Path of Exile: Heist Balance Manifesto

And again nerf for summoners. Why? There is nearly NO PVP, wh even nerf it? If someone wants to play on easy mode - let them!

For fucks sake, i want to play an action rpg, and not a friggin calculator.
lame nerfs. why not buff haste aura? it is also weak
Holy shit this was painful to read. It blows my mind how little knowledge of the game this "balance" team has.
Everything that got nerfed (literally everything listed in this thread, besides sentries and assassin) was used by the players in the top 20 in china and gauntlet races to stay alive (builds that are uncapable of anything besides staying alive), while in the ACTUAL game, not hcssf bullshit, it is picked ~24% of the times in casual builds that are faaaar away from being strong and should never be touched or even looked at. None of those changes will have any impact on the actual game, so its fine for me, its just hilarious how you make changes in your game while looking at 0.1% streamer playerbase (LITERALLY), because you lack the game knowledge to think of something yourself. And meantime things that are actually broken and should've been executed ages ago, remain untouched (havent seen the patch notes yet obviously but I am 100% sure they will remain that way).
And the assassin "nerf" is funny too. Yes, undoubtedly, assassin is extremely powerful right now, dominating over many other ascendancy classes. We want him to become less dominant, whats the best way to achieve that ? Reduce crit chance and multi in his ascendancy ? Exactly, bravo ! A dps loss that can be COMPLETELY compensated by taking 1 extra jewel slot on your tree ! Now I am never playing that shit again.

Good job !
The Mirror of Kalandra :
1st - 5th May, 2020 18:32
2nd - 28th April, 2021 04:25
Is that a joke for spellslinger ?

I mean, necromancer spellslinger dd - vd is really strong and needs a nerf, ok.
But :
- necromancer is really strong even without spellslinger,
- vd and dd are really strong even without spellslinger,
- spellslinger whitout dd - vd - necromancer aren't top tier but still fun.

So why nerfing spellslinger instead of vd / dd / necromancer ? You left the top tier part untouched and nerfed the fun part...
What is the purpose of the Critical tag ? Nothing in the game interacts with it anymore. Do you plan to add a new fossil or something else to help with the crafting ?
Its okay nerfing the Harvest and acceptable that this thing was over tuned, and some of us use the mechanic really well, but destroying my beloved character and nerfing that one multiple times feels like you arent able to make monsters more stronger NOPE instead you nerf just a character to the death.

Like that i wont play heist, thank you for shortening my game time and money spend :)
Anybody else need some floaties for the sea of tears?

Play something different, learn different mechanics, and stop playing the FOTM.
So only nerfs and no significant buff? Just great.
Why not just to create two standard leagues: for beginners and for professional players? player selects difficulty: normal/hard, e.g. making monster life/damage 100% increased in hard vs normal, instead of constant nerfs.

How about buffing forgotten and unpopular skills, e.g. warchief totem?
There once was an exile who found a map of infinite doctors.

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