not see a disability card or a disability sign on his car nor is he parked on a designated disability parking spot. Unless he has a disability there is no federal, state or county law that exempts him from wearing a mask in an establishment that requires it."

There’s no precedent on masks, and no lawyer would even go near it... It is ridiculous to not wear a mask. I want to be clear if someone is complaining and acting odd towards wearing a mask he or she is most likely suffers from a mental illness or is experiencing anxiety. Our doctors and nurses wear masks 24hrs, stop complaining.
"Another... Solwitch thread." AST
Current Games: :::City Skylines:::Elite Dangerous::: Division 2

"...our most seemingly ironclad beliefs about our own agency and conscious experience can be dead wrong." -Adam Bear
Basic human nature doesn't change, but our concept of society, family, community...those definitely change.

Just wait until the aliens arrive. Then you'll see an unprecedented unity amongst humankind, guaranfuckinteed.

"Well that's where we are. You say we're on the brink of destruction and you're right. But it's only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve. This is our moment. Don't take it from us, we are close to an answer." - "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (John Cleese: Professor Barnhardt)
"Another... Solwitch thread." AST
Current Games: :::City Skylines:::Elite Dangerous::: Division 2

"...our most seemingly ironclad beliefs about our own agency and conscious experience can be dead wrong." -Adam Bear
solwitch wrote:
Basic human nature doesn't change, but our concept of society, family, community...those definitely change.

Just wait until the aliens arrive. Then you'll see an unprecedented unity amongst humankind, guaranfuckinteed.

"Well that's where we are. You say we're on the brink of destruction and you're right. But it's only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve. This is our moment. Don't take it from us, we are close to an answer." - "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (John Cleese: Professor Barnhardt)

Nice quote, but I'll address it literally.

I don't think we're on the brink of destruction. I don't think anything so clean-cut as a brink exists, any more than you can easily discern one grey from another in a gradient. And that's also part of the problem; we have to create our own brinks, our own thresholds for action and reaction. And right now, we as a species, as a a community can't even agree on black and white, neverfuckingmind the greys.

Would Gort help us to see that? Ideally. But that's just a story. Just as Close Encounters is; just as Independence Day is. Just as Outbreak is. Just as Contagion is.

And we need those stories because the alternative is Big Brother Uncut, which is *interminably boring*...not to mention utterly soul-crushingly sad. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Oct 26, 2020, 3:13:25 AM

And we need those stories because the alternative is Big Brother Uncut, which is *interminably boring*...not to mention utterly soul-crushingly sad.

The brink of destruction? You still failed to see the point. An reminder.... some people only care about themselves... COVID-19 is mild for some, deadly for others. Some people just don't care if their actions is harmful to other but still many do. Self serving motive is also part of human nature.

Similar to your expectation of humankind to stand together against an indomitable enemy is unrealistic.
awesome999 wrote:

And we need those stories because the alternative is Big Brother Uncut, which is *interminably boring*...not to mention utterly soul-crushingly sad.

The brink of destruction? You still failed to see the point. An reminder.... some people only care about themselves... COVID-19 is mild for some, deadly for others. Some people just don't care if their actions is harmful to other but still many do. Self serving motive is also part of human nature.

Similar to your expectation of humankind to stand together against an indomitable enemy is unrealistic. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Basic human nature doesn't change, but our concept of society, family, community...those definitely change.

Just wait until the aliens arrive. Then you'll see an unprecedented unity amongst humankind, guaranfuckinteed.

I think this already happened with the Ozone Layer problems we encountered back when CFC's where everywhere. If I remember correctly, almost everyone was 'in' trying to fix the problem; it was insane--

So an alien invasion/aggressive alien race attacking making unity amongst humans come to fruition? I agree that it will indeed be guaranfuckinteed

Oh; and I got a concern-- isn't the thread almost nearing the topic of "Discuss inflammatory topics, such as Politics or Religion"? We're entering the territory of law, which would lead to politics-- I'm afraid the thread might get to that point soon; if not thennn:

Press on gentlemen and lasses xD

Act Rush Service~ IGN: Athiana_
Last edited by Reinier11 on Oct 26, 2020, 7:30:51 AM
Reinier11 wrote:
Basic human nature doesn't change, but our concept of society, family, community...those definitely change.

Just wait until the aliens arrive. Then you'll see an unprecedented unity amongst humankind, guaranfuckinteed.

I think this already happened with the Ozone Layer problems we encountered back when CFC's where everywhere. If I remember correctly, almost everyone was 'in' trying to fix the problem; it was insane--

So an alien invasion/aggressive alien race attacking making unity amongst humans come to fruition? I agree that it will indeed be guaranfuckinteed

Oh; and I got a concern-- isn't the thread almost nearing the topic of "Discuss inflammatory topics, such as Politics or Religion"? We're entering the territory of law, which would lead to politics-- I'm afraid the thread might get to that point soon; if not thennn:

Press on gentlemen and lasses xD

I think we're staying vague enough not to invoke that one, but we'll see. If so, I hope none of us get placed in the naughty corner along the way.

As for the ozone layer thing, that shit happened right over my head. Apparently it's all healed now so that 'insane' movement had genuine headway and good results, but we're used to a somewhat lacking ozone layer down here anyway. Australian sun is just flat-out meaner than elsewhere. I've been to hotter places, drier places, more humid places, but that laser-focused speck of hatred is somewhat unique to south-east Australia. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.

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