There is NO USA LAW that exempts you from wearing a mask...

Toshis8 wrote:
It's very difficult to get people to go out of their way to prevent something that doesn't affect them directly, even if it can be shown that it will affect them indirectly. I am absolutely certain were I not vulnerable I would be a lot more lax about it all, especially here in NSW, Australia, where we've dodged the bullet (again), at least for now. No community transmission cases for half a week now. Not for lack of trying...

It's equally difficult to convince people that appropriate prevention's ultimate goal is to seem useless in hindsight. That flippant 'see, it was all for nothing' isn't a declaration of futility, but an unspoken 'it could have been a lot worse'.

Now over in the US? With those numbers, I reckon you'd be an absolute idiot not to wear a mask in public. Not to sanitise your hands frequently. Not to isolate where possible. Not because the mortality rate is 'so low' or the recovery rate 'so high', but because the effort to reduce getting it still outweighs the potential experience of it. Even directly. And that's not even taking into account the whole 'thinking of others' part of prevention, but I've already covered why that's so hard to get most people to do. We are tiny creatures with tiny worlds, tiny duties and responsibilities. A few times in our tiny lives we brush against the truly global, and it is terrifying.

Sometimes i wonder: is humanity learning and improving itself? Are we any better than people 50 or 100 years ago? Sometimes its very hard to see that change, no matter how hard i try.

Nah Human Nature is what keeps the species going. Both in good and bad. When there is a natural disaster people come together (see Shovel's thread). But we don't beach ourselves like whales and die, or act like lemmings and go off a cliff. Self-Interest keeps us alive.

For example do you send a large percentage of your income to starving kids in Africa? Does that make you a monster if not?

So yes, if a woman trips in front of me I will help her up. But no, I'm not giving my entire paycheck to the homeless guy outside the train station.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
The_Impeacher wrote:
I only enter stores with mask requirements. No requirement, no business from me.

Hell I can't even remember the last time I went into a store. It's all been Amazon and curbside pick-up.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
DarthSki44 wrote:

I don't mean to try and imply your are being naïve, but unfortunately it doesn't have to do with "understanding" or "being careful". NOTHING prevents COVID. All you can do is reduce risk as much as possible. People do understand this. They just choose to weigh the risk in their actions. Sure there are some nutballs you see on a plane acting insane, or purposely filming themselves defiantly walking into a Walmart to make a point and get views on Insta/Facebook. This isn't the situation for Millions of Americans (and likely the entire world as COVID surges again).

From a personal standpoint, I live in IL, just outside Chicago. Our Governor is & has been, very strict, and currently you cannot even indoor dine in many cities in the State. It might snow over this weekend into Monday/Tuesday, and outdoor dining won't be possible any longer into the winter. It's likely in a month or two we will be looking at a near complete elimination of the entire food & bar industry in a massive American City. Hundreds of thousands will be out of work. If you are a bar owner, or small restaurant owner, what do you do? Do you defy the mandate from the Governor and stay open, or do you throw away your whole life and go out of business?

I don't want to be too pessimistic here, but I am cynical. I do think there is a very large chance that you see a revolt against COVID-19 restrictions as people face real, life changing, decisions as this drags on. There will be a breaking point, I just don't know exactly where it will begin. Wearing a mask helps reduce spread, but it doesn't keep your employer in business. Staying home keeps Grandma alive, but being evicted from your house puts your kids on the street.

I don't have good answers to any of this. It's likely we will have a vaccine in 2021, and that it's effective rate will be around 50% (like a normal flu-vaccine). In the US, many polls show that only around 50% of the population will be willing to get it. So you are looking at an effective inoculation rate around 25%. Point is COVID ain't going away, and people are pushed to the brink already.

This sounds fucking terrible, but I'm not sure permanently harming the economy, putting millions out of work, having millions homeless, millions food insecure, and more, is worth the 3% that may die, or potential healthcare facilities being overwhelmed. If you are sick stay home. If you are at risk stay home. If you need a hospital hopefully a bed is available. This is the best we can do. We cannot stay shutdown, we cannot stagnate the economy and kill business, we cannot shatter everyone's ability to make a living and support their children. If we try to do this, it will fail.

What if we completely removed protective measures? Infection rate would rapidly increase, more and more people got sick quickly, leaving empty work places. Who is going to run that restaurant, if your chef is dying in hospital bed? Or who is going to work at that factory, if your workers are sick and cant show up. I wonder, maybe there would be even harder impact on bussiness, if infection rate was faster? I am not 100% sure. But i agree with you, situation is really shitty. We have vaccine from common flu for nearly 100 years, yet we didnt get rid of it after all these years. Covid wont magically dissapear over night once vaccine is ready. We will have to adapt. Wearing a mask or disinfecting your hands doesnt hurt anyone, yet some people refuse to do that on principle.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke
DarthSki44 wrote:

Hell I can't even remember the last time I went into a store. It's all been Amazon and curbside pick-up.

It's rare that I do because most of the places where I am are owned/operated by idiots.

Am I calling anti-maskers idiots? Yes, I am.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Last edited by The_Impeacher on Oct 24, 2020, 9:47:34 PM
Toshis8 wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:

I don't mean to try and imply your are being naïve, but unfortunately it doesn't have to do with "understanding" or "being careful". NOTHING prevents COVID. All you can do is reduce risk as much as possible. People do understand this. They just choose to weigh the risk in their actions. Sure there are some nutballs you see on a plane acting insane, or purposely filming themselves defiantly walking into a Walmart to make a point and get views on Insta/Facebook. This isn't the situation for Millions of Americans (and likely the entire world as COVID surges again).

From a personal standpoint, I live in IL, just outside Chicago. Our Governor is & has been, very strict, and currently you cannot even indoor dine in many cities in the State. It might snow over this weekend into Monday/Tuesday, and outdoor dining won't be possible any longer into the winter. It's likely in a month or two we will be looking at a near complete elimination of the entire food & bar industry in a massive American City. Hundreds of thousands will be out of work. If you are a bar owner, or small restaurant owner, what do you do? Do you defy the mandate from the Governor and stay open, or do you throw away your whole life and go out of business?

I don't want to be too pessimistic here, but I am cynical. I do think there is a very large chance that you see a revolt against COVID-19 restrictions as people face real, life changing, decisions as this drags on. There will be a breaking point, I just don't know exactly where it will begin. Wearing a mask helps reduce spread, but it doesn't keep your employer in business. Staying home keeps Grandma alive, but being evicted from your house puts your kids on the street.

I don't have good answers to any of this. It's likely we will have a vaccine in 2021, and that it's effective rate will be around 50% (like a normal flu-vaccine). In the US, many polls show that only around 50% of the population will be willing to get it. So you are looking at an effective inoculation rate around 25%. Point is COVID ain't going away, and people are pushed to the brink already.

This sounds fucking terrible, but I'm not sure permanently harming the economy, putting millions out of work, having millions homeless, millions food insecure, and more, is worth the 3% that may die, or potential healthcare facilities being overwhelmed. If you are sick stay home. If you are at risk stay home. If you need a hospital hopefully a bed is available. This is the best we can do. We cannot stay shutdown, we cannot stagnate the economy and kill business, we cannot shatter everyone's ability to make a living and support their children. If we try to do this, it will fail.

What if we completely removed protective measures? Infection rate would rapidly increase, more and more people got sick quickly, leaving empty work places. Who is going to run that restaurant, if your chef is dying in hospital bed? Or who is going to work at that factory, if your workers are sick and cant show up. I wonder, maybe there would be even harder impact on bussiness, if infection rate was faster? I am not 100% sure. But i agree with you, situation is really shitty. We have vaccine from common flu for nearly 100 years, yet we didnt get rid of it after all these years. Covid wont magically dissapear over night once vaccine is ready. We will have to adapt. Wearing a mask or disinfecting your hands doesnt hurt anyone, yet some people refuse to do that on principle.

I'm not sure anyone of any remote intelligence is suggesting no protective measures, but rather some of what we have in place is arbitrary, and overbearing. I wear a mask everywhere in public. Most people do. But should my local restaurant be forced to operate at 25%, or limited to outdoor only? What the hell is that owner supposed to do? Even with masks they can't run a business like that, and it does nothing but promote fear in the community.

Hell, they tried to open up movie theatres for the Tenet release, and nobody showed up. Hollywood and the industry is literally on standby for god knows how long after that disaster. AMC and Regal will likely be totally bankrupt by January 2021.

IMO Some restrictions have to be relaxed or we are looking at permanent damage to the economy. And not just one section either. I mean think about it. Airlines, Rental Cars, Tourist sites, Entertainment, Dining, on and on. In Chicago we have fine restaurants that have been in business for 40+ years simply closing down, and the owners taking the hit and retiring. Commercial real estate is plummeting, because the business that are already collapsed have no replacements. Once the banks call on those larger owners, you will have entire strip malls and businesses parks empty and foreclosed. If the Banks can't absorb these losses...well that's a financial catastrophe that makes 2008 housing & crash look like a trip to Disney (which btw is about to close again to the public)

Again no good answers to anything. But what is happening now is not sustainable.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on Oct 24, 2020, 10:16:26 PM
As someone who worked in health care during the SARS crisis, I can speak from firsthand observation to how important it is to do what you can before it comes down to "do what you must".

But I'm only one person and anecdata has been perfectly useless in forming or reforming public opinion, and rightly so. You are better off looking at excess deaths, confirmed cases, presumptive cases, and long-term disability measured against degree of containment measures against airborne transmission.

If you trust the data that suggests covering your face and/or staying away from other people, then cover your face and stay away from other people. Even if it seems like virtue signalling, it may convince others who are in doubt about the data to cover up and stay home.

Which makes the absolute deniers, willfully ignorant, and sociopaths stick out all the more because they still aren't doing the right thing.

You want this. You want peer pressure to work against them. Many of the maskless are acutely self-conscious about what others think, and may be following the anti-mask herd to fit in. If mask people happen to become the larger herd, they will likely follow suit.

[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
Basic human nature doesn't change, but our concept of society, family, community...those definitely change.

Just wait until the aliens arrive. Then you'll see an unprecedented unity amongst humankind, guaranfuckinteed. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Basic human nature doesn't change, but our concept of society, family, community...those definitely change.

Just wait until the aliens arrive. Then you'll see an unprecedented unity amongst humankind, guaranfuckinteed.

hmmm...someone once said the below:

“Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on Oct 25, 2020, 4:43:51 AM
Just wait until the aliens arrive. Then you'll see an unprecedented unity amongst humankind, guaranfuckinteed.

An entertaining thought but humanity would be doomed if that happened. Aliens arriving to earth implies they have the technology to travel between galaxies, which is far beyond the current human civilization can even comprehend.
Huh. Couldn't keep it on y'all's pants, could you? How long before this thread is locked like the other one? =^[.]^=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie

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